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Poll: how many of your wear control underwear/corsets/spanx etc most days?

52 replies

Aubergines · 01/11/2009 15:51

Just wondering really. Since having DC2 I have taken to wearing spanx everyday as it stops the wobbly bits, well, wobbling. I don't actually like the feeling of not wearing them anymore as I am used to the snug held-in feel.

Is it odd to wear this stuff even on stay at home with the kids days? Or do we all do it?

My aunt thinks its an affront to feminism.

OP posts:
herjazz · 02/11/2009 19:21

I wear them to do an instant barry bethel

Prolly why they NEED to be far too small and capable of damage

trixymalixy · 02/11/2009 21:21

I am at the moment as I have just had a baby and they are good for breastfeeding as they cover my tummy when I pull my top up!!

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