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Dry and chapped hands - what to do...

10 replies

nocluemum · 22/10/2009 20:19

I have a baby and toddler and am forever washing my hands and never seem to dry them properly as they are starting to get really dry and chapped as the weather gets cooler. Is hand cream in abundance ie after every hand wash the answer or is there something else. If it is handcream what does anyone recommend....

OP posts:
bigchris · 22/10/2009 20:20

vaseline intensive care handcream worked for me

brimfull · 22/10/2009 20:21

body shop hemp hand cream is the dogs bollocks of hand creams and I have tried loads

MrsHappy · 22/10/2009 20:22

Norwegian formula.
I know a few surgeons who use it (and they have to wash their hands a lot).

policywonk · 22/10/2009 20:22

I was going to say Body Shop Hemp Hand cream too, although of course BS are now owned by Nestle...

Montifer · 22/10/2009 20:23

If you're feeling a bit flush Elizabeth Arden 8 hour hand cream is fab

brimfull · 22/10/2009 20:26

As a nurse I wash my hands a million times a day and body shop hemp is fab at the end of the day.

fishie · 22/10/2009 20:28

bs hemp smells horrible though. l'occitane shea butter is fantastic.

i am currently using this watkins stuff i got it in a chemist in deepest wales.

brimfull · 22/10/2009 20:51

no it doesn't

nocluemum · 24/10/2009 21:02

thanks for all your suggestions. have become religously anal about using new hand lotion and it seems to be working.

OP posts:
SixtyFootGhoul · 24/10/2009 21:09

DS has eczema on his hads use aqueaous cream - lanolin free so non drying

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