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By day I wear nice, considered clothes and take pride in looking decent, by night I become scarecrow-mum! (LOVELY NIGHTWEAR NEEDED!)

29 replies

AngelinaJolly · 13/10/2009 22:55

Day-wear: knitted dresses and opaques, tunic tops and skinny jeans, the odd cashmere cardi/ V-neck.

Night-wear: ancient yoga/ gym T shirts, PJ trousers that last fitted me when I was 7 months pregnant (18months ago) with bobbles on the bobbles, anything horribly misshapen, saggy, baggy or faded and socks that they give you free on long haul flights when it's cold (last flight was 3 years ago) {blush].

Please help me end this terrible double life- and show me some lovely, nice quality, comfy and warm (and stylish) sleepwear.

OP posts:
cremolafoam · 14/10/2009 00:03

thats going to keep me awake

LetThemEatCake · 14/10/2009 00:09

I do believe one dry cleans a cashmere sock

Personally, I handwash (or put in pillowcase on the handwash cycle)

Got some lovely long, warm angora socks from m&s last week, £10 for a pack of two. I wear them under boots but they'd not be out of place dans le boudoir.....

AngelinaJolly · 14/10/2009 09:09

J'aimerais beaucoup les angora socks merci! Will have a look in M&S next time I'm oop toon.

OP posts:
OurLadyOfPerpetualSupper · 14/10/2009 14:30

Sorry by BDN I meant the site I linked to: - lacy thermal vests.

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