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By day I wear nice, considered clothes and take pride in looking decent, by night I become scarecrow-mum! (LOVELY NIGHTWEAR NEEDED!)

29 replies

AngelinaJolly · 13/10/2009 22:55

Day-wear: knitted dresses and opaques, tunic tops and skinny jeans, the odd cashmere cardi/ V-neck.

Night-wear: ancient yoga/ gym T shirts, PJ trousers that last fitted me when I was 7 months pregnant (18months ago) with bobbles on the bobbles, anything horribly misshapen, saggy, baggy or faded and socks that they give you free on long haul flights when it's cold (last flight was 3 years ago) {blush].

Please help me end this terrible double life- and show me some lovely, nice quality, comfy and warm (and stylish) sleepwear.

OP posts:
OurLadyOfPerpetualSupper · 14/10/2009 14:30

Sorry by BDN I meant the site I linked to: - lacy thermal vests.

AngelinaJolly · 14/10/2009 09:09

J'aimerais beaucoup les angora socks merci! Will have a look in M&S next time I'm oop toon.

OP posts:
LetThemEatCake · 14/10/2009 00:09

I do believe one dry cleans a cashmere sock

Personally, I handwash (or put in pillowcase on the handwash cycle)

Got some lovely long, warm angora socks from m&s last week, £10 for a pack of two. I wear them under boots but they'd not be out of place dans le boudoir.....

cremolafoam · 14/10/2009 00:03

thats going to keep me awake

AngelinaJolly · 13/10/2009 23:57

BDN = Beverage Data Network / Bangor Daily News / Boden ???

OP posts:
BettyTurnip · 13/10/2009 23:44

Nope, couldn't see my DH in it

cremolafoam · 13/10/2009 23:42


BettyTurnip · 13/10/2009 23:41

Who in their right mind would spend £80 on a nightie?

cremolafoam · 13/10/2009 23:34

and I've been looking everywhere fro a loon jean

OurLadyOfPerpetualSupper · 13/10/2009 23:34

Check out the lace-trimmed vests at BDN as well - it's where I get my ski thermals from don't you know.

But you can wear them all winter under v-necked jumpers with the lace just showing (obviously I wash them between wears).

LaurieFairyCake · 13/10/2009 23:31

this used to be the pyjama room but is now called Me and Em

AngelinaJolly · 13/10/2009 23:30

"Peter Pan Collar" 'nuff said

OP posts:
cremolafoam · 13/10/2009 23:25

ooh angelina now you're talking

AngelinaJolly · 13/10/2009 23:24

Cremolafoam- GENIUS! Night to school wear

OurLady- phew, brushed flannel fetish over, those PJs are lovely. How come the Italians get it so right? Honestly M&S is pathetic in comparison!

OP posts:
cremolafoam · 13/10/2009 23:20

some vavavoom

AngelinaJolly · 13/10/2009 23:20

Oh God, I think I'm developing a fetish for old-fashioned brushed cotton PJ with roses printed on them. Is this wrong for a woman in her mid-30s?

LTEC- I do believe you can purr! Will defo ditch the aeroplane socks- once I have bought some alternatives. (How does one wash cashmere socks BTW?)

OP posts:
OurLadyOfPerpetualSupper · 13/10/2009 23:18 Nice 'jarmies with a wrap cardi over the top.

cremolafoam · 13/10/2009 23:18

and you wouldn't look adisgrace on the school run

cremolafoam · 13/10/2009 23:15

arf I knowwwwww. like hooves

cremolafoam · 13/10/2009 23:14

pink camellia

AngelinaJolly · 13/10/2009 23:13

cremolafoam- I like Charlotte, thanks, but LOL at down filled booties.

LaurieFC- LOL at mules. I so wish I could raise one eyebrow- have tried all my life but alas my forehead muscles just won't do it. Could I just get away with tapping my talons on my crystal G&T tumbler??

OP posts:
cremolafoam · 13/10/2009 23:12

lazy me


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LetThemEatCake · 13/10/2009 23:11

well you probably know my feelings about socks for the bedroom

Ditch the flight socks, for sure!!!!

AngelinaJolly · 13/10/2009 23:08

llareggu- I would sleep naked but it's far to cold now and DH nicks the covers.

For ages I have not spent anything on sleepwear- I always think I'd rather buy a nice dress etc. However tonight I realised I really do look like a scarecrow. V old faded PJ bottoms that have grown a few dress sizes and keep falling down and pathetic old grey T that is so thin you could spit through it (as my mum would say!) And the flight socks!

OP posts:
LaurieFairyCake · 13/10/2009 23:04

silk 'Autograph' at M&S nightdresses - about £40 each. Buy 7 and lie around insouciantly with an eyebrow raised.

Get a matching silk dressing gown too and some of those whore fluffy mules

£25 for a satin one - guess the christmas silk ones aren't out yet

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