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having never worn a fleece before,am i missing out are they really that comfortable?

35 replies

CarrieDababi · 04/09/2009 15:02

all this hoo haa about fleeces makes me want to try one

so what's so good about them?

are you lot on about the cardi like zip up ones or the ones like jumpers?

OP posts:
CarrieDababi · 05/09/2009 19:25

excellent clip sassy.

OP posts:
sassy · 05/09/2009 08:17

watch and laugh folks, its my fave apprentice moment once again

TheDMshouldbeRivened · 05/09/2009 08:10

I look gorgeous in mine Beryl

lynniep · 05/09/2009 07:52

Have to say I'm a fleece person in winter, but only one of the fleeces I own actually is actually nice and thats my Bench fleece. Its also the best because its long-length so it comes down to my thighs and keeps my backside warm, has long sleeves to cover my hands, and a high neck.

Sadly its also much too small for me at the moment (well I am 30wks pg!) and I probably wont fit back into it for many many months!

Its simliar to this one

EldonAve · 05/09/2009 07:47

I need a new one as last year's North Face one went really bobbly
Looked in Westfield but nothing suitable

any online suggestions?

BerylCole · 05/09/2009 07:36

If you're walking your dog or something - fine. I have never seen anyone, ever look nice in one, though.

CheerfulYank · 05/09/2009 07:31

I love me some fleece , but you must replace them every so often or they become hideous.

Carrie, I am pmsl at the example you provided...never seen such a horror!

zenlikecalm · 05/09/2009 07:12

They are a lot easier to wash, just throw in machine, and dry very easily compared with knitwear, lighter and warmer, and easier on sensitve skin.

I agree that it takes work to get ones that look nice, but IME they last longer than knits which I soon ruin trying to wash.

My kids have stacks of unworn knitwear from knitting rellies, because the few fleeces get worn so much and they prefer them.

mathanxiety · 05/09/2009 06:30

I am trying to imagine it now >. No, brain hurts too much; I fear permanent damage to my mind's eye.

CarrieDababi · 04/09/2009 20:25

MA, you could make an entire outfit out of it

don't you think it would make a great skirt!

OP posts:
mathanxiety · 04/09/2009 20:14

CarrieDaBabi You can buy fabric like that in the US and go to all the trouble of making one...

NoahFence · 04/09/2009 19:05


Slubberdegullion · 04/09/2009 19:00

:things: are um, I dunno do I? I am only [things] now.

nappyzoneisback · 04/09/2009 18:58

that is disgusting - who would wear that?

NoahFence · 04/09/2009 18:57

lol at sluibber
hey slubbs how are :things:

CarrieDababi · 04/09/2009 18:54

i used to think they where all like this!here

OP posts:
Slubberdegullion · 04/09/2009 18:54

Northface and berghaus are pretty good. If you go to somewhere like Black's they have a fairly good selection.

I am currently sporting the most hideously fugly fleece you can possibly imagine. A gift from my FIL it is the Australian Rugby Union official fleece (circa 2003) in BRIGHT heinous yellow with bottle green piping. It makes me look like I have end stage liver failure.

It is my mning of an evening fleece of choice.

nappyzoneisback · 04/09/2009 18:52

mine is craghopper - lovely smooth fleece - i saw some in a walking shop for £40 ish but then found them new on ebay for about £15. Berghaus is another good brand but expensive. My regatta jobby went nasty, stiff and bitty after a few washes.

Bibithree · 04/09/2009 18:48

I need a fleece hoodie/hooded jacket for outdoorsy walks on the beach etc when it's cold but not raining, for them I will wear my outdoorsy rain jacket.

Which brands are thin, lightweight and good quality? I feel so wrong asking that on MN!

mmrsceptic · 04/09/2009 18:43

they make your hair go all static

Overmydeadbody · 04/09/2009 18:42

You absolutely cannot lump all fleeces together any more than you can lump all jumpers together or all trousers together.

Fleece is the fabric. The actualy garments come in all shapes and sizes and some are hideausly ugly and shapeless (even sporting cute cats etc all over them) while others are perfectly stylish for outdoor clothes.

I have a fleecy hoodie and a close fitting zip up one. Indispensible for camping and climbing and general outdoor activities in this cold country.

nappyzoneisback · 04/09/2009 18:42

cheap ones i find can go bitty or mishshaped but i too like them. I am currently sat wearing a craghopper jumper one with a zip top bit like mathanxiety described to wear collar up or down - windproof and warm. A bit sporty looking. I dont care whether stylish or not they are me and im all snug.


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woodenchair · 04/09/2009 18:37

I bought a cheap one from asda (£5 I think) last year just to see if I would wear it. It's a close fitting one, which I think look much better than baggy loose ones imo.

It's really handy when it's a bit cold in the house.

Slubberdegullion · 04/09/2009 18:35

It is quite hard to 'kill' a fleece tbh. You have to accidentally set fire them to justify chucking them out.

As my dh would say they remain 'perfectly serviceable' for eons

TheDMshouldbeRivened · 04/09/2009 18:32

mine is about 10 years old and a bit tatty now. But I'm still wearing it.

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