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would you ever ever, even in you fashion craziest moment consister wearing...

21 replies

chevre · 12/07/2009 12:35

a towelling bikini?

OP posts:
chevre · 12/07/2009 16:18

i don't know soupdragon she might catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror and wet herself with excitment, i know i would if i looked like that.

i tried to get some towelling material to make beachwear for dd but it is remarkably hard to get hold of

OP posts:
LovelyRitaMeterMaid · 12/07/2009 16:14

I had a knitted bikini when I was about 5. My gran knitted it. I think it would have been all right, but it was made of grey wool.

SoupDragon · 12/07/2009 16:14

I don't think that model has Tena Lady moments.

Flibbertyjibbet · 12/07/2009 16:13

Oh phew, x posts with other 1970's towelling aficionados.

Flibbertyjibbet · 12/07/2009 16:12

I have

But in my defence, it was 1973, we were on a caravan holiday in Rhyl and my mum had made me and my 3 sisters each a snazzy towelling bikini with groovy plastic ring detail at the sides of the pants and the middle of the top....

(not that I had anything for the top I was 9)

God those pants were saggy and full of sand after 2 mins, but it WAS pre-lycra in those days

(these days I hanker after one of those all in one victorian thingies )

fishie · 12/07/2009 16:11

i had a yellow one in the 70s too. i think it is lovely and would wear it like a shot if i was bikini appropriate

twoluvlykids · 12/07/2009 16:06

I;m with BunnyLebowski, and if I looked like that model, I'd happily do the weekly shop in that towelling bikini.

I'm sure I had a towelling bikini when I was a child (late 60s). When there was nothing to sag.

bronze · 12/07/2009 16:04

I dont wear bikinis but as they go that one looks quite cool

AbricotsSecs · 12/07/2009 15:51

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BunnyLebowski · 12/07/2009 15:49

If I looked like her in the ad I would!

chevre · 12/07/2009 14:06

oh v. cool mrsmm.

towelling was obligatory in the 70's on the beach but i like to think fabric technology has advanced beyond saggy bucket full of water toweling pants

OP posts:
mrsmaidamess · 12/07/2009 13:16

I had a turquiose one when I was 6 with a tortoiseshell ring between the 'cups'

LilyAllensThirdNipple · 12/07/2009 13:07

oh its very retro

chevre · 12/07/2009 12:55

snort @ tena lady potential

OP posts:
Sagacious · 12/07/2009 12:49

I fear my crochet bikini days are behind me
But thanks for the offer chevre

ISWYM about the towelling it would be a bit um absorbant.. perhaps its marketed for the slightly more mature tena lady market.

beanieb · 12/07/2009 12:45

I love the syle of that bikini so it being toweling probably wouldn't put me off.

chevre · 12/07/2009 12:44

i have a pattern for crocheting a bikini if you feel the need for one now sag.

i just think towelling is a bit weirdy for a bikini. i just imagine it would look fluffy and fill with water and sand.

OP posts:
Sagacious · 12/07/2009 12:40

Mind you I had a hand crochet bikini when I was 6

[born in the 70's emoticon]

Sagacious · 12/07/2009 12:39

I like it

southeastastra · 12/07/2009 12:39

my sister had a brown one in the 70s

LaurieFairyCake · 12/07/2009 12:37

I'm not really 'up' on bikini styles but I can't see anything wrong with wearing a towelling on

I'm more of an all-in-one suit for fatty's though so I know nothing

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