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How do you know what you actually look like?

57 replies

MrsSeanBean · 22/06/2009 21:43

This might seem like an odd question, but I never seem to be able to relate what I see in the mirror to reality.

I wish I could view a photo - or see another person - and know that 'that's about the size I am'.

Does anyone else know what I mean? Would it help if we all posted photos and truthfully said I was size --- here?

OP posts:
frAKKINPannikin · 23/06/2009 13:17

Brittany Murphy (71%), Claudia Schiffer (67%), Cameron Diaz (62%)

And then Peter Sellers!

Also 59% like J.Lo - I look nothing like her at all!

brokenspacebar · 23/06/2009 11:05

I am 62% like Audrey Tatou and 60% like David Spade (who?) and 59% like Anjelica Houston - I am gorgeous obviously lol.

notamumyetbutoneday · 23/06/2009 08:13

ha ha ha ha ha I got Holly Valance!!!!! Let me assure you I look NOTHING like the Australian babe that is Holly Valance. Oh that has made me laugh.

ByThePowerOfGreyskull · 22/06/2009 22:51

oooh sophia Loren and Greta Garbo!!!
and someone called brande roderick??

I am now totally chuffed

janeite · 22/06/2009 22:38

Just done dp and it says he is a combination of Paula Abdul and Christie Turlington!

MrsSeanBean · 22/06/2009 22:37

Just scanned a pic of DH and result is Neil Diamond, Laura Bush and Kenneth Branagh!!

OP posts:
alicecrail · 22/06/2009 22:35

Oh, she was a Bond girl! I can live with that

rookiemater · 22/06/2009 22:34

I think I'm developing a small crush on you MrsSB, rookie flicks back effete hair, blushes, and coughs in a toffish way into her handkerchief.

MrsSeanBean · 22/06/2009 22:31

Well it may be some comfort Rookie, that I just did another pic and the result was Dennis Quaid!!!!

OP posts:
rookiemater · 22/06/2009 22:31

OOh much better, Rachel Stevens this time...

alicecrail · 22/06/2009 22:27

62% Sophie Marceou apparently - who is that?

The male equivalent was Yun Chow Fat!! Says it all really.

rookiemater · 22/06/2009 22:26

Well thats fine for you to say Mrs Claudia Schiffer.... ( off to find more photos to see if I can at least get top match on a female)

rookiemater · 22/06/2009 22:25

Actually I'm 67% Hugh Grant, but 66% Kyra Sedgewick. Thats not so bad, she is kind of attractive in an unattractive offbeat sort of way.

Is it Macaulay Culkin as a grown up ? Surely that should be off because of trade description, as starring in one hit film about 20 years ago shouldn't classify him as a celebrity.

MrsSeanBean · 22/06/2009 22:25

But Hugh Grant is very good looking Rookie...(IMO) in an effeminate sort of way...

OP posts:
no1putsbabyinthecorner · 22/06/2009 22:24

I do this to dh too.
It says I look like Melinda Clark??
Don't know who she to google

janeite · 22/06/2009 22:24

Just done it again with another pic.

Yehudi Menuhin - old man - never heard of him combined with Kate Blanchett! Weird Think I prefer dp's description!

giddykipper · 22/06/2009 22:22

I'd rather look like Hugh Grant than Macaulay Culkin

rookiemater · 22/06/2009 22:21

Oh I just did the face recognition thing.

Apparently I look like Hugh Grant .

Which would be fine if I was a man.

Now I feel worse about my looks than ever.

MrsSeanBean · 22/06/2009 22:21

Hope you were pleasantly surprised Debi?

OP posts:
giddykipper · 22/06/2009 22:19

61% Chloe Sevigny

59% Macaulay Culkin

DebiNewberry · 22/06/2009 22:18

Yes, I have no idea. Was on stepper at gym recently and saw the back of myself in a sort of diagonal mirror, except i didn't realise it was me for ages...!

MrsSeanBean · 22/06/2009 22:17

Ooh Kelly Preston was on my list as well Trinity - we must look alike! (Wasn't she John Travolta's partner/ wife at one time?)

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janeite · 22/06/2009 22:17

Thanks for the link.

Carrie Fisher allegedly - hmmmm.

GrimmaTheNome · 22/06/2009 22:16

I hate trying on clothes because some lardy shortarse always seems to invade my changing room, whereas I have photographic evidence that I am small but perfectly formed. OK, its from 20 years ago but surely I haven't changed since then?

TrinityRhino · 22/06/2009 22:16

apparently my husband looks liks Josh Holloway

that'll explain wanting to screw Sawyer then

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