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Wedding guest outfit...please come and talk to me.

32 replies

shhhh · 03/06/2009 20:40

Im a day guest to a wedding.

I have fallen in love with this....I have bought a pearl short length necklace to go with. Now just need a bag and shoes...

Im keen to add colour and to wear funky shoes/bag (by that I mean in a bright colour..I have fuschia pink shoes which are divine) BUT dh think cream/neutral colours are better.

Ideas please. Colour or neutral and colour suggestions please. TIA. X

OP posts:
shhhh · 03/06/2009 20:42 I ok wearing cream to a wedding..?
Its a cival ceremony and the couple have been married before (one half anyway..)

OP posts:
JackieNo · 03/06/2009 20:44

Hmm - lovely dress, but not sure about the colour. Is it really cream, only it's described as 'snow white' on the link? Personally I'd be inclined to steer clear of white or cream, but that might just be me.

nancy75 · 03/06/2009 20:46

sorry, nice dress but i wouldnt wear it for a wedding, would look for something in another colour

oranges · 03/06/2009 20:48

i wouldn't either, but if you do, add colour. NOT cream shoes.

francagoestohollywood · 03/06/2009 20:53

It is ok to dress in cream at weddings... here in Italy though . I'd go for silver sandals.

Tillyscoutsmum · 03/06/2009 20:53

I'm not sure I'd wear white/cream to a wedding..... I'd be more inclined to go for the black with bright (fuschia) accessories

JackieNo · 03/06/2009 20:55

Maybe with a coloured jacket/cardigan over it, to add a large-ish block of colour.

Though I have to say, I think your DH is right - paler colours would look nice with it. If I was on a magazine, I'd be calling them 'sorbet' colours - pale lemon, purple, very pale pink, duck egg, those sorts of colours.

JackieNo · 03/06/2009 20:55

(obviously not all those colours together )

oranges · 03/06/2009 20:58

sorbet colours are a nice idea - colour without seeming too harsh.

shhhh · 03/06/2009 21:05

ah if I do wear it then i need to add colour as pastals and not bright..

Ok,will hav a look for the colours mentioned. Im a pink person BUT prefer bright pink as others make me seem to wishy washy iykwim...

Like duck egg blue

So cream is ok to wear...(i love the dress so much, thats all im listening to ) BTW the colour is cream..

Hmm silver...not sure if silver would go..? Maybe gold..? dunno why, just seems with the necklace that gold would compliment it.? No..?

OP posts:
francagoestohollywood · 03/06/2009 21:13

mmmmmmm from what I can see from the pics I'd say that silver could go quite well, quite romantic etc.
But if in RL it's more cream, then yes, gold would cretainly work.

But I love the duck egg blue suggestion too...

JackieNo · 03/06/2009 21:23

I think you could probably do duck egg and gold together.

JackieNo · 03/06/2009 21:28

Not, not, not this colour, but this sort of shape - kind of cropped boxy shape.

JackieNo · 03/06/2009 21:32

Actually, maybe this Boden coat in the aqua. But it depends how the length of it is with the dress.

shhhh · 03/06/2009 21:37

ohhh jackieno, thats a lovely coat .

Now off to find other duck egg accessories..

OP posts:
JackieNo · 03/06/2009 21:46

Hmm - Duck egg and silver shoes? I still think gold might be better than silver though.

JackieNo · 03/06/2009 21:49

This says it's duck egg, but looks a bit dark to me.
scarf (but no way of telling if it's gold or silver sparkle)
Another scarf, not sure if it's formal enough though.

shhhh · 03/06/2009 21:52

Not keen on the 1st shoes...look at bit (dare I say it...) old for me..

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shhhh · 03/06/2009 21:56

these but more turquoise than duck egg..?

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JackieNo · 03/06/2009 21:59

Mmm - I know what you mean. They're a bit 'Come Dancing' aren't they .

Nice shape jacket but still a bit dark.

JackieNo · 03/06/2009 22:00

Those Faith ones are pretty bright, I think.

shhhh · 03/06/2009 22:09

Yeah, jacket is nice..

Yeah,shoes are more turquoise I shopping tomorrow so will have a look.

Hmmmmmmm... saw some gorgeous cream ones in Dune yesterday. still keen on cream..

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shhhh · 03/06/2009 22:15

what about ...


Tried on yesterday...

OP posts:
shhhh · 03/06/2009 22:16

could I not get away with these...?? pleeeaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...


OP posts:
JackieNo · 03/06/2009 22:19

Those first gold wedges might work (well, gold and silver, so covers all options). The second link didn't work for me.

I have to say I reckon the black ones are just too much for the dress. They're night out shoes, not wedding ones, but it's you who's wearing them, not me .

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