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Colours which always 'go' together

22 replies

touareg · 28/01/2009 08:49

Help me please! I am stuck in a black / dull colours rut.

However, in desperation the other day I wore a green dress and put blue t shirt underneath, which looked OK. So, do blue and green always work well together? I have noticed that blue and yellow sometimes look ok too (on other people).

Are there any other combinations which are 'safe' or always look nice? Please tell me what works for you.

OP posts:
fishie · 28/01/2009 08:51

get your colours done! will revolutionise you.

touareg · 28/01/2009 08:52

I can't afford that fishie, a nice idea though. Was hoping mumsnet could give me some free ideas!

OP posts:
SimpleAsABC · 28/01/2009 08:52

where can u actually get ur colours done?

i thought they only said that on bridget jones!!

SimpleAsABC · 28/01/2009 08:52

sorry *your, i'm in a rushy frame of mind!

brimfull · 28/01/2009 08:53

I am wearing a teal green vest and blue v-neck today,I have loads of clothes those colours so it's easy to mix and match

red and brown or variations of also work well

navy and purple
grey and navy

the list is endless

I avoid black and white or black any other bright colour as it looks shite on me.

BoysAreLikeDogs · 28/01/2009 08:53

Dark Denim and white t shirt

Green and blue can be good

Purple and black v dramatic

Pink and turquoise - not the wishy washy but bold

In fact most colours if worn with confidence will look fine

except yellow

fishie · 28/01/2009 08:54

ok well if green and blue look nice but yellow is better on other people then we have a start. how about red and navy or grey?

i got mine done at house of colour, worth every penny as i have (almost) stopped buying 'bargains' which don't suit me.

Juditbeauty · 28/01/2009 10:41

Hello touareg, I can give you some avice on colouring,(look at my profile) I need to know your
-hair colour,
-skin tone,
-eyes colour
than I can give you a rough idea. )

motherlovebone · 28/01/2009 10:42

as you already have black, try teaming black and navy or black and brown to start.

as Boys said, dont use a washed out colour with a bold one.

TsarChasm · 28/01/2009 10:46

I love pale grey. It looks good with lots of colours even white.

SoMuchToBits · 28/01/2009 10:48

I think one of the most important things is to put colours together which have the same sort of tones in them, e.g. I would use a cool pink with a blue, but not a warm, coral pink. I would use an olivey green with browns/gold, but not a cool, jadey green. Hope this makes sense.

SilentTerror · 28/01/2009 12:28

I love grey with purple or teal atm.

SimpleAsABC · 28/01/2009 12:51

How much does it cost to "get colours done"?

Juditbeauty · 28/01/2009 14:43

There are two services
Individual colouring which is 1.5 hours:

  • introductin and identify your dominant colour group

-why certain shades complement your natural colourin more than others
-an assasment of the colours that suit you best and how to identify them
-how best to wear the colours that you already have
-combinations of colours to make your wardrobe more versatile
-advice and tips on make-up colours that suit you naturally
  • take away 42 colour swatch wallet to use as a guide when shopping

around 80pounds

colour paries which is similar, less deatailed for less money with your girlfriends having fun around 50pounds
sfxmum · 28/01/2009 14:51

sorry hijack but Judith you seem to be local to me can I email you?

Juditbeauty · 28/01/2009 14:56

hello,of course you can [email protected]

Juditbeauty · 28/01/2009 14:58

looking forward to hearing from you

sfxmum · 28/01/2009 15:00

thanks and apologies for hijack

KarlWrenbury · 28/01/2009 15:03

Judit are you a mate of ALohas?

zazen · 28/01/2009 15:14

Try this link Colour Lovers or this one Colour Mixers for a palette of complementary and contrasting colours.
I use this one a lot as I'm a designer Colour Wheel and need to know what goes with what!

Might give you an idea of how colours mix and match

For eg. I was told I am a Spring, and I usually wear navy instead of black. When I have a tan I can wear black without looking like I should have a stake through my heart.

Peachy or warm colours drain me and purples / pinks with a blue undertone give me a boost.
I wear a cherry red instead of a vermillion / orangey red - IF I'm going to wear red!


Juditbeauty · 28/01/2009 15:22

No I have never heard about aloha. Who is he or she?

Juditbeauty · 28/01/2009 15:36

you are welcome sfxmum


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