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What if you let yourself go 'fallow' for a year....what would happen?

40 replies

maidamess · 29/08/2008 08:53

I mean, all maintenance regimes put on hold.

I would....

Be growing a hair suit

have pubes like last years hanging baskets

Have grey and brown shiny roots with orangey dead frizzy ends

Be as pale as a baby mole, and flaky to boot

Doesn't bear thinking about

OP posts:
sarah293 · 29/08/2008 18:18

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SheikYerbouti · 29/08/2008 18:15

I have riven

My ladygargen is auditioning for ZZ Top next week

sarah293 · 29/08/2008 18:14

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smurfgirl · 29/08/2008 16:33

Weird patchy eyebrows.
Hairy legs/arm pits
Straggely hair
Feet like hooves


beanieb · 29/08/2008 16:23

not much!

Snaf · 29/08/2008 16:22

Doh. Horrible, aren't they?

BoysAreLikeDogs · 29/08/2008 16:17

Snaf see my post.

Snaf · 29/08/2008 16:16

Does anyone else get those random, really long, white eyebrow hairs? Denis Healey-style? They are about four times the length of normal eyebrow hairs and just... appear.

BoysAreLikeDogs · 29/08/2008 16:14


Attractive monobrow complete with stray white hairs

Proper beard/moustache combo

Knicker tarantulas

Dusty floors from all the dry skin


Snaf · 29/08/2008 16:12

I'd have to be shot with a silver bullet.

MrsTittleMouse · 29/08/2008 16:10

Oh boy, I just realised that I wouldn't look that different. I don't have my hair coloured, or even cut that often, I don't wear make-up. I suppose that I'm lucky that I only have to pluck the odd hair from my eyebrows and my underarm hair has given up the ghost from so much waxing. My legs would be hairier, but that's about it...

saramoon · 29/08/2008 16:06

Im laughing so much reading this thread, it is so funny - and true. I'm not particularly high maintenance but leave it all too long and i start to feel a bit grim.
I don't think i would look much different just prob older - are we talking no moisturiser and wrinkle cream - with a full on magnum pi mustache

watsthestory · 29/08/2008 14:01

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shhhh · 29/08/2008 13:59

shocked at how hairy some mner's really are .

Im "high maintenance" but only coz I choose to be.....I do fake tan and shave my bits,pits and legs so I guess they would be a bit more hairier..BUT other than being a bit paler (hey usually like that in winter anyway ) I wouldn't be any different....

My hair would prob be a darker brown instead of black...

jelliebelly · 29/08/2008 13:16

Being dark hair and pale skin I am very very hairy - am v.jealous of all you obviously fair types who can flippantly say "I don't bother with all that stuff" - how can you not bother when the hairs on your legs grow at least half a cm a week?????

FlightAttendent · 29/08/2008 13:10

Oh gosh that is so sad and sweet and funny!

I did have to do a double take before I realised you didn't write' it was the fourth day before we realised she was a man'


I am sure I will have to shave my own face when I get old. It will all come and bite me on the bum, as it were...

Anchovy · 29/08/2008 11:52
Majeika · 29/08/2008 11:07

LOL!! Dont be daft - I was laughing as was Mum when we went to see her!! (which wasnt funny but you know how awful things can be funny!!))

and it is my nightmare that I could be in a coma etc etc and all my hair would just grow and grow...............


Anchovy · 29/08/2008 11:05
Majeika · 29/08/2008 10:33

I remember when my Gran was in a coma and she got hairier by the day and it was on day 4 that we realised she used to shave her face every day! She had a full beard by the time she died!

If it wasnt so sad I would be ROFL!!!

I would have a few grey hairs, a full hair body suit (not really but it feels like it!), roseacea shining out like a beacon, flaky skin.....god, Im ugly!!

MamaFormerlyKnownAsGlam · 29/08/2008 10:32

A year? this would be me after a week

Lauriefairycake · 29/08/2008 10:31

I have 5 hairs around my nipple

if I let them grow it would be hilarious, one would poke out my cleavage.........


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Pinkjenny · 29/08/2008 10:31

I'd have a tache, monobrow and very hairy pits and legs. Probably dreadlocks by the end of a year. And I'd sit round and just eat.

CatIsSleepy · 29/08/2008 10:29

oh it doesn't bear thinking about
hair hair hair everywhere
i worry about the coma thing too

hecate · 29/08/2008 10:16

my face

my legs

my pits

my pubes

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