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It’s that time of year-hit me with your favourite factor 50 facial sunblock.

61 replies

OhWhatFuckeryIsThisNow · 13/04/2021 15:59

I’ve used Biore watery essence for the last few years, love it, but blimey the price has shot up. I liked it because it felt slightly powdery, no cast and non greasy or smelly. What should I get to replace it? Not too expensive, something I can wear as a primer.

OP posts:
latedecember1963 · 14/04/2021 11:14

I got this for DH and I to use on a 3 week trip to Australia.
A little goes a long way, doesn't bobble on the skin and didn't irritate our skin.

It’s that time of year-hit me with your favourite factor 50 facial sunblock.
OliverBabish · 14/04/2021 11:19

Hello Farmer, by a mile. I really feel like I’ve tried them all.

OliverBabish · 14/04/2021 11:20

Or perhaps that should’ve been Thank You Farmer 😂

Veronika13 · 14/04/2021 11:52

@luggageandbags this is the one. Sorry it looks mucky - as you can see I take it everywhere with me 😆

It’s that time of year-hit me with your favourite factor 50 facial sunblock.
Iwantcauliflowercheese · 14/04/2021 11:59

Altruist. I wear in every day since I had skin cancer on my face. I can wear foundation over it too. For £4 a tube, it's brilliant. Why pay more. I buy it from Amazon or the East Kent hospital shops.

bunhead34 · 14/04/2021 12:04

Another vote for paulas choice - not too greasy and fine under make up

bunhead34 · 14/04/2021 12:06

I use the youth extending spf 50 one in the blue tube x

soupdragon321 · 14/04/2021 12:25

Hi, which one would you recommend for black skin? I've spent SO much and tried so many over the years and usually find they have a dreaded 'white caste'. Also, I need one that will actually stop my skin from tanning at all because it tans very quickly and VERY unevenly meaning I get weird marks all over my face!

BeforetheFlood · 14/04/2021 13:47

I really like the Clarins one but had forgotten how expensive it was for a tiny bottle so found myself hesitating when I went to replace it. I've since been tempted by Paula's Choice and ended up buying the starter set. Still waiting for it to arrive but am glad to see it recommended here.

My other favourite SPF 50 product is the Aesop one, which smells gorgeous. I don't use it on my face, but put it on every morning on my chest, neck and backs of hands (I'm ridiculously fair skinned and prone to prickly red rashes wherever the sun touches bare skin!) Since I discovered this one I never skip using it as it's so lovely.

BeforetheFlood · 14/04/2021 13:54

soupdragon I've seen some rave reviews for Fenty, which is Rhianna's company. The SPF is supposed to be great (recommended upthread too) and invisible on all skin tones.

QueenPaw · 14/04/2021 16:15

@soupdragon321 definitely the fenty. It's like a pale pink tone and no cast at all

soupdragon321 · 14/04/2021 16:20

Thanks QueenPaw. Do you know if it slows down tanning too?

SirVixofVixHall · 14/04/2021 16:25

I need this too, but one with no Oxybenzone or Methyloxycinnamate as I react to them.
I use the Ren one and like it but would prefer a higher factor.

QueenPaw · 14/04/2021 17:24

@soupdragon321 well I'm pale blue and I've never burned with it on so I would say so!

Darklane · 14/04/2021 20:16

This is good, very matt & no white so good under make up.
Often on offer in supermarkets as well as Boots
NIVEA SUN UV Face Suncream SPF 50 Shine Control 50ml

Tellmeagain · 14/04/2021 22:41

La Roche Posay Anthelios SPF50 is great.

tunnocksreturns2019 · 14/04/2021 22:47
Frustratedflatmate · 14/04/2021 22:48

Another vote for La Roche Posay Anthelios SPF factor 50!

inisfree · 14/04/2021 22:52

Ultrasun and it doesn't irritate my eyes!

ouchmyfeet · 14/04/2021 22:57

I recently discovered Kiehls SPF50 and it's expensive but great for oily skin

QueenPaw · 14/04/2021 22:59

Picked this one up today, will try it and report back. Texture is really nice, just need to check if my eyes sting with it!

It’s that time of year-hit me with your favourite factor 50 facial sunblock.
QueenPaw · 17/04/2021 16:23

Used the above sun cream and no stinging eyes! Felt really nice too. Possibly not great for oily skin but for normal / dry would be fab


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WellIWasInTheNeighbourhoo · 17/04/2021 16:50

I used Elizabeth Arden Prevage City Smart SPF 50 Hydrating Shield last year and was happy with it.

DariaMorgendorffer · 17/04/2021 16:59

Vichy ideal soleil mattifying

Aleenazainana · 17/04/2021 18:28

Helio care for me. You can get different ones for each skin type and they have sprays, gels, mousse. Factor 30 to 50 all year round for me

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