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52 replies

user1465146157 · 02/04/2021 22:49

Has anyone used clear braces to straighten their teeth and would you recommend it?

My teeth are definitely moving and changing the shape of my face/smile, It's really weird!

Thinking of getting clear braces but unsure where to start and whether it will work

Any recommendations?


OP posts:
ThePawtriarchy · 13/04/2021 21:34

Invisalign is often used for quite extensive changes but sometimes in addition to elastics etc.

frostymornings · 13/04/2021 23:21

@CatherineCawood you can file the trays with a regular emery board to remove the sharp edges. Used to really annoy me that they came with sharp edges when you were paying so much.

frostymornings · 13/04/2021 23:25

Don't know if anyone's mentioned the attachments, they are white bumps they attach to your teeth and the trays have dents in which line up with the attachments on your teeth. This helps the trays stay in place and move your teeth more accurately.
I am very pleased with my teeth now, I had 18 months of Invisalign with fairly wonky teeth, but in all honesty if I had my time again I would just go for metal train tracks. I used to hate the taste of old saliva in the trays and would have such a dry mouth, the relief of taking them out was only ever short lived because you are supposed to wear them for 22 out of 24 hours to achieve the best results. They're not really invisible, everyone can tell you have a mouth full of plastic. Also I really really hated not being able to drink a cup of tea whenever I wanted...

TableFlowerss · 13/04/2021 23:33

I know there are lots of positive reviews so that’s good but I wasn’t impressed with the results. They weren’t as straight as what I was expecting.

However, I didn’t keep them in for 22 hours a day (or whatever it was) I’d take them out then forget to put them back etc so I probably cocked it up myself. So definitely keep them in for her set time!!!

frostymornings · 13/04/2021 23:35

Here you go, second pic is a bit blury but that's my before and after pics

pitterpatterrain · 13/04/2021 23:42

I’m currently on tray 9 of 14, got started during lockdown which was great. Can see the movement already happening so quite happy about that

Yes on day 1 of each new set I find it aches and a lisp but it goes quickly

CatherineCawood · 14/04/2021 07:44

@frostymornings yeah I've filed them, but agree why the heck should I have to. They are costing me circa £100 per tray as I have 20 trays (40 total top and bottom)!!!

If I was to do it again I think I would go for ceramic but that was actually more expensive than invisalign by £500.

I didn't think about the whole having to take them out to eat and drink. Should have done more research.

frostymornings · 14/04/2021 07:55

@CatherineCawood sometimes I put a bit of dental wax on the sharp edges too and also used bonjela. Good luck!

thetwinkletoescollective · 14/04/2021 15:36

Has anyone gone via online?
Do you think if I did that I could pay the dentist at the end to put a wire on and build up my bottom teeth?

Or do you think they would be mad I went to on an online orthadontist and tell me to get on my bike?

CatherineCawood · 14/04/2021 16:07

[quote frostymornings]@CatherineCawood sometimes I put a bit of dental wax on the sharp edges too and also used bonjela. Good luck![/quote]
Have spent a small fortune on wax, iglu, bonjela - you name it I've bought it. It is getting a bit better...

CheerfulBunny · 14/04/2021 16:33

@frostymornings your teeth look beautiful! Reading this with interest as someone at work had great results with Invisalign and I can now afford it. I have a large gap (think Lara Stone or Vanessa Paradis) so will need a consultation to see what will actually work. I've been reading up about dental bonding which is another option I think.

frostymornings · 14/04/2021 23:59

@CheerfulBunny thank you! I forget how bad they were, it was worth all the discomfort!

bobisbored · 15/04/2021 12:46

I'm about to start the process. I had my X-rays last week, hygienist next week and then I can get the aligners. I am a bit apprehensive but I hate my teeth so much and have done for years.

ChessieFL · 15/04/2021 13:08

I did Clear Correct which is basically the same thing as Invisalign.

The thing I found most awkward was having to take them out every time you want to eat or drink anything then brush your teeth before putting them back in. I (usually) travel a lot for work and trying to brush your teeth in public toilets is not fun - it’s surprising how many places don’t have a separate cold water tap (you’re not meant to rinse the trays in hot water as it might warp them) plus I just don’t like brushing my teeth in front of people!

Someone upthread mentioned the attachments - I had these and it does mean that they’re not as invisible as you would hope as you can still see the white attachments.

My teeth do look much better now though!

Solasum · 15/04/2021 21:02

My orthodontist told me that he thinks people should be very cautious of smile direct, as without individual regular scrutiny by a trained eye it runs the risk of encouraging the teeth to flare without actually moving them where they need to be permanently.

I have got used to the attachments much faster than I had expected to, eating was awful for the first few days.

Wauden · 15/04/2021 21:14

Which gives quicker results, invisalign or braces?

DizSquiz · 15/04/2021 21:37

Invisalign gives quicker results as the trays get changed quicker.

Fixed braces don't get altered very frequently

Thewinterofdiscontent · 16/04/2021 14:27


My orthodontist told me that he thinks people should be very cautious of smile direct, as without individual regular scrutiny by a trained eye it runs the risk of encouraging the teeth to flare without actually moving them where they need to be permanently.

I have got used to the attachments much faster than I had expected to, eating was awful for the first few days.

But their dentists do check up on you every few sets of trays although this is your photos rather than face to face obviously.
Clearly they want the results rather than getting sued every five minutes ( they are a YS company).
They were good about refunding once they realised by end result was going to look rubbish.
They only take months rather than years as well so you need to be ready for quite big movements.
Wauden · 24/04/2021 12:34

Thanks. I would like to have teeth whitening done by the dentist as well. Would whitening be done before or after realignment?

LilyTheMink · 24/04/2021 12:41

I did it for teeth straightening. Mine were a little crooked due to crowding.
I regret it. My bite is fucked up and I can only really chew on one side. This is exacerbating a slight asymmetry in my face. I'm quite upset.
Dentist is suggesting building up molars with ceramic to make the bite meet on the other side. And botox on masseter jaw muscles.
All extra £.

A different dentist urged me to think carefully and I wish I had just done whitening and left them as they were

ExposedBulb · 24/04/2021 13:19

@LilyTheMink Was there a reason why your bite couldn’t be corrected with refinements?

MayorGoodwaysChicken · 24/04/2021 13:26

Love the before and after pictures. I’m currently in early stages of consultation with an orthodontist and need to decide between Invisalign and lingual braces which are standard train tracks but on the back of your teeth so they can’t be seen. Usually super expensive but I only need minor adjustments to the top arch so my ortho has said it will be max £2.5k for what I need and probably half that for Invisalign lite. I would love to hear any experiences of Lingual braces as it sounds way easier than Invisalign so I’m tempted to pay the extra. Taking Invisalign in and out every time you eat sounds like a big faff as I’m a big snacker!


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LilyTheMink · 24/04/2021 22:30

[quote ExposedBulb]@LilyTheMink Was there a reason why your bite couldn’t be corrected with refinements?[/quote]
Well the orth thought it would settle when I stopped the treatment and just wore night time retainers.
Then covid hit and its dragged on a bit.
Now i seem to not being offered refinements to correct - but tbh i wouldn't want them. I hated having the trays on and put on weight due to cramming food in when they were off!
I'm hypoglycaemic so have to eat mini meals every few hours. It was really hard for me and I alway felt sick with the plastic in my gob.
Not a great advert.

Thewinterofdiscontent · 25/04/2021 15:23

Taking Invisalign in and out every time you eat sounds like a big faff as I’m a big snacker!

It was incredibly tedious as mine were very tight and as a PP mentioned they can be scratchy on the gums. You get used to it and can file the sharp bits off but taking them in and out isn’t necessarily comfortable.

They have to be in 22 hrs a day so things like going out for the evening means you chose between being naughty and keeping them off or not taking them out all day ( so no food or hot drinks) It’s quite tricky.

Panda2021 · 26/04/2021 09:13

On liner 6 of 14, the attachment are different on everyone- my husband didn’t have any in his front teeth so trays really were not notice so I was disappointed when mine were fitting and included my front teeth which makes them more noticeable but to be honest it’s not awful. I didn’t know elastics were a requirement until the ortho was fitting metal “buttons” to some of my teeth - turns out I was expected to wear elastics at night. Again hasn’t been bad at all!
I have very little movement to make and think this makes it harder to see any difference yet. First week was so so uncomfortable, especially first few days with cuts etc then since absolutely no bother at all!!

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