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Hyaluronic acid, Retinol or VitC

38 replies

PeanutbutterJamSandwich · 02/05/2020 16:06

Hi, I’m new to any sort of skincare routine so I don’t want to overwhelm myself or my skin with too many products, otherwise I won’t stick to a routine.

Atm I wash face in shower morn and eve then wear spf30 during the day.

At 36 the wrinkles and ageing skin is catching up with me! So I’m considering finding a better evening routine of a serum and then moisturiser. Then sticking to my spf in the morn.

But which serum? There’s so many ingredients I don’t know which is best!

Hyraluronic acid, retinol or Vit C?


OP posts:
PeanutButterJamSandwich · 08/05/2020 08:56

Thank you everyone who’s contributed!!

I’m still waiting on my feel unique order... bit of a backlog due to covid. I’m waiting on Originals VitC, Originals Retinol Serum and Clinique moisturiser.

In the meantime I’ve been to Sainsbury’s and bought a teen pore cleanser by Nip/Tuck. A Garnier rose toner and a VitC overnight weekly mask by Nip/Tuck.

1 week in and I’ve seen a huge difference in the appearance of my pores! They were always really open and obvious, but now so much better! My skin looks healthier too 😀

OP posts:
AnneShirleysNewDress · 05/05/2020 22:53

@emma6776 That's good to hear. I'm only 4 weeks in but in it for the long haul. Did you have any reactions at the start?

OxanaVorontsova · 05/05/2020 22:40

Yes, weird that the Medik8 irritated but not the stronger DE though, must be the other ingredients perhaps. Love it and would recommend anyway!

Ponks · 05/05/2020 22:34

@OxanaVorontsova the Drunk Elephant is so much stronger than the. Medik8, not surprised you can tell a difference. I'm currently using the Medik8 crystal retinal 6, it's more powerful than the tr3 but still very gentle , no peeling etc , but I do feel my skin tone is looking better.

TattiePants · 05/05/2020 22:06

@everythinginred if you plan to sign up to Dermatica then you might want to do it soon as they currently have a waiting list. It's only about a week but then by the time you complete the questionnaire and they send out your prescription it could be a couple of weeks. The code 'CAROLINE-HELP' was working a few weeks ago and gave the first month free so it's worth giving that a go.

Everythinginred · 05/05/2020 21:58

emma6776 did you get the Tretinoin online from Dermatica? I was going to order from there but I want to finish the retinol I’m using just now.

OxanaVorontsova · 05/05/2020 21:50

I used Medik8 3TR and didn't notice a huge difference, although it did make my skin quite flaky. Have just started using Drunk Elephant A Passioni and noticed a difference straight away. No idea why!

emma6776 · 05/05/2020 21:41

I use prescription strength Tretonoin and am only just starting to see my skin changing for the better - I’m 9 months in and have used it religiously.

GreenShadow · 05/05/2020 16:48

Thanks for your comments BlahBlah and NotExactly. That's very interesting to hear it takes so long to make a difference.

NotExactlyHappyToHelp · 05/05/2020 12:39

@BlahBlahLand Hopefully you’ll notice your skins a little firmer and fine lines are more reduced. Skin tone and texture should be more even too.

I find that I’m a bugger for not noticing a change if it’s gradual so I try to take a ‘before’ picture. Makes me realise how far I’ve come.

BlahBlahLand · 05/05/2020 12:34

@NotExactlyHappyToHelp thank you, I knew it wasn't straight away but didn't realise 6 months.
What results would I hope to see?

NotExactlyHappyToHelp · 05/05/2020 12:04

@BlahBlahLand it can take 6-12 months to see the effects of retinol properly on your skin. It’s a slow burn long term solution.

BlahBlahLand · 05/05/2020 08:20

@GreenShadow, that's interesting. I've been using Retinol for 3 months and I don't think there's any improvement in skin tone or wrinkles.
I'm not sure of the % but it's Medik8, started on the lowest dose and now up to the middle one.
I wonder if it's still too low to make a difference? I haven't had any peeling or flakiness.

Sissyjd · 05/05/2020 07:48

Follow Caroline Hirons, You tube fbook ect & watch her vids. No nonsense expert skincare advice!! Def but c am hyaluronic acid Am & a Retinol Pm..but get some info first as it can be trial and error and of course your budget dictates what products to get..Smile

GreenShadow · 04/05/2020 19:45

Do people actually find retinol (and other products) work?

I took part in a product test not so long ago when I was sent a large pot of retinol to test and report back. The test lasted a month (building up slowly) and I could see no change after that relatively short time.
I carried on using the free sample afterwards for several months (it was a big pot) but only on one side of my face. Despite using it religiously for all that time I couldn't make out any difference between right and left side of face. I was very disappointed as I'd have loved to find a wonder cure for ageing!

Isbutteracarb · 04/05/2020 19:44

That's good to know @MabelMoo23 thank you!

MabelMoo23 · 04/05/2020 15:55

I'm breastfeeding as well, but a GP friend of mine said the amount in topical retinol is v low and is relatively safe for bf. There are lots of articles about it. Pregnancy obviously is different

I am bf a toddler though rather then a newborn so it's a personal chiice

Isbutteracarb · 04/05/2020 13:33

Sorry to hijack your post OP but can anyone recommend a good alternative to retinol? Looking for an anti-ageing night serum but can't use retinol as I'm BF.

Also, OP I just bought the Glossier vitamin C serum - it does sting a tiny bit but absorbs quickly and leaves a nice glow!

MabelMoo23 · 04/05/2020 13:23

Thanks for the recommendation - have just ordered Inkey list retinol. Never tried them before so seems a good place to start!

Fromthebirdsnest · 04/05/2020 11:24

Drunk elephant do amazing skin care .. I use retinol 3 times a week & but c most days x

strandedatthedrivein · 04/05/2020 07:32

@dingdong me too! I've got The ordinary caffeine solution, doesn't break the bank either which is a bonus Grin

Dingdongthewitchisbread · 04/05/2020 07:24

Sorry to hijack your thread OP, this post is so helpful!

@strandedatthedrivein do have you a recommendation for the caffeine eye cream? Pregnancy and a toddler my eyes bags are so prominent right now!


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PeanutbutterJamSandwich · 03/05/2020 18:12

I’m glad you find it helpful @AnneLovesGilbert, it’s an absolute minefield!

OP posts:
PeanutbutterJamSandwich · 03/05/2020 18:11

Thank you @Alwaysthesun, I’ll keep that in mind x

OP posts:
thethoughtfox · 03/05/2020 10:22

All of the above

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