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Help! What can I do about these hideous feet? Warning: pic of hideous feet included

42 replies

Aberforthsgoat · 21/04/2020 14:24

I apologise for sharing these cloven hooves but Jesus Christ they are painful and nothing seems to work
I always suffer from dry heels but am carrying extra baby weight still and I think it's made it worse as I have more splits and they're really.deep

I'm using flexitol every night but it seems to soften them a bit then the cracks actually get worse

Can anyone help? I'm desperate they really hurt to walk on and look hideous

Help! What can I do about these hideous feet? Warning: pic of hideous feet included
OP posts:
UkuleleRose · 22/04/2020 08:08

I get heel fissures every summer and this definitely works for me. 😀

UkuleleRose · 22/04/2020 08:06

Get New Skin liquid bandage and apply it a little at a time directly into the heel cracks. Allow a few minutes between applications to help it dry. Continue to apply until the heel fissures are filled. Allow to dry completely. The cracks will heal from the inside out and your feet will be pain-free.

LellyMcKelly · 22/04/2020 07:04

A great big dollop of Vaseline every night and then put cotton sock on worked wonders on mine. The type of shoes you wear makes a difference too. When I wore my Doc Marten loafers during the winter my feet were in great shape, but since I’ve started wearing flip flops again they really need a lot more attention.

Fluffycloudland77 · 22/04/2020 07:04
  1. Never use a blade on your own feet. Especially on the heel which has a poor blood supply anyway. The skins thinner than you think and you can bleed very easily. It’s difficult to heal up though. It’s a nightmare to apply a dressing to because the skins too dry for the adhesive to stick to and it peels off again. So don’t do it.

  2. Clingfilm. No, please don’t. Feet sweat a lot and your keeping that moisture next to the skin which is a recipe for fungal infection. If nature thought this was a good idea it would have found a way to achieve it.

  3. Flexitol, and I cannot stress this enough, needs to be applied to skin that’s been in a bath/shower for 10 minutes or the urea in cannot work.

  4. Socks. The cream will get absorbed by the material because it’s drier than the skin.

    Heel care, like all skincare, is very boring dull routine. You apply doublebase/other prescription cream to the feet daily at bed time. Every night without fail because feet dry out quickly due to all the use they get and the constant flow of sweat through the skin evaporating , Wear something sensible on your feet during the day. Flip flops/mules are asking for trouble.
TiredMummyXYZ · 22/04/2020 06:38

My husband’s type 1 diabetic and gets feet like this, which can lead to infections so he normally goes to a podiatrist. Last week his leg swelled and we had to get antibiotics so I decided enough was enough and dug out our Ped Egg. It’s battery operated and it like an electric sander for feet but it works. I spent half an hour using it on his heels and had to press quite hard but it did get rid of most of the dead skin then we smothered his feet in flexitol. It might be worth a try? You can get a range of similar products - we just got ours on Amazon. It is gross though - it generated a lot of foot dust! x

paininthepoinsettia · 22/04/2020 06:28

Do not take a razor to those feet without seeing a chiropodist first, you could do yourself real damage. No advice OP but lots of sympathy, they look so painful.

user246854 · 22/04/2020 00:52

Ouch those fissures look sore. Dd has problem skin and gets very dry and also gets fissure in her feet, Doctor gave her hydromol it's waxy and can be used as a cream and also in the bath/shower as a wash, it's really good stuff and will help. You can buy over counter without prescription

reallifegetsintheway2 · 21/04/2020 22:35

Are you watching 'my feet are killing me' - its on channel 38. If you think your feet are bad...
Up to you - its dead skin. For me they don't bleed.
A chiropodist would use a scapel to scrape it off so a razor does a similar job. Or buy a metal scraper from amazon

RedSoloCup · 21/04/2020 22:17

Do you wear open shoes / sandals as that ,Ames them worse?

Time in the evening with plastic bags on them with foot cream / cracked heal balm to keep the moisture in.

Husband is a gardener and do this when his bad in summer months.

Hotpinkangel19 · 21/04/2020 22:13

My feet are the same if not worse. I usually file and cover with cream/Vaseline and socks and hope for the best 😬 it is so painful though

OhTheRoses · 21/04/2020 22:11


MrsPerks · 21/04/2020 22:07

Mine weren't so sore, but EA 8 Hour Cream (the skin protectant one) had more positive impact, more quickly, than CCS or Flexitol. (Which I wasn't expecting given the evidence on urea-based treatments).

Hamsterian · 21/04/2020 22:03

This type of sock after you put the cream on

Elsiebear90 · 21/04/2020 22:03

You can buy special tools to remove corns that are essentially razors but have a safety strip on them so you can’t cut too deep, I would have a go and shaving them down myself if I was desperate as that’s likely to be what the chiropodist will do when you’re able to see them.

BoreOfWhabylon · 21/04/2020 22:01

Dermatonics Once Heel Balm.

Hamsterian · 21/04/2020 21:59

Aaaaw that looks so sore! Poor you!
Don’t use those super peeling sock treatments because they can go into the open crack you have.
I would soak feet with an emolient and use the chiropody sponge, it is amazing. But don’t go too mad in the first session. Do it somewhere well lit and check periodically, you don’t want to make the feet even angrier. Then apply lots of good cream and a pair of socks on top. Special moisturising socks or just normal socks. Repeat everyday. Don’t walk barefoot even at home, it will dry the skin out. Don’t soak them in water that is too hot because it will also dry the skin. Just tepid or warm water.

userxx · 21/04/2020 21:54

Do not attempt to shave it off 🤮

Aberforthsgoat · 21/04/2020 21:50

@reallifegetsintheway2 Razoring it off won't hurt?! But it's so painful already I can't get my head around that not hurting Grin I'm picturing a bloodbath in the bathroom

OP posts:
reallifegetsintheway2 · 21/04/2020 21:35

basically shave it off!

reallifegetsintheway2 · 21/04/2020 21:35

I would soak them in the shower or bath, then get a disposable razor and cut it off. I promise you it wont hurt- I do it regularly. All the foot cream in the world wont heal those cracks. Get rid of the dead skin then use any of the creams recommended above.

Xylophonics · 21/04/2020 21:31

CCS footcare cream is good

Pineappletree33 · 21/04/2020 20:51

Vaseline, something sweaty like bags or cling film and socks at bed time. Really try and fill the cracks with Vaseline. Will work really quickly.


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Fluffycloudland77 · 21/04/2020 20:48

Urea based creams like flexitol need the feet to be soaked for 10 mins prior to use or there’s nothing for the urea to work with.

A tube of double base gel would sort those heels out. You don’t rub it in though, it doesn’t work if you rub it in.

PrimeraVez · 21/04/2020 20:43

Ouch! You poor thing, that looks sore!

When mine were bad before, the chiropodist recommended using micropore tape to ‘hold’ the split together. Definitely don’t file as unless you go in the right direction, you’re just exacerbating it.
I would tape them up as best as you can, whack on tons and tons of Flexitol and put on a pair of socks.

Try and refrain from going bare foot as much as possible. And then book in with a chiropodist as soon as you can!

Wombatstew · 21/04/2020 20:37
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