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underarm hair removal at home

56 replies

runwithme · 01/04/2020 20:21

What's best for this? I am not sure I can master the waxing technique and I don't want to shave. Are there any alternatives? Would love the Lumea but its waaaay out of my price range. And definitely not growing it!

OP posts:
Zacromagnons · 02/04/2020 08:46

Who's looking at your underarms and why do you care what they might think anyway?

Honestly it sounds like you need to develop some self esteem Smile

drspouse · 02/04/2020 08:47

I used the roll on cream when I broke my shoulder. It worked quite well.

Danglingmod · 02/04/2020 08:49

I have very thick, dark and fast growing hair (I'm white) and definitely have a 5 o'clock or even 3 o'clock shadow but it had never occurred to me that people did anything other than shave under their arms...

I think you should just practise not lifting your arms up, OP... Ever!

HollyBollyBooBoo · 02/04/2020 08:51

It would be worth getting advice on IPL because it won't work on some south Asian brown skin tones. Don't want you to waste your money on a Lumea.

Would sugaring be an easier option if you're not confident to wax?

Cheerbear23 · 02/04/2020 19:32

Buy some wax strips, take a deep breath and go for it!
I’m dark haired and pale skinned, so I understand the dark shadow point, and don’t see the point in using depilatory cream, shaving works better IMO if you’re going down that route.

TorkTorkBam · 02/04/2020 19:35

I use a man's electric razor. Works great.

Redwinestillfine · 02/04/2020 19:37

Cream if you don't want to shave. I'm obviously sheltered though because I didn't realise people didn't remove their own arm hair most of the time! Blush

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 02/04/2020 19:56

I use Nads Sugaring - works like wax but used at room temperature .

When you've had waxing before , if it was done at a salon then you just need to brace yourself !
I don't mind doing my own.
Use exfolliant. Dry skin well. Light dust of talcum.
Apply the wax along the hair growth. Apply strip . Rub really well.

Keep the skin taut (I put my arm behind my head) , take hold of the strip, keep it parallel to your skin and pull against the hair growth direction.

That's one reason I don't epilate my pits ( only my legs) wax is quick !

JamMakingWannaBe · 02/04/2020 20:06

Wet n Dry epilator in the shower.

Hurt like f*ck the first time but quick and painless now and lasts longer than shaving.

I personally recommend using with a good shaving foam like King of Shave antibac shave gel.

CoolCarrie · 02/04/2020 20:09

Eplitor definitely as I don’t think Lumea will work if you have dark skin, as pp said the eplitor is painful at first, but I used to take a pain killer an hour before and an antihistamine as my skin is sensitive.

Scarletoharaseyebrows · 02/04/2020 20:11

If it turns out there is a magic sponge, can I have one too please, OP? Epilating HURTS your underarms a lot!

Myimaginarypenguinhasfleas · 02/04/2020 20:11

Epilator. It nips a bit the first time you use it but your brain soon recognises the sensation and it doesn't hurt at all if you do it reasonably regularly. Lasts much longer than shaving and you don't get bristly regrowth.

IHaveBrilloHair · 02/04/2020 20:12


Myimaginarypenguinhasfleas · 02/04/2020 20:21

I didn't find it as painful as others have described and I'm fair skinned and a proper baby about pain. There is a technique for the first time you use it, you need to sort of bounce and stroke the epilator against your skin a bit at a time. You'll soon get used to the sensation and from then on you just roll it over the skin like an electric razor.

No need to overspend either, mine was a cheapo Lidl model and does the job brilliantly.

KatharinaRosalie · 02/04/2020 20:28

Only hurts the first time. I honestly don't feel anything any more.

smileannie · 02/04/2020 23:35

I used to use depilatory cream, was a bit stinky but worked pretty well.

CoolShoeshine · 03/04/2020 03:39

Cream works great as long as you are very careful about how long you leave it on the first time you try it so as not to burn your skin. Leaves a much better finish than shaving because the hairs get dissolved rather than cut off. A very underrated product.

StarlightLady · 03/04/2020 04:02

Veet Sensitive followed by a razor at the end works for me.

I’m always baffled by threads like this when an OP says she doesn’t want to grow it and people start responding by saying “grow it”. Why?

It’s not about lack of self esteem or who is looking, it’s a personal feel good factor and choice.

EngagedAgain · 03/04/2020 04:32

After trying various methods I wet shave. I use a cheap but good quality men's disposable razor (use several times before discarding) with mens Gillette sensitive gel with aloe vera (this is quite important to get this gel). I get the shadow, but still I only shave weekly, winter or summer. The other best method I found was a ladyshave shaver. Had one for years. Painless, quick and effective. Boots do their own.

runwithme · 03/04/2020 08:46

Thanks all, much appreciated. Well, the helpful comments are appreciated.

My self esteem is fine, btw. Thanks for the concern.

OP posts:
StarlightLady · 03/04/2020 09:19

@runwithme - You tell them! The issue is hair that you choose not to want. Not self esteem! Flowers

katseyes7 · 03/04/2020 09:24

l've epilated for 20+ years. Only need to check occasionally for the odd stray hair now. Otherwise, nothing, it's all gone.
The shorter the hair, the less it hurts. And it's very quick.


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runwithme · 03/04/2020 09:27

@starlightlady thank you! It's a choice. I'm in no way criticising those who dont want to go down that road, as that's THEIR choice

OP posts:
LaMarschallin · 03/04/2020 09:28

You tell them! The issue is hair that you choose not to want. Not self esteem!


This is Style & Beauty not AIBU. You could just go on practically every thread here asking why your nails matter, or makeup or... anything, really, other than keeping yourself comfortable and clean.

Different things matter to different people but if you're going to look at threads in S&B, appearances are going to matter to nearly everyone and that shouldn't come as a surprise.

I think caring about your appearance shows a healthy self-esteem. I'm less inclined to make the effort on a down day.

RunsForGummyBears · 03/04/2020 09:38


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