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APPARENTLY this thurs at tk maxxx

59 replies

nailpolish · 03/09/2007 14:45

they ar getting a delivery of marc jacobs and miu miu

anyone else read that?

god i hope its bags

OP posts:
missbumpy · 03/09/2007 16:55

Yes, Cambridge one was brilliant. 2 floors, not too busy, all womenswear downstairs and then upstairs for menswear and home stuff. I need to go back.

nailpolish · 03/09/2007 16:59

missbump we are not saying the london ones are the best - just that that is where all these goodies will be heading

cd i really want this but i doubt they will have it

OP posts:
missbumpy · 03/09/2007 17:03

Trust me, there have never been and probably never will be anything that can be classed as goodies at the Leyton TK Maxx. Or Wood Green for that matter .

TellusMater · 03/09/2007 17:04

Well, it's certainly big, but apart from clothes for dd I don't often see much there.

MrsBadger · 03/09/2007 17:04

the oxford one is excellent, as these things go
may be there on thurs just in case...

CountessDraculaPI · 03/09/2007 17:04

The kew one always seems to be full of plastic handbags and alleged designer clothes except I have NEVER heard of the designers they are all called things like Salvatore Tosserama

nailpolish · 03/09/2007 17:07

the edinburgh on e is fab
nearly died today when i saw the softest leather soft buttery big shoulder bag
then i looke d in my pruse and saw 65p

OP posts:
missbumpy · 03/09/2007 17:52

Countess Dracula, lol at Salvatore Tosserama . It's so true.

Having said that, they've had loads of lovely Elle Macpherson undies in lately. Sadly I can't squeeze my pregnant boobs into most of the pretty bras but they did have some nursing bras at the Brighton branch.

sugarmatches · 03/09/2007 18:30

Nailpolish, look in the N-A-P sale section at what is left over and that is what they will have.
Still nice though.
I live in NW London and my TK Maxx is crap! So only some parts of London get the luxury apparently.

sugarmatches · 03/09/2007 18:33

This is gorgeous!!

Gobbledigook · 03/09/2007 18:37

'then i looke d in my pruse and saw 65p' - priceless np!!

Well I'm going to look in the Cheadle one anyway on Thursday. Just cos I can. Just cos I'll only have one child - doddle.

hoxtonchick · 03/09/2007 18:47

oooh, i get good things in the leyton one....

oliveoil · 03/09/2007 19:53

owwww my eyes, my eyes

those bags are HIDEOUS beyond belief

are you all blind?

the Manchester shop has 3 floors iirc but I am not working on Thursday grrrrrr

missbumpy · 03/09/2007 22:55

Maybe I've just been to Leyton one on bad days Hoxtonchick. My DP always seems to find nice things for him there.

sugarmatches · 04/09/2007 00:11

Yep, that is why he is a kazillionaire and so many people spend a months wages on his bags.
I stand by the white chain bag, it is lovely. Even though it is way out of my price range.

MrsMarvel · 04/09/2007 00:16

WAS: £790.00 NOW: £474.00 40% OFF

It's that bit that's hideous.

sugarmatches · 04/09/2007 00:29

Um, okay yeah.

sugarmatches · 04/09/2007 00:30

I have had another look and there are seriously better bags at River Island right now

nailpolish · 04/09/2007 09:16

yes i like that bag sugarmatches

OP posts:
MrsMarvel · 05/09/2007 12:33

phew! glad to see you're back in the land of the real sugarmatches.

bundle · 05/09/2007 12:37

olive have you changed your days?

hoxty - the wood green one is closest to me, but i'd imagine it's hideous..

MrsMarvel · 05/09/2007 12:42

Well it's not.


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bigspender30 · 05/09/2007 13:30

pmsl nailpolish at baffies.obviously a fellow scot!

missbumpy · 05/09/2007 14:21

Bundle, the Wood Green one is pretty hideous. There's quite a lot of stuff but it's crammed in really tight and it's always really busy so it makes for a pretty stressful experience. Having said that, DP got a lovely winter coat there at the weekend.

bundle · 05/09/2007 14:23

missbumpy do you know what time opens? if i got there at 9.30 would it be bearable?

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