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how about this dress for a summer wedding...

30 replies

policywonk · 06/07/2007 16:37

here? Is it too plain? (I'm not the bride.) What would you wear with it?

OP posts:
Stargazing · 06/07/2007 17:28

blimey what happened. Trying again %26%20%42%6F%6F%74%73&desname=%53%74%72%61%70%70%79%20%53%6C%69%6E%67%62%61%63%6B%20%57%65%64%67%65% 73&gpid=18&gen=

policywonk · 06/07/2007 17:29

Well, I was convinced, until 100x told me I had to be a stunner to wear it. Now I'm sulking.

Will go and try it on tomorrow. I will take DS1's pink polka dot umbrella with me and hold it over my feet, and we shall see.

Thank you for your help, and for the teal thing. Are you a professional?

OP posts:
policywonk · 06/07/2007 17:32

Purple is good, but prefer 1940s-type shoes, IYKWIM.

OP posts:
Stargazing · 06/07/2007 17:33

a professional what???!!!

worked in fashion for many years. You'd never know it now. I too am a home-based freelancer. Journalist. Not of the Carrie Bradshaw variety though, no frilly knickers and pensive musings for me. Scruffy, unkempt and a tad bushy of brow.

Let us know how you get on. LOL at the brolly, why not just get 2 Superdrug bags (they're pink) and put them over your feet, fastened at the ankles with rubber bands?

policywonk · 06/07/2007 17:37

Well, this is the benefit of freelancing, isn't it? You can earn money while wearing awful clothes. Although I did also do that when I worked in an office.

I'll report back tomorrow.

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