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What colour Shellac in 30 minutes? Go!

18 replies

Polkadot1974 · 12/07/2017 19:27

I always have grey/navy. I've very cool toned pale skin and red haired. What's nice?

OP posts:
dailymailarecunts · 12/07/2017 22:04

Ooh I really like that - my friend always has a sort of jet black with a glint to it it looks amazing but I'm too scared to go so dark as I'm pale too. Might try something similar to your shade as an in betweener!

Polkadot1974 · 12/07/2017 21:58

Looks darker here I noticed
I'm eternally dissatisfied with nail colour!!

OP posts:
Polkadot1974 · 12/07/2017 21:57

I went a shade between navy and royal blue. It wasn't Shellac but a mix and I'm not kidding, about 100 to choose from. All on abug chain which was impossible to look at with one hand while the other was filed. I think I'll go pastel for my holidays but pale blue. There were tons of great dark reds and I loved a rose shade but it looked shocking on my skin. Loads of nice nude/beige too but a bit 'meh' and I felt I could do that myself.

What colour Shellac in 30 minutes? Go!
OP posts:
dailymailarecunts · 12/07/2017 21:47

What did you go for?

I have bright red on my nails at mo, and an almost white on my toes - it was pure white but it looked like I had tipex on them so she put a slightly more cream shade on to soften it.

Fluffycloudland77 · 12/07/2017 21:33

I like hot pop pink but pink bikini is more popular.

Sun bleached is nice, ripe guava, electric orange, tropix.

Drywhitewine · 12/07/2017 20:26

Just got mine done, hot pot pink I've had this loads of times, love it.

What colour Shellac in 30 minutes? Go!
HouseOfGoldandBones · 12/07/2017 20:02

Here's my pink

What colour Shellac in 30 minutes? Go!
Flowersandfootballs · 12/07/2017 20:01

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Flowersandfootballs · 12/07/2017 20:01

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NemosKnickers · 12/07/2017 19:58

I'm liking the pastels - pink, lilac, baby blue or mint

HouseOfGoldandBones · 12/07/2017 19:58

I'm currently sporting a very bright pink. Not my usual at all. I usually have black, navy or classic red. But I'm quite liking it

Polkadot1974 · 12/07/2017 19:49

Liking midnight swim...but navy again. I'm drawn to it like a moth to a flame..

OP posts:
Polkadot1974 · 12/07/2017 19:48

OP posts:
missanony · 12/07/2017 19:35

Vexed violet
Tango passion
Midnight swim

Polkadot1974 · 12/07/2017 19:33

Ooh thanks. Not seen anyone with lilac. Aubergine could work too. New place I'm trying so don't know what they've got

OP posts:
charlievictor9 · 12/07/2017 19:30

I think a plummy / aubergine looks lovely with red hair

PovertyJetset · 12/07/2017 19:29

Am loving the lilacs and plate lie greys right now.

Rufustherenegadereindeer1 · 12/07/2017 19:29

I have black dahlia on my toes at the moment

Nearly black...very nice (i think )

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