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Dungarees on the over-40s...

60 replies

explodingkittens · 08/04/2017 17:17

I am currently coveting a pair of lightweight indigo denim Gap dungarees. I am 43.

I'm aware that this is an item of clothing that probably divides opinion more than any other. But I put them on and couldn't stop grinning yes, possibly in manner of CBeebies presenter

I would wear them with converse/Superga and a close-fitting tee underneath.

I'm kidding myself, aren't I?

OP posts:
Shamoffour · 08/04/2017 20:25

I love them but I think they only work if you are very slim (I'm not) otherwise you can end up looking like Bea from prisoner cell block H.

MariafromMalmo · 08/04/2017 21:23

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lalaloopyhead · 08/04/2017 21:44

I love dungerees but unfortunately they do not love me, or at least I haven't found any that I look acceptable in yet. I do have several pairs that are only worn round the house.

neveradullmoment99 · 08/04/2017 22:02

I have a pair. I am 49! Did you watch masterchef? One of the contestants was wearing a pair. She looked fine in them. :)

jelliedeel · 08/04/2017 23:25

My DD said I was not thin, pretty, 30 or had long hair so i would look silly in them.
I didn't buy them...she is 8.

lizzieoak · 08/04/2017 23:29

Jellied, no offence but I think immediately is a good time to point out to your dd that it's not nice to tell anyone that they're not pretty. It's not necessary and she needs to be armed w phrases such as "I'm not sure they're you" if she really feels she needs to steer you or a friend away from an item of clothing.

Probably you thought it sounded funny, but my kids always told me I was pretty and so if they say I look tired I take that seriously!

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 08/04/2017 23:37

We'll I wouldn't and I'm 50.......................................

Not that there's anything amiss, I just wouldn't be able to get out of them quick enough to pacify my dodgy bladder and if I did I'm sure I'd drop the fastening straps in the toilet.

I quite fancy an ALine style dungaree dress though , for Summer, I can hoik it up no problem................goes to browse.

lizzieoak · 08/04/2017 23:45

I would definitely be dropping the straps in the loo - I'd forgotten about that! Might buy them anyway though Smile

MikeUniformMike · 13/04/2018 19:56

Get them.

wowfudge · 13/04/2018 20:56

Blimey Maria that's a bit harsh.

Unless you are a painter and decorator or under 5, I wouldn't.

unbalancedBella · 14/04/2018 07:45

I'm late 40s and I have some slim fitting ones. If they make you smile, buy them!

runningdoll · 14/04/2018 08:02

Jeeze Maria, you are talking very old money. We've had decimilasation since then!

...and in any case a size 16 in ancient money wasn't particularly big. Either way, I don't think you have to be 'willowy' (or to wait to be validated by others as sufficiently slim) to wear dungarees.

CountFosco · 14/04/2018 08:19

The answer to "should I wear dungarees?" is the same as "have more than 5 people described you as 'willowy' in the last 6 months?" wear whatever makes you happy

There, fixed that for you.

Why should women always be thinking we should be decorative and unless we are tall and slim and young and beautiful we should basically try and hide ourselves as much as we can. Except of course while hiding ourselves we can't get too comfortable because that is letting ourselves go. If I see someone wearing dungerees (except possibly if they are clearly wearing them as workwear) it always makes me smile. Someone in dungerees is always going to be fun to be around.

ChinUpChestOut · 14/04/2018 09:03

I was about to plough in and say "no a million times no" (particularly when some PPs suggested the 'quirky' look with messy hair etc).

And then I saw the photo of the relatively slim fit dark wash dungarees, with little turn ups, a little white shirt and with heels and I suddenly thought "hmmm, hang on a minute".

So now I think you should buy them. But dress them up with heels. I think they'll look awesome.

MaudesMum · 14/04/2018 09:15

I'm dithering about dungarees, but I'm mid-50s, stocky and short-haired, and I think they'll make me look like I'm working in a garage. My compromise is a long pinafore dress in dark grey denim. Only worn it once so far with stripy t-shirt underneath and desert boots, but it got nothing but praise.

LalaDipsey · 14/04/2018 13:19

Ok you persuaded me to get some but do I keep them?!?! I am 43 and 5’9 so the top comes to a funny height on me. I’m just not sure Confused

Dungarees on the over-40s...
Dungarees on the over-40s...
Dungarees on the over-40s...
Ellapaella · 14/04/2018 20:16

I like them on you but think you need a tighter fitting top underneath, that ones s little baggy and doesn't look quite right. Other than that, yes they look good.

neveradullmoment99 · 14/04/2018 20:27

I agree with Ella. They need a tight top under them. They are a good fit on you.

LalaDipsey · 14/04/2018 22:47

Thank you - however turns out I don’t own any right tops! I seem to have embraced the boxy loose look. This is the tightest I have and not sure I’m keeping it.

Dungarees on the over-40s...
Dungarees on the over-40s...
LalaDipsey · 14/04/2018 22:49

Ok found a tight vest top...

Dungarees on the over-40s...
Dungarees on the over-40s...
neveradullmoment99 · 14/04/2018 22:58

So much better :) Yes yes yes!!! Looks fab!

neveradullmoment99 · 14/04/2018 22:59

The vest top is definitely the one to go for of a tight plain tee.


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neveradullmoment99 · 14/04/2018 23:00
  • or
    A scoop neckline is also good.
LalaDipsey · 14/04/2018 23:05

I can see what you mean - they do need a tight top. Right will go hunting for some tops so I can keep them! Thank you Smile

Ellapaella · 14/04/2018 23:29

Yep the vest top looks much better, a nice tight stripey scoop neck top underneath will look fab.

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