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Home eyebrow dye

12 replies

HenniePennie · 08/03/2017 14:42

I've done a search but can't find any recommendations. I've been going to Blinck bar in John Lewis but it's too expensive to go there regularly.

Which kit have you used and can you recommend it?

OP posts:
Faz2015 · 08/03/2017 21:36

I use eyelure from boots... it's very good!!

Judydreamsofhorses · 08/03/2017 21:42

I don't think the kits you get in Boots work well since the regulations changed. I buy the stuff they use in the salon I go to - it's called Strictly Professional and available on Amazon. You'll need to buy tint and developer, you can get a kit that comes with those and a mixing bowl and brush. I use brown on eyebrows and blue/black on lashes.

Gazelda · 08/03/2017 21:47

I use refectocil from Amazon. Very easy, good value. There's a YouTube video to follow if you want to gain confidence before slapping on the dye.

Kr1stina · 08/03/2017 21:52

I also use refectocil from Amazon. Takes 6 mins and cheap as chips.

I mix 0.5 cm of paste from the tube and 5 drops of the developer. Mix in any ( non plastic ) bowl, cup or saucer. Apply to eyebrows with cotton bud, wait 5 mins and wipe off.

You don't need a special mixing bowl or brush IME.

LanaorAna1 · 08/03/2017 21:59

I use the Eyelure kit and it takes a minute, literally.

Unless you're very dark, you don't really want a jet-black brow as it looks hard and fake, so the home dye is fine.

PurpleNurple69 · 08/03/2017 23:04

Iv got very blond brows and I've used the Eyelure but my brows just don't take the colour. I've had them done at the salon with the same problem. We need to reapply the dye at least 6 times and I still need to use dark brown brow powder afterwards. I'm considering tattooing or micoblading. The ironic thing is that my brows are really quite hairy! Just the wrong colour. Envy

PointlessUsername · 08/03/2017 23:07

Another vote for refectocil, cheap and does the job.

Dulcimena · 08/03/2017 23:11

Refectocil all the way.

HenniePennie · 09/03/2017 10:20

Oh thank you all. I'd never heard of Refectocil but it seems to be the way to go.

OP posts:
Kr1stina · 09/03/2017 12:19

Remember for refectocil you need two things , the tube of cream and the developer. The cream on its own won't work !

I am about half way through my 15ml tube and I've had it I over a year. I don't do my eyelashes though, so if you do both it might only last a year.

Remember to do a skin test first.

PointlessUsername · 09/03/2017 13:13

Remember for refectocil you need two things , the tube of cream and the developer. The cream on its own won't work

Kr1stina Is right, i brought a set from EBAY with developer and tint dish included for around £10

habibihabibi · 09/03/2017 13:25

Another vote for refectocil. My brows are better than any professional dye job I've had, as I regulate the colour.
I still get them threaded but do the colour at home.

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