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How do you store/display your every day make up etc?

19 replies

hickorydickorycock · 23/12/2016 11:36

Mine always looks a mess. Need quick access as always in a rush.... any ideas.....

OP posts:
Beautifullymixed · 24/12/2016 13:20

I love my little organisers, but have accumulated even more make up recently, and a couple of primers (my obsession).
Will have to expand somehow Smile

How do you store/display your every day make up etc?
TheHighPriestessOfTinsel · 24/12/2016 11:15

marking place. Mine is strewn over the top of the chest of drawers, which drives DH nuts.

CaptainWarbeck · 24/12/2016 11:12

I have the acrylic makeup stand box graphista linked to, it's great, you can see everything at once and there are neat little spots for lipsticks and brushes etc.

FrustratedFrugal · 24/12/2016 10:46

I selected a glass-shelved bathroom cabinet from Ikea and my daily makeup lives there. I keep brushes and pencils in glass jars. Blushers and palettes are stacked up and I always keep a selction of lipsticks on the bottom shelf.

seb1 · 24/12/2016 10:30

You can stack these top and bottom

Graphista · 23/12/2016 21:53

There's loads of similar on Amazon.

Should say rest assured dd will love these.

CointreauVersial · 23/12/2016 21:13

In a drawer in my dressing table, which has a plastic drawer-tidy-thingy I bought from Clas Ohlsen. Like a deep cutlery tray with squarer compartments.

Scuttlebutter · 23/12/2016 18:33

I have a set of drawers similar to Squiz that came from Muji plus a pot holder type thing from the same range for brushes, nail files etc. Keeps every thing neat and easily accessible and is very simple to keep clean and tidy. Link here

P1nkP0ppy · 23/12/2016 17:32

In a set of mesh stationery drawers on my dressing table.

hickorydickorycock · 23/12/2016 17:28

Great ideas.. . thanks :)

OP posts:
squiz81 · 23/12/2016 12:43

In these drawers. I think they were £25 from Amazon and have tidied up my chest of drawers so much. It's so quick and easy to find what you want. I love them.

How do you store/display your every day make up etc?
1horatio · 23/12/2016 12:13

Oh, and there's a glass thingie for brushes and sponges.

1horatio · 23/12/2016 12:12

I have 3 makeup bags.

1 to put in my purse and two for 'the rest'.

But my skincare products? They have their own shelf 🙈🙈

youlittlecharmer · 23/12/2016 11:52

old birchboxes/glossyboxes etc, like open trays for my every day bits, stuff that rarely gets used is in make up bags in bathroom cupboard. lipsticks and brushes are kept in old golden syrup tins!

ChishandFips33 · 23/12/2016 11:44

In the bathroom under sink cabinet drawer - in either
glass jars for brushes, lip glosses, mascara, cotton wool balls and pads,

small boxes to separate/group - nail varnish blusher perfume face creams or the

narrow cutlery type trays from IKEA

...the double drawer is filled with this and looks so organised, everything to hand and easily tidied except I wear the same mascara, blusher and lippy!!! Hmm

DianaT1969 · 23/12/2016 11:39

If you have a drawer you could put it in a cutlery tray. Separation of products and visibility.

Bluntness100 · 23/12/2016 11:37

I don't display it, it's in the bathroom cabinet,,,,

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