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Non-moisturiser solutions for ageing skin

15 replies

Myrobalanna · 17/12/2016 12:11

I've suddenly got very dry skin and it's getting me down. To some extent it's genetic. I'm mid-forties, peri menopausal, it doesn't surprise me but I want a bit of sheen back!

What are your tips that aren't necessarily moisturisers? I know I should probably drink pints of water each day. What else?

OP posts:
MinceForBrains · 18/12/2016 14:38

I like flaxseed a lot, I whizz up a tablespoon full (otherwise they just go straight through, untouched by your digestion...) and have on porridge for breakfast.

Do be careful with dosages of flaxseed oil though. 'Fresh' flaxseed increases bowel activities, I would assume that the oil does the same. Maybe take a recommended dose first, see how you react to it and build up if necessary and you can tolerate it.

potap123 · 18/12/2016 13:24

Cold pressed flaxseed oil tablets at a reasonably high dose might really help along with lots of water

airedailleurs · 18/12/2016 09:15

try moisturising with coconut oil at night, it works for me and I'm mid-50s (no menopause symptoms though)

FlouncedBack · 17/12/2016 18:51

Which ever lotions/oils you decide I found applying it at least 3 x a day if you can manage it was the secret.
I've been looking for the perfect dry and sensitive skin cream for years and haven't found one yet so settled on Jergens as the best of the bunch for me because it soaks in well.

startingtolooklikemother · 17/12/2016 18:44

Similar skin here I use Aldi serum and pure organic coconut oil. I then put on a little st tropez fake tan and it has a real healthy glow. Skin has never looked better and it costs me hardly anything

Kennington · 17/12/2016 18:41

Urea containing products are perfect - eucerin
Fish oils in diet
Grapeseed oil
Lanolips lanolin around eyes
I have to do this every winter otherwise my skin falls off

SilentlyScreamingAgain · 17/12/2016 17:41

If your skin is suddenly very dry, it might have more to do with the central heating than your age. Are you coming in and out of an overheated/very dry house?

Floisme · 17/12/2016 12:33

My other bit advice is not to try out lots of new products and once and definitely not to use anything that makes your skin hurt. I made that mistake and I've ended up with very sensitive skin.

TimTamTerrier · 17/12/2016 12:33

I have always had very sensitive, dry skin. I had a big overhaul of products earlier this year and tried loads of new things. What I have settled on is Nip and Fab glycolic fix pads, Neal's Yard frankincense intense eye cream and moisturiser, and Mizon snail repair cream. I also have Neal's Yard frankincense cream cleanser but I haven't tried it yet. I use the Nip + Fab and the Neal's Yard before bed and the Mizon in the morning. I've also been taking krill oil supplements for a while, mostly because it helps with my clicky joints but it also helps a bit with dry skin.

chartreuse · 17/12/2016 12:30

I find oils infinitely better for dry skin than moisturiser. I use the L'Oréal one, I gave it to a friend recently and she texted me a couple of days later to say she was amazed at the effect already. Give it a try!

Myrobalanna · 17/12/2016 12:27

Yes I feared 'no alcohol' might come up. But yes, definitely, no alcohol and more water. (Gah.)

OP posts:
Myrobalanna · 17/12/2016 12:25

Thanks - yes, it's my face. The skin seems thinner and more papery. I've tried so many moisturisers but they aren't the solution at all, nothing comes close to actually moisturising the skin, a select few just sit there nicely making my skin not hurt. Most actively make my skin hurt, or they are so highly perfumed I can't wear them.

So I'm looking for better solutions - I'm too young to have papery skin! At least it's not flaking, but that's just a matter of time.

OP posts:
Floisme · 17/12/2016 12:25

Diet, particularly oily fish and nuts plus, I'm afraid, as little alcohol as possible. I should also say no caffeine or sugar but I can't bring myself to give up on coffee and chocolate.

eurochick · 17/12/2016 12:20

Put a serum or oil on at night? Drinks lots of water and eat well.

MinceForBrains · 17/12/2016 12:19

Is it just your face?

Topical improvements added into your routine - serums with hyaluronic acid, oils, cleansing balms/oils rather than washes or foaming products.

Add avocado and nuts to your diet.

Drink the water.

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