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dd is upset that she 'has purple and red blotchy legs and cankles'. Can anyone help?

54 replies

Gatekeeper · 29/11/2016 19:22

she is 14 and the most beautiful girl on the planet but she hates her legs. She has stopped growing now 5' 2 ish i am 5'8 but she has inherited my mother's legs . Mine are the same shape wise but are a bit longer due to my height so more in proportion

Her issue is that they are blotchy all the time; in cold weather they turn a myriad of colours like mine do but because her skin is very, very pale it shows up more. She is also upset that her legs are shapeless and she has cankles Sad. She is slender elsewhere

She is otherwise very healthy and rarely ill- just hates her legs. She is crying about them upstairs and after a cuddle and a chat I said I would ask Mumsnet

oh wise ones...what can you advice? I have given her a bodybrush I found in my drawer and showed her how to use it on her legs to start things off to help improve circulation

Thank you

OP posts:
BusterGonad · 01/12/2016 12:31

I second the Rimmel shimmer wash off stuff. It's great and pretty cheap.

Bobochic · 01/12/2016 12:35

Running and the gym can work miracles on legs. Both my DSSs had awful legs (inherited from their mother) before taking up intensive sport.

User006point5 · 01/12/2016 13:49

she is 14 and the most beautiful girl on the planet
I think this is where we go wrong. It overvalues values beauty. By saying to our DDs how beautiful they are, when they spot an "imperfection", it seems more important! Who gives a damn whether you are beautiful or not! Grin

I agree with those who say better to think about other things than spend boring hours trying to improve what will always be "cankles"... Confused why care! If anyone criticizes your cankles - well, bollocks to them.

taybert · 01/12/2016 17:56

I'm getting irrationally annoyed at cankles now. The more I see so called examples of them, the more I'm convinced they really are just legs.

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