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DH bought me some clothes

44 replies

DisdressedDolphin · 25/06/2016 09:03

They are completely different to anything I would have chosen myself. They fit. They even look elegant on the model on the website . But i don't know if I can pull it off. Obviously I said thank you. Now what? What would I wear it with?

OP posts:
Dozer · 25/06/2016 09:05

Why "obviously" thank him? If you don't like it or how you look in it just ask him for the receipt and exchange!

dudsville · 25/06/2016 09:10

Saying thank you is kind when a person recieves a gift so I understand that. I can't open your link but I'll presume this is an expensive purchase. My story is different because I presume the items were cheaper but my oh once gave me a pajama set I hated. I thanked hI'm and put it in the back of the drawer. An expensive item I would want to return as I wouldn't want the money to go to waste.

msrisotto · 25/06/2016 09:10

Link doesn't work. DH used to buy me clothes without checking first. Lovely thought and I did thank him, but there is no point pretending to like it if you don't. If nothing else, he'll continue buying things that don't work.

Dozer · 25/06/2016 09:20

You can thank someone for the thought but politely explain it's not quite right for you. No point and a waste of money keeping something you never wear, having to buy stuff to match, or wearing something you're not happy in for someone else.

DisdressedDolphin · 25/06/2016 15:54

sorry, didn't check the link. Can't seem to make it work, so have tried to attach a photo.

DH bought me some clothes
OP posts:
DisdressedDolphin · 25/06/2016 15:57

I've never worn anything like it because I've never found a skirt that sits at the right length on me, this one is long enough. And he bought me shoes to wear with it Grin But I don't know what to teem it with on the top half. I politely declined his choice of top and suggested he return it!

OP posts:
msrisotto · 25/06/2016 18:16

Any white top? Strappy, t-shirt etc. I like it.

DisdressedDolphin · 25/06/2016 20:08

So the top should be fitted rather than floaty (like the skirt is)? It's not quite white, more off-white.

OP posts:
Tate15 · 26/06/2016 07:08

White vest top or fitted white t shirt.

LockedOutOfMN · 26/06/2016 14:35

If they fit and look good, wear them! Life's too short not to be confident. Wear them out somewhere with him.

Scarydinosaurs · 26/06/2016 15:00

White top tucked in? I like it.

HappinessLivesHere · 27/06/2016 20:53

I love that skirt, it's beautiful! Agree with a fitted white vest or T-shirt.

DisdressedDolphin · 28/06/2016 13:54

Ok, which is best?

DH bought me some clothes
DH bought me some clothes
DH bought me some clothes
OP posts:
macnab · 28/06/2016 14:36

I think the white (obviously with a nude cami underneath) and then you need to do that tucked in a bit but not fully tucked in thing that I can never master everyone seems to be doing.

Lovely skirt.

Mrs9C · 28/06/2016 14:39

Yes, the white one, tucked in Smile

nilbyname · 28/06/2016 14:43

Tucked in all the way, then raise your arms up over your head. Should stay tucked in but give just enough bag/gape to look good

DisdressedDolphin · 28/06/2016 15:33

Right. I shall give it a shot! Now, keep the black ones or return? Does the first black one seem an acceptable 'out to lunch with the IL's' outfit or does it not go at all?

OP posts:
HappinessLivesHere · 29/06/2016 21:55

I think the first one is s complete mis-match to be honest. Sorry!

Gaspard · 29/06/2016 21:59

I think the black tops are lovely but a bit too long. You look great, by the way.

3boys3dogshelp · 29/06/2016 22:01

I like the third pic. I don't like the first one at all sorry. You have a lovely DH!

MissWimpyDimple · 29/06/2016 22:04

I like the neckline of the third top. Really nice.

mogloveseggs · 29/06/2016 22:12

Third one. Looks really lovely.


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BretonTop · 29/06/2016 22:16

Lovely skirt! Agree don't like the first top (black t-shirt) but the others look good. Love the shape of the third one; could you get that in white? Envious of your figure BTW!

bombayflambe · 29/06/2016 22:37

first black one too covering, white one too baggy over your middle (even tucked in I suspect) third one great shape but better in white.

yomellamoHelly · 29/06/2016 22:48

Second one tucked in and pulled out a little. Would look for a grey one too to see what that looked like

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