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ok, I'd really like everybody's recommendation for a super moisturiser!!!

36 replies

IWantToLiveInPawnee · 24/05/2016 17:54

It has to be organic or with very few nasties and good for dehydrated skin with sensitised areas and blackheads/sebaceous filaments.

I've loved my Dr Haushka Rose day cream but I suspect it's blocking my t-zone.

Aaaaagh, hit me with all your suggestions, please Smile

OP posts:
DifficultLemonDifficult · 26/05/2016 19:11

I was using Liz Earle, but I think the formulation must have changed - it was not doing what it used to. I tried Pai, but it was very disappointing for the price. After a recommendation on here, I tried Eucerin. Have never looked back. My sensitive, dry, dehydrated skin has never looked do good (or behaved so well!).

Wolpertinger · 26/05/2016 19:06

Another vote for Cerave PM. No fragrance, no pore blocking, lots of proven active ingredients at an amazing price point.

IWantToLiveInPawnee · 26/05/2016 19:04

I've ordered Green People Vit Min, will report back!

OP posts:
ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe · 26/05/2016 09:55

I love the yellow L'Occitane cream, I quite like the smell and am currently on my third jar.

I do want to switch to Darphin 8 flower cream, but haven't so far.

teta · 26/05/2016 09:48

I have really sensitive skin and really rate Super Defence by Clinique.But i've been using Cataphil moisturiser and its brilliant and cheap and is the first moisturiser I've been able to use for years without a reaction.
Organic/natural products are just as likely to cause allergic reactions as synthetics.

Tollygunge · 26/05/2016 09:38

I think Dr Hauschka rose cream is rubbish, even the intense one too drying. I like neals yard frankincense or l'occitane myrrh. Expensive but last for ages

WittgensteinsBunny · 26/05/2016 09:34

Neal's Yard? I have the orange flower moisturiser. I will never use another moisturiser again! I have quite dry skin though. I also love Avalon's lavender exfoliator. It's a really decent "scrubby" exfoliator.

maggiethemagpie · 25/05/2016 18:27

Liz Earle superskin. If you get the neroli one it doesn't smell bad!

Seriouslylighthearted · 25/05/2016 10:59

The bright yellow one is Divine Grin I really like the smell. To me it's a very faint smell of some kind of flower, defo not wee or musty.

OP if your t zone is congested then acid tone or use a mild scrub to unblock.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 25/05/2016 10:19

L'Occitane in the blue jar is nice (I bought a trio of mini jars from QVC a while ago) I bought it when I got a %off voucher in a mag (ages ago)
The one in the yellow jar (Immortal I think) Stinks of mildew and wee. Herbal my bum . Hmm

LaCerbiatta · 25/05/2016 10:11

Balance me is lovely, my favourite brand! The collagen one, with a silver lid is very luxurious without being greasy!

IWantToLiveInPawnee · 25/05/2016 07:34

Gah! Just looked at all my choices and they all contain a multitude of pore blocking ingredients!

What on earth do I put on my face?

OP posts:
Kirriemuir · 25/05/2016 06:48

There is a Liz Earle TSV on QVC on Saturday. You could buy it and try. 30 days to return if you don't get on with it. It contains a moisturiser with some other products.

AppleMagic · 25/05/2016 01:22

I have very sensitive skin (eczema and rosacea, lucky me!).
Bizarrely the only moisturiser I've found that is the perfect balance of rehydrating, not too water based, not too oily, non irritating is Clinique super defence. I don't rate any of their other products but I haven't found anything else my skin tolerates as well.

Sultanashirls · 25/05/2016 01:06

I didn't think Pai was worth the money. It was nothing special. Didn't last all day.

I cannot fault Lush Celestial

rahlikeatiger · 25/05/2016 00:55

Another vote for Liz Earle here, love it x

AcademiaNut · 24/05/2016 23:55

Trilogy organic pure Rosehip oil
available from Amazon/ decent health food shops.

polyhymnia · 24/05/2016 22:47

I like Sarah Chapman products.

CoolToned · 24/05/2016 22:43

Rosehip oil added to any organic moisturiser.

Seriouslylighthearted · 24/05/2016 22:37

I really like L'occitaine Divine.

64PooLane · 24/05/2016 22:35

Nude Progenius oil is fantastic (ymmv of course, but I am 40+, dehydrated combo with sensitive bits and a tendency to hormonal spots). I've started using a couple of drops of it over hydrating serum, instead of moisturiser.

I don't have blackheads/seb fils, though; but I gather certain oils can be great for skins that do. I've tried a lot of oils and find the Nude one by far the nicest and it doesn't feel 'oily' in a bad way. I use it under makeup etc.

I've found a lot of green/natural moisturisers have shea butter and that always breaks me out, so I'm glad to have found a workaround.

BabyGanoush · 24/05/2016 22:28

The dr Haushka milk has been surprisingly lovely for my dry sensitive skin (light yellow colour in glas pump bottle)


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70isaLimitNotaTarget · 24/05/2016 22:17

Philosophy Hope in a Jar I have used off and on (there's a newer one that I got last year. Nice enough but my skin didn't look any better or worse after 3 months so I haven't bought it again)

Neals Yard Rose - in a pump bottle, very light. Good for Summer, just need to wrestle it back from DD

I've got a few on the go,, I find some irritate my eyes out of the blue (makes them water) so I go onto something else.

I've used Liz Earle but I only liked the Light (not used the Superskin but reviews say it smells of fish Hmm )

Body Shop Vit E might be worth a punt ( I bought the Vit E Sorbet a couple of years ago, smelled lovely but horrible texture, bit like fine semolina -weird- and it rolled off. The regular Vit E cream is ok )

Openmindedmonkey · 24/05/2016 22:01

A friend of mine has super-sensitive skin & despaired of finding anything that didn't cause irritation; then she discovered Liz Earle & it's made such an improvement & never irritates.
(& makes gift buying for her so easy now!)

SouthWestmom · 24/05/2016 21:59

Erm well after a long history of spending ££££ on face cream, I have been using cheap old blue pot nivea for about three months. My skin is amazing! Every day with cotton wool to cleanse and then just rub it in.

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