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Shall I get my nose pierced?

61 replies

TwentyOneGuns · 23/04/2016 20:00

I've seen a few people who have and they looked great with studs that were very small and pretty. In my head I'd look really cool and interesting and edgy but as a rather dumpy 40-something I'm afraid I'd be more likely to look try-hard and a bit sad .

Should I go for it or accept that I should have had it done 20 years ago and leave it?

OP posts:
DailyFailAreABunchOfCunts · 30/04/2016 19:46

Do it, do it, do it!

I have mine pierced - had it done at 18, took it out in my early 20s and then had it re-pierced in my early 30s because I fancied having it again. I'm late 30s now and love it. I wear a very small silver stud at the weekends (Sainsburys of all places does quite nice nose jewellery - packs of 4 or 5 different studs for about a tenner). I wear a ring every so often if I am going out. I work in a very staid environment so during the week I have a tiny stud that used to have a crystal in it. The crystal fell out so it lies flat against my nose - a bit of primer and then concealer and powder and you can't tell I have a piercing at all.

It stings a bit when you have it done - and it makes your eyes water a bit! But as long as you go to a proper studio and make sure you have it done by someone with the proper sterilised equipment, it should heal pretty quickly. Their expertise is important as they will know where to site it so that it doesn't sit in your peripheral vision - I can't see mine unless I close one eye and 'squint' down my nose.

Elizabethreallyismissing · 30/04/2016 15:39

Well I had mine pierced when I was about 25, took it out when I was 39 because I thought I was getting too old but the hole has never really healed up. So about a week agoI found an old nose stud in my jewellery box and just popped it back in & I quite like it! I'm 49 now!

Floisme · 30/04/2016 15:05

All the 20 yo are like WTF so I'd advise against.
I think I've already said I'm not a fan either.
However the day I don't do something in case a 20 year-old disapproves is the day you can have a whip round and buy me a one-way ticket to Switzerland.

doctorboo · 30/04/2016 14:05

I'm 33 and had my nose repierced two weeks ago. Originally had it done at 14 but it fell out in the swimming pool!) Wish I'd had it done sooner as I love it. No one has recoiled in disgust over it, it's so tiny.
It's not the start of a long and drawn out midlife crisis, just that I've decided that if I like something and it doesn't cost a kidney I'll try and make it happen.

TwentyOneGuns · 29/04/2016 23:15

I'm still contemplating :) Funnily enough MetalMorphasis is where I had my belly button pierced many many moons ago.

OP posts:
DownstairsMixUp · 29/04/2016 22:06

Go for it, or actually, try a fake first, wear it for a week, see how you like it then get it done. I have the right side of my lip pierced, a tiny silver stud. I take it out thinking i'll keep it out but I always miss it.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 29/04/2016 21:52

I was going to treat my tragus to a teeny gold hoop for its 50th (not sure which one, whichever one is best suited) but I'm put off by the thought of it catching on things.I have short hair so don;t use brushes or combs .

I would go to MetalMorphosis or similar .

ThatIsNachoCheese · 29/04/2016 21:27

Did you decide to go for it op?

specialsubject · 24/04/2016 12:09

Not on pale skin - always looks like a spot. Good studs look good on Asian or dark skin.

BeautyGoesToBenidorm · 24/04/2016 11:26

No! - it has the highest infection rate of all piercings

Where did you get that from? Not true at all.

Ear cartilage is far more likely to get irritated/infected, due to oil and collected debris from your hair aggravating the piercing, and rubbing against pillows etc, but even then actual infection isn't all that common.

A nose piercing performed with a gun will encounter endless healing issues, as will rubbing makeup into the site of the piercing. But a properly needle pierced nostril that is well cared for is no more likely to get infected than any other piercing.

HoneyDragon · 24/04/2016 11:19

It's no different to having your ears pierced. It's another vehicle for pretty jewellery.

I love mine. I did for my face, not for a look. And it looks fine however I'm dressed or made up.

Op, if you think you'll like the look and it will make you smile do it.

If you want to act out about the inevitability of aging and have a mid like crisis there's so much more out there to choose from.

Fly to New York and spend a weekend drinking cocktails and shopping?

Go to a festival?

By an inappropriate car?

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 24/04/2016 11:10

Go for what makes you happy. My sister has one and it looks fab,she's 40 plus.

Floisme · 24/04/2016 10:06

Personally I'm not keen. I can never get past thinking, 'It's your nose, there's snot up there.'

But not getting it done because you're over 40 is the worst possible reason.

NickiFury · 24/04/2016 08:29

That's how I feel about my navel piercing hollie. It's got a very sparkly diamond in it at present and I have belly bars in loads of different coloured sparkly stones. It's my little thing that makes me feel happy whenever I see it.

hollieberrie · 24/04/2016 08:00

I have naval and nose - i never show the naval off (aint no-one wanna see that!) but i love both and i really feel they're just for me. I get a little thrill when i see either of them, even after all these years of having them.

Dont understand people saying it looks ridiculous. I never see older people (or indeed anyone) with piercings, tattoos, colourful hair and think it looks ridiculous. Sometimes i think Wow, thats a bold look, but never more than that. Why the need to conform? Even those stretchy ear hole things - theyre not my thing but if i see someone with them it doesnt make me judge the person in any way.

wallywobbles · 24/04/2016 07:45

My lovely cleaner 44 has just got a facial piercing and taken up smoking. I think it's something to do with middle aged angst and her daughter hitting 20. All the 20 yo are like WTF so I'd advise against.

TwentyOneGuns · 24/04/2016 07:19

I did used to have my navel pierced but took it out when I had DD and there's no way I'm flashing my belly these days, no-one needs to see that!

Thanks Madsion I n/c after seeing American Idiot: The Musical last year, loved it! Really wanted 21Guns but it's taken although I've never seen the user around.

OP posts:
BendydickCuminsnatch · 24/04/2016 06:32

*husband!!! I only have one! :)

BendydickCuminsnatch · 24/04/2016 06:32

YES! I had mine done but took it out after a couple of months as it wasn't healing. LOVED IT and would get it done again but I know my grandparents, parents and husbands would hate it. Should do it anyway, I know!

Thataintnoetchasketch · 24/04/2016 06:27

I got mine done a few weeks ago & love it. If you want it done then do it. You can always take it out again if you don't like it.

nocoffeenouppee · 24/04/2016 02:43

I like a small stud. Think a nose ring looks ridiculous on an otherwise conventionally dressed person. SIL has one and I'm dying to tell her she looks like an idiot but I wouldn't dare.

Nettletheelf · 24/04/2016 01:24

Don't. I tend to mistake them for spots when I see them on other people. Even when the stud isn't in.

I loved the "other forms of self expression are available" advice!


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hollieberrie · 24/04/2016 00:56

No you can't. You just forget it's there.

Pinkgeek · 24/04/2016 00:43

Can u see it out of the corner of your eye all the time?! I'd end up picking at it thinking I had something stuck on my snout!!

ThatIsNachoCheese · 24/04/2016 00:38

I'll do it if you do it Grin

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