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Please help me find a hairstyle for my thin hair!

36 replies

allegretto · 16/01/2016 15:37

Hello. I have very fine, thinning hair (with small bald patches at the front). I also have a long face that looks like an egg without a fringe (being brutally honest here). I have until recently had a fringe but I literally do not have enough hair to have a fringe now - despite well-meaning hairy friends telling me it would really suit me. Hmm The whole situation is really getting me down. It doesn't matter how I dress, all you can see is a lack of hair and frankly, I am not a looker. With hair I can look sort of normal, without I look scary. The only way out I can think of is a wig but there is such a taboo about them and I am a teacher - I dread to think of the comments. Help!!!

OP posts:
NoMoreMrRight · 19/01/2016 16:56

Another big vote for Toppix here. No more spending hours with two mirrors arranging my hair or being scared of going outside when windy. It's literally changed my life.

cupcakesandwine · 17/01/2016 16:53

I also go to Philip Kingsley but TBH his drops are basically minoxidil which you can buy over the counter (as Regaine). Minoxidil is pretty much the only treatment available for women (men have a couple more available) and it works by stabilising hair loss and encouraging hair to grow back thicker. It is not a miracle cure but I have definitely seen some benefit from it- enough to find it worth putting drops on my scalp every day for the rest of my life anyway.

Start with the women's Regaine which is a 2% solution then work up to the men's solution which is 5% (that's what I use on PK's advice). The sooner the better for starting this.

I know you asked about hair styles, but I just wanted to mention some alternatives so that you know that there are options even if you reach the point where hair styles don't cover it any more - there are lots of us out there struggling with our hair on a daily basis.

An alternative if it gets really bad is some sort of hair mesh I know someone who has this and until she told me I had always just thought she had gorgeous hair! If mine gets too bad this is what I plan to opt for.

Whatdoidohelp · 17/01/2016 12:02

Dry shampoo is your friend. It adds thickness to the fibres and much needed volume. You can buy it in a range of colours.

Scarletforya · 16/01/2016 23:22

Talking about iron, sorry!

Scarletforya · 16/01/2016 23:20

Be sure to ask about your ferritin levels, not just the general serum one.

Mine was 18, hair loss big-time, needs to be at least 70 for hair growth.

allegretto · 16/01/2016 23:16

No! Wish I could. Looks great on Zadie Smith - more Nora Batty on me.

OP posts:
AvaCrowder · 16/01/2016 21:42
AvaCrowder · 16/01/2016 21:37

My friend with really thin hair has a very short bob and a thin (natch) fringe. It looks really good and suits her face shape. She is very self conscious about her hair but it looks great.

Chottie · 16/01/2016 21:07

I have fine hair too.

I don't know where you live, but I went to Philip Kingsley in London in desperation. I use his hair drops daily and it has made a huge difference, I now have a normal head of hair. My hair type is fine, but I no longer mind standing under a bright light or fear windy days.

I do not work for PK, am not related to him and do not have shares in PK. There is a lot of useful advice on his website.

allegretto · 16/01/2016 20:39

Tate - I'm not that bad! As for the lesbian comments with short hair - I get those already!

OP posts:
Tate15 · 16/01/2016 20:30
BorisJohnsonsHair · 16/01/2016 20:26

OP, I can't believe people have made comments, how insensitive. Sending Flowers as I too have thinning hair, and it makes you feel so unattractive. I've tried the Toppik powder, which helps more if you hair is darker I think (mine is dyed naturally dark brown), so the Toppik makes your scalp darker and helps to blend in more with your hair. Also, I would suggest a shorter, layered cut, to help give height and use mousse, volume powder etc. The L'Oreal thickening shampoo and conditioner will help a little as it seems to coat your hair, making it slightly coarser.

A hairdresser could probably suggest lowlights/highlights which would also help to make it look thicker.

Tate15 · 16/01/2016 20:25

Allegretto, all I can visualise now is Marty Feldman in the role of Igor!


Anyone who has made a comment is being unkind. Children say horrible things but if it is an adult then they are putting you down in an unpleasant manner.

I do think you are being harsh on yourself. However, I do understand that you want to feel better about your appearance.

I do not think there is an easy answer, you could waste lots of money here and there by trying all manner of potions, tablets, hairpieces, different haurcuts, hats etc when really you are only temporarily disguising the problem not solving it.

Once any medical condition has been completely ruled out and you are found to just have inherited your hair loss and hair thinning I think your only option is a hair transplant.

Expensive but should solve the problem. Do your research thoroughly.

DrGoogleWillSeeYouNow · 16/01/2016 20:20

I'd have a look at some short hairstyles if it were me, with some high and lowlights to give the illusion of texture and more hair than there is.

Oldisthenewblack · 16/01/2016 20:18

OP - you may have better luck with the shades available in Toppik. I do hope so. I wouldn't be without it now. Maybe I'm lucky as my hair is just a standard brown, but in Toppik they do light, mid and dark, and sometimes you could even try a mix of shades.

allegretto · 16/01/2016 20:14

Tate - I have a crooked nose and one eye bigger than the other! My teeth, nails and eyebrows are good though and I do look after my appearance. I think I generally looked alright (not stunning but normal) but lately my hair being so wispy means I am really exposed. You can now see all my lovely wrinkles, a huge expanse of forehead and a scar on my head that was once covered by hair. I have gone from being not great but normal to a bit freaky - and I am not the only one to notice this. Comments have been made!

OP posts:
Tate15 · 16/01/2016 18:13

When you say you're not a looker., perhaps you could re. evaluate your face and go to a make up counter and see if they can give you some tips in making the best of yourself. No the Benefit counter or any assistant that looks orange and overly made up. The look you want is to enhance your features not cover them in slap!

Groomed eyebrows are important in framing your face. Are your teeth OK? You don't need expensive whitening treatments, just use a good toothpaste such as oral b.

When you look in the mirror you are zoning in on yourself and unless you are a supermodel then just like the rest of us you will think you are unattractive.

Other people notice kind eyes and a smiling mouth. I have known many not terribly good looking women who look fantastic because they are well groomed and are confident.

You are feeling down about your hair and that air of gloom is noticed and is more unnatractive than having less than desirable hair.

You are a teacher, you are talking and the focus is on your lips and probably your hands. Try out some nice lipsticks and have manicured nails. Our eyes are naturally drawn to attractive things so play up the good.

SmaDizietSma · 16/01/2016 18:08

My hair is fine and I have a long bob. I discovered dry shampoo and volume powder about a year ago and they make a massive difference. I use them as soon as I've dried and straightened my hair. It's a revelation, I had to wash my hair daily before.

Tate15 · 16/01/2016 18:03

As you are are a teacher you are in danger of receiving upsetting comments either intentionally or unintentionally.

If it happens to me I will go for a short layered crop and wear headscarfs.

Wigs can be uncomfortable and hot, something to bear in mind in a hot classroom and as you've said, noticeable.

I've googled head coverings for chemo patients and this is the look I'd go for, a cotton headscarf.

You could go funky and have it shaved and then different zany colours but that may get you the lesbian comments from gobby students.

Please help me find a hairstyle for my thin hair!
LettuceLaughton · 16/01/2016 18:02

Absolutly agree about having iron, thyroid, vit D, everything (re)checked.

But, how about one of those short hair styles that are long on top and brushed forward from the crown? This isn't the best example but I need to get the DC to bed.

Please help me find a hairstyle for my thin hair!
Tate15 · 16/01/2016 17:48

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Tate15 · 16/01/2016 17:46

The most common cause of hair loss in women is post-menopausal female pattern baldness, according to Dr Farjo. Falling levels of the female sex hormone oestrogen mean the male sex hormone dihydrotestosterone becomes more dominant - this hormone causes men's hair to fall out and has the same effect in women.
Baldness is afflicting women of all ages, with Transform reporting that the average age of female hair-loss patients has fallen from 51 in 2010 to 34 in 2013.
Any woman suffering baldness should consult a doctor to rule out conditions such as diabetes, underactive thyroid and polycystic ovaries. The Pill can also cause hair loss.
However the most common trigger for thinning hair in younger women is iron deficiency, which affects 20 per cent of British women aged 19 to 34.
Iron in the body binds to ferritin - a protein involved in the production of hair cells which also guards against hair shedding.


That is from an article about a woman residing to a hair transplant.

SoWhite · 16/01/2016 17:13

My hair is of afro texture, which I relax, so probably not allegretto. You'd need something entirely different for Euro hair.

allegretto · 16/01/2016 16:45

Oldisthenewblack - thanks. I have tried something similar but the colour match wasn't great and it looked really obvious but I will look into that brand and also get iron levels rechecked.

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