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Running outfit

10 replies

KitZacJak · 19/10/2015 10:55

What do you all wear when you go running?

I am planning on running (optimistic choice of word!) straight after school drop off in the morning for about half an hour 2-3 times a week. I would like to wear something that I feel comfortable wearing when at school. Does anyone know of a good sweatshirts/ or running jackets suitable that would cover my bum. I would probably end up taking it off when I get hot so wouldn't want it to be too bulky. Most of the stuff I see seems to not be long enough.

OP posts:
emsyj · 20/10/2015 17:03

I have a ton of the cheapo Karrimor stuff from Sports Direct - the long running pants have a zip pocket at the back that's big enough to fit my ipod which is my main reason for choosing them. I've got a few pairs of Nike capri pants but they require me to wear one of those arm bands for the essential ipod and they always rub. On top I wear a short sleeved Karrimor top or a sleeveless Nike vest in summer and a long sleeved Karrimor top in winter. I'm contemplating getting a gilet for when it gets really cold.
I go to school in this garb with no shame, I couldn't care less. I do draw my eyebrows on though, I look very strange otherwise! Grin

KitZacJak · 20/10/2015 12:13

Thanks for all the ideas. I think I will either buy a long running vest or a long sweatshirt if I can fine one, along with some running tights. Long vest might be best as I will take off the sweatshirt at some stage (but well away from the school!).

OP posts:
anothernumberone · 19/10/2015 20:17

I wear running gear from primark. I run 4 times + per week and do a couple more exercise classes so I need tonnes. I find it great. More people have seen my vpl, camel toe and sqiggy belly than I care to imagine but they are very comfy and I love exercise so I don't care

Waxlyrically · 19/10/2015 20:12

I tend to wear running tights with shorts or a skort thing over the top and a light weight jacket. Gives maximum bum coverage. I find it really annoying that women's sportswear is always so fitted -regular excercise is hard enough without worrying about VPL and the dreaded camel toe!!

Boredofthinkingofnewnames · 19/10/2015 13:14

I have Nike running tights, and at this time of year I have a Puma running hoody that covers my (rather large) bum. I go to school like that twice a week.

carrie74 · 19/10/2015 13:11

I exercise 3 times a week, and my most recent purchases have been from Gap Fit, I'm really impressed with the range and prices are great when they're doing one of their VIP 30/40% off promotions.

I have a great stretchy charcoal jacket from them which I wear when going to/from school, not too heavy (can tie round waist if get hot when running). Also good for warm ups/cool downs. I also have a selection of vest tops and and also LS tops for running according to weather. When it's properly cold, I tend to wear a vest + LS top + jacket and gloves.

Other than Gap, I've liked Ronhill. I only had one pair of Nike leggings, and they were the worst quality of anything I owned. And they gave me camel toe.

Pixi2 · 19/10/2015 13:00

I do a cross country run three times a week after the morning school run. I wear trainers, sports top, long length vest top (H&m) exercise bottoms (they're v old. I have 3 pairs), fit like leggings but flare into a bootcut on the bottom, and DH's hoody which covers nearly everything.

AvonleaAnne · 19/10/2015 12:48

I mostly wear running tights with running dresses over the top as I am 5'9" and most tops are too short. I hate going on the school run in my running tights and a normal top. I feel like a bit of a prat - especially given how slow I run.

This is my favourite running dress but it is hard to find one to buy. It is the Nike Dri Fit dress - if you find one buy it! It is so flattering. I would buy more in other colours if I could find them. There are lots of running dresses and tunics around. Sweaty Betty has a nice one called the Pace setter tunic but it is very expensive.

i just wear a normal length jacket over the top.

Running outfit
KitZacJak · 19/10/2015 11:15

Thanks for that, I am thinking of running tights as well as I only have cropped leggings at the moment. Will have a look at the reebok and adidas ones. Have got some tops similar to yours but was hoping to find something longer to go on top.

OP posts:
Naicecuppatea · 19/10/2015 11:05

I got some tops online from the Reebok site which are a lovely length here. I team this with a light jacket (old Adidas one) and some running tights (also Adidas but plan to get some from Reebok next as much better price). I wear all this to school and go for a run straight after drop-off. When I get hot I tie the jacket round my waist - probably looks awful but nothing for it!

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