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How many bras do you have?

70 replies

ifonly4 · 04/10/2015 10:45

Talking to a friend last week and explaining money was short so can't afford to replace two white bras that have been better days, so that leaves me with five - two black, one dusty pink, one cream and one white - she was shocked I'd originally had seven as she says she doesn't need any more than the three she's got.

So being noisy, how many bras have you got?

OP posts:
Dowser · 04/10/2015 13:21

Loads. But then I have loads of everything.

This is not a stealth boast. I'm a hoarder. I do throw things out. Often . But it's more like ten in and one out!

mummypig3 · 04/10/2015 13:41


Hopefully · 04/10/2015 14:00

How many pairs of pants do the matchers have per bra? And do the non-matchers wear contrasting or semi-matching pants? I mainly wear nude sets (DH is super thrilled with this, obv), but the nude nature of the bras means that I just pair any nude pants with them.

mummypig3 · 04/10/2015 14:46

Most of my pants are from multipacks, which are all black, white nude and some patterned. My bra's are all black, white or nude, so match

Doobigetta · 04/10/2015 14:54

Half a dozen decent ones that I wear most of the time, then two strapless and another four of five that have seen better days but I wear sobbing around the house.

Doobigetta · 04/10/2015 14:57

SLOBBING around the house. They aren't bad enough to make me cry, and neither do I change my underwear for emotional moments. Ffs.

Longislandicetee · 04/10/2015 15:14

About 30 I think. All with matching underwear. Otherwise the world will stop spinning.Grin

Larastheme · 04/10/2015 15:16

Loads, I have a drawer full of bras,and another one with matching pants , for every bra I buy , I buy a matching brief and thong, I only wear matching sets,

Spidertracker · 04/10/2015 15:22

I've got 4 day to day ones.
1 strapless and 2 sports ones.

GhettoFabulous · 04/10/2015 15:28

2, black and nude. What use is a white bra?

LumelaMme · 04/10/2015 15:40

3 I wear regularly (one beige, one black, one grey - no, not crap washing, it was grey to begin with, okay?)
Two I wear when I need ones of that type (strapless, boob-enhancing)
A brand-new sports bra.
So 6 that actually fit, plus a couple that don't.

DesertorDessert · 04/10/2015 15:50

I need to change my answer, and add in 3 sports bras.
Nothing matches. If I'm wearing light tops, nude bra. Dark top, dark bra. Nude or black pants generally, tho I've just got some nudeish with darker and lighter beige patterns. I was desperate!

ripeningapples · 04/10/2015 15:51

Four white, two nude, three black. All Triumph Amourette. Buy about two a year when on offer. Three of the white ones are on their last legs. Wear same colour but not matching pants. Can't bring myself to spend that much on knickers. Must have 40 pairs of knickers!

Hopefully · 04/10/2015 16:33

Ooh, I forgot sports bras. That brings me up to a whopping.... 3.

cressetmama · 04/10/2015 16:39

Two black, two nude... all the same plus one cream and one red, and a sports bra. It is enough. And one on its last legs! Which is identical to black and nude.

Scobberlotcher · 04/10/2015 17:12

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WipsGlitter · 04/10/2015 17:17

One white, one nude, one black, one sports. I've another black one ordered but yet to collect it. No matching knickers. I'd love to be the type to wear matching sets but the knickers always look v scratchy and thrush inducing!!

MrsMarigold · 04/10/2015 17:20

four that I wear (all the same style)
two others
2 sports bras that rarely see the light of day.

madwomanbackintheattic · 04/10/2015 17:24
  1. And I hate wearing one of them as the fabric is scratchy around the underwire, so I minimize wear. I could really do with another couple but can't really afford it.
c4kedout · 04/10/2015 17:43

3 - black, white and nude. covers all bases Grin

hiccupgirl · 04/10/2015 17:44

3 that I rotate at the mo - all Debenhams Gorgerous t shirt bras. 1 nude, 1 black and 1 bright pink. I have 2 others that fit but aren't as comfy.

I had more but lost a lot of weight and haven't been able to buy loads to replace the big ones.

0dfod · 04/10/2015 18:19

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JimmyGreavesMoustache · 04/10/2015 18:21

two A - grade bras, three b - grade, plus a strapless one

I think i need 4 A-grade, plus one strapless and one sports but going bra shopping is SO dull and frustrating that I keep putting it off.

LynetteScavo · 04/10/2015 18:27

Loads, but only two which are comfortable enough for everyday wear.

I know I need to go shopping but can't face it, even though my two bras are about to be washed to death Sad

SixtyFootDoll · 04/10/2015 18:31

4 for every day, all same style, 2 nude, 1 black, 1 navy
1 strapless
3 running bras

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