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Sigh. Is there ANY high factor sun cream that won't leave me looking a greasy mess?

30 replies

TwoNoisyBoys · 09/07/2015 10:19

Just that, really. I'm on holiday with the kids in Spain atm, and it's been ridiculously hot....36/37 degrees. I'm very fair, and wouldn't go under a factor 30 normally anyway, but have been wearing f50 whilst here. I've bought 'matte' ones, 'dry touch' doesn't matter. I just look like a sweaty greasy blob in them all. Is there really any such thing as a a high factor, matte sunscreen?

OP posts:
namechangeforphotos · 09/07/2015 10:31

Is it for your face? Have you been buying face specific ones? Ambre solaire sprays never make my body greasy in normal uk temps, bit different for you at the moment I guess! Following for suggestions tho.

HermioneWeasley · 09/07/2015 10:32

I found the uktrasun sensitive non greasy

specialsubject · 09/07/2015 10:38

you are sweating because it is hot, which obviously has NO CONNECTION to the strength of the UV. That is latitude, time of year, time of day and altitude.

slap it on, shade between 11 and 3, and lots of swimming wearing rash vest and boardies for extra sun protection. Make like a local and go on their timetable. You don't see them sweating because they are working with their climate.

do NOT use 'spf moisturisers'. Useless except for 10 seconds car to office.

TwoNoisyBoys · 09/07/2015 10:40

Well, face and body, really. I've got 'mattifying' ones for the face, but they're no better than the body ones. Just fed up with looking so greasy ???? I wear sunscreen in the uk too, and it's the same there. Perhaps it's me!!

OP posts:
TwoNoisyBoys · 09/07/2015 10:41

No, I do always use a proper sunscreen, not just a product with SPF in.

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ClaraDeLaNoche · 09/07/2015 12:12

The all day ones are alcohol based and a lot drier. Eclipse is a good dupe of P20 and lasts all day.

MarvellousCake · 09/07/2015 12:21

We've just discovered Ultrasun, and (although it's pricey) I won't go back to anything else now. Completely non-greasy, non-sticky after 5-10 minutes and doesn't aggravate DDs' eczema.

LinusDKD · 09/07/2015 12:24

I've been using this on my face for the last few months and it's brilliant.

Sigh. Is there ANY high factor sun cream that won't leave me looking a greasy mess?
WhatWouldMaLarkinDo · 09/07/2015 12:25

I've found the Neutrogena sheer dry touch is really good, only as greasy as a normal moisturiser so it sinks in quickly and isn't sticky. You can get it quite cheaply on eBay but don't buy anything above factor 30 - I tried the factor 50 and it was much heavier and didn't sink in as well.

ninawish · 09/07/2015 13:09

Neutrogena all the way. I'm very fair and live in a hot climate and this is gold - the best one is the spray F50 - not oily or greasy, no whitening and the protection is the best, I've never burnt and can burn in minutes without sunscreen. The spray is brilliant but not cheap.

lushilaoshi · 09/07/2015 13:10


PaidinFull · 09/07/2015 13:21

For face - La Roche Posay or Biore both do decent, non-greasy, factor 50 facial sunscreens (Biore particularly good).

I really rate the Aldi sunscreen for body. Its a milk/light lotion, not greasy or sticky, and cheap as chips.

PaidinFull · 09/07/2015 13:25

I like the Neutrogena one, too. Its not greasy, and is high factor (100!), but I do find it ever so slightly chalky.

Laquila · 09/07/2015 13:25

I really like the Banana Boat kids SPF50 lotion - light and non-greasy, and cheap! I also have a great Superdrug own-brand facial SPF30, and I like Ultrasun Fanily Formula SPF30.

The favourite ever was by a spray by Roc, though - called Minesol Triple something, I think. I loved that stuff!!

FrugalFashionista · 09/07/2015 13:34

Neutrogena Clear Face spf 30 is pretty good (I'm in Italy) but I've switched to Asian sunscreens, they are the best I have ever tried, Biore Watery Essence spf 50 is unbeatable for my face. It does not feel like a sunscreen at all.

For the body, I find sunscreen always a bit icky, and some that feel nicer on seem to stain my whites yellow. I've lived in hot climates for many years and sunscreens are simply quite not what they should be, and I've become a huge fan of protective clothing and hats. In fact I've become a sun-avoider, we are indoors during the midday with shutters closed and a sunroof covering the roof terrace.

BitterChocolate · 09/07/2015 13:35

Sunsense tinted facial sunscreen goes on very matte.

ThoseAwfulCurtains · 09/07/2015 13:43

I must have tried every facial Factor 50 available to humankind as I was told when I had a basal cell carcinoma removed from my face that I must use a very high factor sunscreen 365 days a year.

The best by a country mile is Nivea Sun Protect and Bronze Factor 50. It sinks right in, stays matt-er than mattifying ones and doesn't 'pill' under make up.

Merse · 09/07/2015 13:44

Yes! Sun Sense Daily Face SPF 50+. Tinted day cream. Unbelievably light - feels NOTHING like sun cream. But recommended by medics if you've had skin cancer so seriously effective.

ThoseAwfulCurtains · 09/07/2015 13:45

The Sunsense was good Bitter unless I wanted to put make up on top - then it peeled off in blobs. It's the one the consultant dermatologist recommended though - so it's good stuff protection-wise. I liked the tinted version.

ThoseAwfulCurtains · 09/07/2015 13:49

I like the Aldi one for the body too Paid. They had a spray on version in a can and I wish I'd bought loads more as I think they've stopped doing it. I use the Soltan version now. I've got 2 cans of Soltan Active to return, though, as neither of the buggers would spray after the first 2 minutes. Sad

TwoNoisyBoys · 09/07/2015 14:37

Wow, thanks for all the suggestions, everyone. One of the ones I've brought on holiday was the neutrogena dry touch one, and found that to be just as greasy as others, but to be fair it was the f45, so that could've been why. Lots of suggestions here, thank you. Interesting about the all day/once a day being less greasy....I'll definitely take a look at those Smile

OP posts:
Namechangio · 09/07/2015 18:58

I use banana boat baby spf 50. It's very light, non-greasy and doesn't leave that sticky greasy feeling


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VeganCow · 09/07/2015 19:17

I bought the Sun Sense Daily Face SPF 50+ based on reviews and I bloody hate it!
Its not matte at all and is deffo greasy. The Aldi basic 30spf is less greasy!

Sallystyle · 09/07/2015 19:21

Sun sense 50 is horrid.

I liked it for a while but not good if you are acne prone and it is very greasy if you put the right amount you need on. I was ok with it for a while until I started using more in the summer and the grease broke me out.

I love the Estee Lauder SPF and Ultra Sun. Estee Lauder is too expensive to justify though.

I have one in the post recommended here, Biore or something.

Melonfool · 09/07/2015 20:02

Third day of LRP SPF 50 and I quite like it

I also have the Biore one on order, I'll get through them both pretty quickly no doubt!

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