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It's 29 degrees and I'm wearing pj bottoms.

32 replies

Wagglebee · 01/07/2015 17:32

I have no clue how to dress for Summer.

I'm currently hidden away in my garden wearing cotton baggy pj bottoms and a vest. Obviously I can't go out like this...can I?

Every year I have good intentions and every time it ends in me panicking and buying something baggy and hideous or hiding away because I literally have nothing suitable to wear.

I'm 5'6" a size 10 and hourglass/pear shaped. Very pale skin. 30ff.

What do you wear in Summer?

Can anyone help me put a couple of outfits together please?

OP posts:
squizita · 02/07/2015 13:28

I get mine from Debenhams - they're on the rail with/near the tshirt bras, always very simple cotton. No lace or padding, just a simple under wire bra but nice and light.
In very hot weather I wear non wired "box" bras from M&S! Grin You can't even buy them online, you need to go in store - they're very plain and unglamorous, but cool on a warm day under a tshirt. They do larger sizes in their firmer support non wired range.

gingeroots · 02/07/2015 12:08

lostthegame - oh that sounds nice .Um ,what is this "ironing " of which you speak ?

squitia - I probably should start a new thread but can you give details of cotton/jersey bras ? I expect v simple ,but I don't get out much !

Twinklestar2 · 02/07/2015 11:16

Mitchell Brothers Grin

OP have you seen those cuffed joggers that are out at the moment? I've got a couple of pairs, they are great in this weather with a loose vest from Primark.

LittleMissRayofHope · 02/07/2015 11:02

Echo the linen trousers. I live in mine during the summer. Buy them in various colours and get cropped ones as well!

Palazzo pants are big this year. I can't pull these off as I still have my pregnancy belly never lost it after my first DC but they are wide and thin and colourful so might be similar to your pj bottoms.

IJustLostTheGame · 02/07/2015 10:58

I don't know what fabric but it feels like old fashioned crepe but they are washing machine friendly.
And they don't seem to need ironing which is a bonus for me as I don't iron. Grin

squizita · 02/07/2015 09:32

Sorry just to add my shape - shorter than you but size 8-10 hourglass with G cups (baby feeding) - usually DD/e.

So similar enough.

Jersey/cotton bras are vital for me. The Mitchell brothers must not get sweaty or saggy in the heat. Grin

squizita · 02/07/2015 09:29

Halter or thick strapped frocks - I favour retro/vintage but they lean to any style. Cotton bra underneath. If you're worried about pale legs just wear it a little longer than the knee.

Wide "palazzo" trousers or cotton pedal pushers plus a fitted tshirt or casual pattern (check or similar) blouse.

Jersey maxi - belt it for smart, on its own for popping to shops.

Those are my go to summer things. I find H&M, New Look, Matalan and Asda/Sainsbury particularly good for cheap hot weather basics. I then invest in more expensive dresses/trousers.

Superherosidekick · 02/07/2015 09:26

Boden not Biden!

Superherosidekick · 02/07/2015 09:25

I am about your size OP and I am wearing Gap chino shorts and a wide strapped vest (gap/m&s/Matalan) and gladiator sandals or superga. I also wear dresses from esprit or maxi dresses from Biden.

Twinklestar2 · 02/07/2015 09:17

Ooh I love that Boden dress... Love spots! Would look lovely with my new strappy silver flats!

OP you sound like you have a lovely figure.

gingeroots · 02/07/2015 09:14

What fabric are they lostthegame ?

MyFriendsCallMeOh · 02/07/2015 02:53

I've lived in very hot countries for the past 8 years (38C is a normal day in July). I wear shorts (like everyone else) or cotton or linen trousers with floaty shirts or Tshirts. These pyjama bottoms are designed to be worn outside the house - I think they're quite cute and a great cause.

Wagglebee · 02/07/2015 02:47

The silly thing is that I have no problem with Autumn/Winter clothes. I love boots, coats, accessorises, dresses with opaques...I love shopping for new stuff as soon as A/W hits the shops but Summer dressing has me baffled. Grin

OP posts:
Wagglebee · 02/07/2015 02:41

Yes please Iwonder Smile Only if it's no hassle. A thicker linen sounds better. The clown pants is exactly the effect they've had in the past.

OP posts:
Iwonderif · 01/07/2015 23:12

Wagglebee I'm 36 and it's taken me many years to figure out what looks good on me and what looks plain flipping awful. I look at some women in their effortless summer garb and I just think "how!!" I'm sure you'll find some fab stuff now you kinda know what direction to go in. My linen trousers are quite a thick linen (if that makes sense?) so they hang well. I used to have some thinner ones which made me look like a clown. Baggy bum and no shape throughout the leg. The ones I aim for start to go slightly wider at the knee to quite wide around the hem. If you want me to PM you a photo I will.

Wagglebee · 01/07/2015 22:30

I'm not too sure about very wide legged trousers but thank you for suggesting things. I will try some on as I could be wrong.

I've just placed an epic sized order at H&M. Even if I just end up with a couple of items to wear around the house and in the garden it'll be a start. Ordered some cool looking cotton pjs too. I need to ban myself from pjs.

I like the shape of that Boden dress. I do have a denim jacket that I like already. I'd forgotten about it.

Linen looks like a screw up sack on me after about 3 minutes Getdown

I'm determined to crack it this year. I guess I want some lounging around house/garden/dog walk things plus some nice Summer dresses for days out. Thank you for all the advice and suggestions, it's a big help.

Any more ideas, suggestions or pj bottom wearing solidarity very welcome. WineCake

OP posts:
Toffeelatteplease · 01/07/2015 21:53

H&m do some gorgeous long cotton maxi-skirts, in a variety of colours as part of their basics. I can't find them online.

I think primark had some as well

Getdownfromtherethisinstant · 01/07/2015 21:39

Linen trousers rub the inside of my thighs raw. I don't understand why everyone raves about them in summer. Where am I going wrong??

WorldsBiggestGrotbag · 01/07/2015 20:17

If it makes you feel any better I'm in DH's pj's! I am 39 weeks pregnant though...
Sounds like you have a great figure, although agree it's a massive pain to dress big boobs in the summer. Mine are a 32G so anything strapless/thin strapped is out which limits your options somewhat! I tend to go for dressers with thicker straps, I look awful in baggy/linen type trousers and my legs are my best/slimmest feature.

Lucked · 01/07/2015 20:14

Dresses are easier because you only have to put on one piece of clothing and your done. I am wearing this Boden dress with saltwater sandals but also wear it with superga.i have a denim jacket for cooler days.

I prefer a looser top and more fitted trousers because I am currently a bit lumpy around the middle. Just don't do both wide leg trousers and a loose top or you will just look like a big rectangle.

SaulGood · 01/07/2015 19:45

Oh and if you have a Tesco nearby, their current palazzo trousers come in many patterns and colours and are loose, cool and I quite like them. For example.


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SaulGood · 01/07/2015 19:43

Yeah. I have nothing to offer you.

I am v much a fan of covering up when it's hot. I have a weird and annoying condition which means I burn if I so much as step outside in October. I don't like to be topping up the SPF 50 every hour so I wear loose linen/cotton trousers, a long sleeved, v loose cotton top, a loose, thin scarf over my head and round my neck a la a fifties screen siren or a massive floppy straw hat.

I am actually cooler and more comfortable in loose cotton sleeves and trousers than in a short cotton vest type dress with lots of suncream.
Wagglebee · 01/07/2015 19:36

I'd love to find some dresses. Then I'd just have to worry about shoes and I was thinking supergas or that style would be ok.

Uniqlo had some good ones but they have a built in bra. No good for a 30 ff.

Thanks for the vests idea. Found some vests and t shirts on h&m. Dirt cheap but mainly cotton so fine for garden etc.

It's bottoms I have the main problem with. So to speak.

And yy, DH's boxers will be making an appearance soon. So on trend.

OP posts:
Bellebella · 01/07/2015 19:26

I am sitting in a pair of my oh's boxers and a vest Blush

When I go out it tends to be dresses and shorts. Dresses are nice and simple to wear and keep you cool.

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