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19 replies

Coastingit · 26/06/2015 11:18

Anyone visit one?

I'm curious what products they recommend. Hirons is all well and good, but dermatologist she is not. And they are the experts in healthy happy skin.

Is it worth the £££ to see one? I don't have especially problematic skin, just curious.

OP posts:
PacificDogwood · 26/06/2015 21:14

I think being cynical in this context is very wise.

Don't smoke.
Wear sunscreen.
Eat well including essential oils.
Choose your parents carefully Wink - genes have a lot to answer for.

I am of course gorgeous and look much younger than my years Grin

Oh, sorry, no [ grin ], too much facial impression causes wrinkles.

lurkingaround · 26/06/2015 21:08

I think you're right to be cynical pinkfrocks.
Usually Dr.s would specify qualifications, and detail experience. I'm surprised Sam Bunting hasn't specified but everyone seems to rave about her. Personally I would prefer someone with a solid general base as well as cosmetic stuff, not just cosmetic.

pinkfrocks · 26/06/2015 20:48

Her Linkedin profile shows she qualified as a dr in 2002- and was registered then, but there are no positions as a dr after that.
I do know that where she practises in Harley St- No 10- is a building that consists of rooms rented out to loads of different people on an 'as needed' basis so it's not solely hers.

'Practised dermatology' could mean anything - including telling your friends what to do with their zits.

Sorry- just being cynical but always wonder if these media type drs involved in 'beauty treatments' etc would be half as popular if they were downright ugly. Her appearance has a lot to do with her success in the field she's in.

Kundry · 26/06/2015 20:36

Interesting - if you search her GMC number on the GMC website she doesn't come up as being on the Specialist Register i.e. entitled to practice as a Consultant.

Her CV on her blog says practised dermatology for 6 years before setting up private practice. To be fair 6 years is a long time - long enough to qualify as a consultant for example, so even if she was in a non-training grade you would expect her to have a lot of experience and knowledge and to have completed diplomas for example. And definitely more than your jobbing facialist telling us they are a guru Hmm

Alibabsandthe40Musketeers · 26/06/2015 20:22

My Dad is a dermatologist.

He rates Cetaphil, Liz Earle, sunscreen, not wearing tons of makeup. Salicylic acid in products if you have acne.

Treat your skin gently, eat fish.

My skin is great. Thank Dad Grin

pinkfrocks · 26/06/2015 20:17

Kundry just out of sheer curiosity, what are Sam Bunting's qualifications?
Her website is a bit ambiguous. She doesn't actually show any 'letters after her name' and if someone is a consultant then they'd need to have specialised after several years as a registrar etc .

Kundry · 26/06/2015 18:47

She doesn't update the blog much Sad but if you follow her on twitter she links to all her journalism. She's v consistent though (as you'd expect from a proper clinician) so once you've read a few articles you can predict what she's going to like and dislike Grin

There's really a small core of ingredients that actually 'work' and anything else is fluff: acids, retinol, Vit C/E ferrulic serum, a few bits of other stuff for pigmentation, niacinamide, ceramides, peptides, that's about it.

Although she isn't a clinician and is self taught, I really like the Hot and Flashy blog as she has done a lot of science based research and is happy to give a bad review. She has the same interest in products as me and doesn't get distracted by whether they feel 'rich' or what brand they are.

lurkingaround · 26/06/2015 18:39

I disagree. A cosmetic derm will get your skin looking its best. If you're skin is fab, there may not be a lot they can do, but if not, yes, they can help it look better.

And agree, most are slow to recommend products and tend to keep regimes simple.

Coastingit · 26/06/2015 18:33

Thank you Kundry! I've just had a brief look at Dr Sam Bunting blog and it's exactly what I'm after, thank you. Will read in depth.

I'm not planning on going to see a dermatologist, just curious how they would approach the skin concerns that most 'normal skin' women have in terms of ageing, texture, fine lines, clogged pores, dryness, oiliness and so on. I think that blog will help a lot.

I can't keep up with the Amazing Faces Quiche I'm afraid! It has had a wider impact on the S and B boards though. But I thought it was all Hirons stuff and I can't tolerate a hot flannel so gave up on her a bit.

OP posts:
pinkfrocks · 26/06/2015 18:00

I've never known anyone see a dermo for cosmetic reasons. DD took along all her face creams etc when she had a consultation for acne, just to ask if they were ok and dermo said yes- they were LRP and Clinique. She didn't think that cosmetics etc were a factor and advised against anything harsh and drying. Obviously blackheads are part of an 'oil' problem but even with medication, DD still has them.

You;d never get a referral on the NHS for minor things like blackheads- not in a million years- and a private appt would be around £150-£180.

TBH I'd be embarrassed to see a dermo for such minor reasons because most of their work is for chronic conditions like severe eczema, psoriasis, acne, melanoma, and disfiguring skin problems that cannot be treated by a GP.

Kundry · 26/06/2015 17:55

If you have a look at Dr Sam Bunting you can see she recommends the same stuff over and over again:

Cetaphil, Avene Extremely Gentle or LRP Physiological Gel for cleansers

Salicylic acid for spots and blackheads eg Effaclar Duo or Avene equivalent.

Retinols for anti-ageing, acne and getting rids of pigmented acne scars - in her cosmetic work she will give prescription products

Oil-free (she isn't into 'good oils') moisturiser for spotty skin eg Cetaphil again. I first bought Cerave as it's recommended by lots of US dermatologists for effectively the same reason.

She also hates fragrance, scrubs, inflated claims, oils, over cleansing and longwear makeup

She is obsessed with SPF and loves French pharmacy brands Grin

You can see a dermatologist for cosmetic reasons - not all of them do cosmetic work but there are large numbers of cosmetic derm clinics, just make sure you are seeing a proper consultant dermatologist when you go. Some derms are only going to be interested if you have a proper skin disease and would think clogged pores and a bit of dryness irrelevant (doctors are notorious for ignoring their own and family members illnesses because unless a limb is about to fall off, you aren't properly sick), some are much more into the cosmetic side.

For a random guess:

She would give you the Cetaphil cleanser
She might not think your skin is dry/clogged in the same way you do - are the clogged pores only on your nose? They are probably sebaceous filaments not clogged pores
She will prob recommend an acid toner - if you bought products from her this would be Obagi (this will prob clear up the flaking and the pores), if not it would LRP Effaclar
She would def recommend a prescription retinol and if you have pigment issues this would be Obagi again, over the counter it would be Redermic R
She would make you wear high factor SPF and reapply it all day Grin

Have you been on the Amazing Faces Quiche? - we are mainly into ingredients there rather than beauty industry fluff

Coastingit · 26/06/2015 17:16

I'm sure dermatologists do stuff for general skin health though, if that is their specialism and they are highly qualified in how skin works then surely they know how to get rid of blackheads, flakiness etc? Problems, but not really major ones, just vanity ones really.

Ive switched to Cetaphil for cleansing and Cerave PM for moisturising, both of which are apparently recommended by dermatologists and my skin still feels dry. I'm going to add a fancy schmancy serum, but just wondering what a dermatologist would actually say would work. My skin is dry and dehydrated, but also has clogged pores. I'm happy to faff with beauty products but am trying to be more focused on the actual ingredients and less on the hype.

I know everyone's skin is different, but surely a dermatologist could say 'use this and this and this and your skin will be in perfect health' - because surely dry patches or gunky pores are a sign of poor skin health?

Don't people see them for cosmetic reasons then?

OP posts:
FurbysMakeSexNoises · 26/06/2015 16:14

My DH is a dermo and he'd be useless on beauty advice! They're only for medical conditions really.

NewLeafExpat · 26/06/2015 14:38

Hmmm, ok. Not what I was looking for.

Not wanting to hijack your post op, but what would you call a medical, qualified beautician? I don't want someone to just effectively wash my face for me, I want someone who can help with small bumps / hidden pimples, problem blackheads etc

pinkfrocks · 26/06/2015 13:26

you'd only see one if you had a problem. Most will suggest cleansing with something non irritating, then applying a basic moisturiser to stop water evaporating from your skin. The using sun screen high SPF all your life, daily.

They don't 'rate' / comment on brands.

DD saw a very good one for years for acne advice & treatment.

laurennoon1 · 26/06/2015 11:50

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sksk · 26/06/2015 11:31

Have a rad on beautypedia- some sensible advice on fragrance etc in products and some myths. If you have a problem with your skin, then maybe a dermatologist could help.

confusedandemployed · 26/06/2015 11:28

My GP mate told me that dermatologists wet it when it's dry and dry it when it's wet and that's about it Grin

In all seriousness I can't see how seeing a dermatologist will be worthwhile unless you have a genuine skin condition.

NewLeafExpat · 26/06/2015 11:26

Watching this...

I want to take better care of my skin.

What do dermatologists do, can I just go to one for a "check up" how does it work?!?

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