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Are summer clothes a waste of money unless you go overseas for hols?

53 replies

pinkfrocks · 18/05/2015 22:16

I'm beginning to think so.
It's now mid May and people are still in boots and coats.
Even if we were to get 3 months of sizzling sun in June July and August (and maybe 2 weeks Sept) that's only 14 weeks. And we all know June and July are often washouts.

This season I have bought 2 pairs summer trousers and 2 T-shirt type tops and not worn either yet.

OP posts:
Artandco · 19/05/2015 13:12

Even for children and babies I cants see the point in summer clothes either, especially babies. And we travel abroad a lot in the heat.

Baby in winter - baby vest, sleep suit, cardigan, booties, Blankets.

Baby in summer - baby vest.

Any weather in between you just add the other layers or not. It's rare a small baby would not be cold on a summers day at some point anyway. Even in Dubai in summer my wore full baby sleep suits just no vest under and a floppy hat. Babies usually need an extra layer than we do

My summer uniform is just a dress, winter is usually same dress with long top/ tights/ cardigans added

CatOfTheWoods · 19/05/2015 13:14

I am very pissed off with the weather this spring and still in jeans and boots and a massive parka for the school run Hmm I want to co camping! Grrrrr

However, no I don't think summer clothes are a waste of money – I'm in Scotland but still get a good few months of use out of my summer clothes. I love maxi dresses in summer – cool and flowy, don't have to think about your legs, and you can add a cardigan or little jacket if it's chilly. I'll also wear cropped/rolled-up jeans with a vest top or floaty top – again, with trusty cardie at the ready :o I love my birkenstocks too, and live in them in summer.

pinkfrocks · 19/05/2015 13:16

I have just come in from going out in shoes and no socks for the first time this year and it's just hail stoned. People were wearing boots and Gortex.

I don't think we need to buy new clothes every years Specialsubject but styles do date and that is an issue with summer clothes which rarely wear out but can look a bit frumpy if styles change in 3-5 years.

I feel the cold on my feet so wearing ballet pumps or sandals with no socks requires very warm days. In fact what I wear on the rest of me is dictated by what I need on my feet, depending on how much walking I'll be doing that day.

OP posts:
expatinscotland · 19/05/2015 13:20


We go to a semi-tropical area for 5 weeks in summer and just buy stuff there.

It's useless up here. Had to put the heating on yesterday.

JaniceJoplin · 19/05/2015 13:21

If it's 10C or above I wearing shorts or a dress. I've bought lots of new things. It's a feeling not a temperature Grin

UmiSays · 19/05/2015 13:23

Its thunder and lightning and hammering hail AND my heating is on here in the sunny south east Grin

carrie74 · 19/05/2015 13:23

Oh I think the kids' summer clothes are definitely worth it - mine don't seem to care what the actual weather is, once they're back from our Easter holiday, they're pretty much committed to short sleeve Ts, shorts and crocs. They get much more wear out of their summer clothes in the UK than I do Grin.

PrincessShcherbatskaya · 19/05/2015 13:53

Totally agree the DC get plenty of wear out of summer clothes, mine don't seem to notice the cold. I've lost count of the lovely summer dresses I've bought that I've never worn or only managed to get a week or two out of them. 2013 was the last consistently good summer, I updated then and have bought nothing since specifically for summer Hmm

MehsMum · 19/05/2015 14:17

I was just thinking about this earlier as I got yet another long-sleeved top out of he drawer and passed up on the various t-shirts.

I am indoors, no heating on, rain pissing down outside (though the sun is shining...), in converse, socks, jeans, long-sleeved top and a warm hoodie. With cold fingers.

And don't even start me on the bloody August Bank Holiday weekend: the last hot one was a million years ago.

stripytees · 19/05/2015 14:58

My winter clothes are definitely different from the clothes I wear in warmer months - velvet, cord, wool, cashmere, thermal basics, thick tights etc. worn with boots.

From about April onwards I start wearing more cotton and linen, thinner tights, cropped trousers or jeans rolled up etc. In the summer months when it's not hot but still very warm I wear layers - it's often fine to be in short sleeves in the office or on the tube and keep a cotton cardi with me.

I have very few actual hot weather clothes, though, but I do wear sandals a lot. I definitely remember some really sweltering hot weeks in the last few summers, though. Not usually in May anyway but late July/August.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 19/05/2015 16:50

I don't buy new summer stuff every year. I tend to live in jeans for most of the summer, with shorts if it's really warm and the occasional skirt or dress, so most stuff gets dug out for a couple of years on the trot.

I do like to 'feel' summery at times though, even if it's not actually warm. So I might wear pale wash jeans, rather than black, or wear a long sleeved cotton peasant blouse type of thing, rather than just a long sleeved t-shirt or a jumper.

Monica101 · 19/05/2015 16:57

I was looking through the Boden summer catelogue and the nice summer dresses for DD and I but I can not bring myself to buy any of them.

The chances we will wear any of them more than twice is remote.

I give up, I buy nice cardigans, jeans, tights and a few nice light tops. The real summer stuff is for holidays only

SpecificOcean · 19/05/2015 19:23

It feels like 6 months of winter this year.
I own 4 summer dresses all from charity shops.
2 mini skirts - both I wear in winter with boots and tights.
1 maxi skirt that I have worn once this year with ankle boots and tights.
1 pair of shorts which I only wear at the beach abroad.
Tops that go with these I wear all year round and just add cardies.

it's not worth having loads of summer stuff imo.

mooth · 19/05/2015 19:32

I agree with you OP. I am longing to be in summer clothes.

NewTwenty · 19/05/2015 19:34

I agree that wardrobes should be winter-orientated.

But, there is nothing more uncomfortable than sweltering in clothes that are too hot - so I think that finding summer clothes that suit you and that you can bring out for several years, is always a good idea.

SommerenAldrigKommer · 19/05/2015 19:37

I feel like that! I have about 7 skirts which is a life time's supply. I cannot really justify ever buying another pair of sandals either. They're all unusued.

vindscreenviper · 19/05/2015 19:38

It hailstoned for a solid half-hour here this afternoon (NE England). I can't imagine wearing any summer clothes before I actually go on holiday in July Sad

CatOfTheWoods · 19/05/2015 23:29

Summer dresses for DD is another issue entirely. I gaze at them longingly but don't buy them because she won't wear them! As a PP said it's shorts (cut off tracky bottoms for preference), t-shirt and crocs all the way.

She has two summer dresses, one off ebay and one that I made, that only made an appearance last year at weddings.

didireallysaythat · 19/05/2015 23:43

I feel the same. I work in an air conditioned office. Same temperature all year around so I wear the same stuff all year around. Then either a vest and jeans or a roll neck and jeans at the weekend. Problem solved. I break out in goose pimples just looking at clothes shops thus time of year. I live in the UK. It's never warm enough to wear half what they have in for the summer !

Bombinate · 20/05/2015 02:04

I don't really wear trousers and have been wearing summer skirts and dresses with bare legs or leggings for a couple of weeks now. I will go back in to tights in October. (I live in the UK)

iwantgin · 20/05/2015 17:14


You wash Birkenstocks? ? How? I have two pairs which I've never washed. One pair is pale so I wipe over but that's it.

Am I supposed to wash them?

iwantgin · 20/05/2015 17:19

Back to the topic though I find that I have the same summer clothes in use year after year. I update the tshirts and vests as they get tatty but the bulkr of it is old.

Now it is spring I have put away my heavy weight jeans and have been wearing 7/8 length light weight stretch jeans in colour. Still need jumpers and jackets.


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Fairyliz · 20/05/2015 18:42

I agree op I have decidec not to buy any summmerclothes this year; its just not worth it. The office I work in is always freezing and for the few warm days we have I have enough clothes.
Only problem I have is that I am looking for a couple of fine weight merino wool jumpers for now; can't find any anywhere.

Judydreamsofhorses · 20/05/2015 20:25

I'm in Scotland and my "summer wardrobe" is basically rolled up skinnies or boyfriend jeans with little tops and cardis. Sandals are a very occasional thing, and I tend to wear brogues with no socks or Supergas on my feet. I have a couple of midi dresses for if it's really nice, and things like vests I mainly wear underneath my normal clothes or in the garden if it's the one day in July when it's actually hot. (Last year I wore one of the dresses twice and the other once!)

Coastingit · 20/05/2015 21:06

I agree... but I prefer summer clothes to winter clothes so keep buying them! I have so many nice summer dresses, some of which I've never even worn. Doesn't stop me buying more Blush

I do spend less on summer clothes as a rule, I think winter things like jumpers boots and coats have to be good quality, whereas sandals and cotton tops and summery dresses can be from Tesco or Net a Porter - it comes down to how young, skinny and tanned you are how good you look in summer Grin

I look rubbish in winter, I don't know how to dress well and end up looking frumpy. Bring on the heat.

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