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what deodorant do you use??

57 replies

Spychic · 25/02/2014 11:27

I don't want to smell perfumey, but I don't want to stink either! I stopped wearing deodorant for a long time as I just got fed up with it... Sometimes it would react with my natural body odour to create an even worse odour!... But now, I am ready to give it another try.

So what do you use??

OP posts:
DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 27/02/2014 23:09

Bee-it was a fiver but it seemed like if you bought 4 at a time it worked out less. I don't care if it works! I shall let you knowSmile

1gglePiggle · 28/02/2014 16:08

I used to love Secret deodorant. I stock up when I go to US. Bit pricey on eBay

bluesbaby · 28/02/2014 16:44

I use the pitrock roll on, unperfumed. Works great. No smell at all, and if I skip a shower, I'm still not smelly.
The key with pitrock is using it straight after your shower. It needs to be used on clean skin. Then you're good to go for 24-48 hours or until your next shower!

chickensaresafehere · 28/02/2014 17:06

Lush Aromaco,smells divine & lasts ages GrinGrin

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 28/02/2014 17:57

Does the pitrock one need to go on damp skin then? I tried a crystal one once before and the main problem was that I have always kept deodorant in my bedroom so I just kept forgetting to put it on before leaving the bathroom then couldn't be bothered to go back (our bathroom is downstairs).

Hippychickster · 28/02/2014 19:31

I only ever use deodorant that doesn't have aluminium in. I've tried Bionsen, which I think is a bit crap and very wet, Tom's, which I liked, PitRock which I also liked, and am about to try Sanex 0.

It's quite difficult to find them without aluminium as they all seem to have it.

phonebox · 28/02/2014 19:34

I don't. I like my natural smell. My sweat smells like mild vinegar Grin

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