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what deodorant do you use??

57 replies

Spychic · 25/02/2014 11:27

I don't want to smell perfumey, but I don't want to stink either! I stopped wearing deodorant for a long time as I just got fed up with it... Sometimes it would react with my natural body odour to create an even worse odour!... But now, I am ready to give it another try.

So what do you use??

OP posts:
phonebox · 28/02/2014 19:34

I don't. I like my natural smell. My sweat smells like mild vinegar Grin

Hippychickster · 28/02/2014 19:31

I only ever use deodorant that doesn't have aluminium in. I've tried Bionsen, which I think is a bit crap and very wet, Tom's, which I liked, PitRock which I also liked, and am about to try Sanex 0.

It's quite difficult to find them without aluminium as they all seem to have it.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 28/02/2014 17:57

Does the pitrock one need to go on damp skin then? I tried a crystal one once before and the main problem was that I have always kept deodorant in my bedroom so I just kept forgetting to put it on before leaving the bathroom then couldn't be bothered to go back (our bathroom is downstairs).

chickensaresafehere · 28/02/2014 17:06

Lush Aromaco,smells divine & lasts ages GrinGrin

bluesbaby · 28/02/2014 16:44

I use the pitrock roll on, unperfumed. Works great. No smell at all, and if I skip a shower, I'm still not smelly.
The key with pitrock is using it straight after your shower. It needs to be used on clean skin. Then you're good to go for 24-48 hours or until your next shower!

1gglePiggle · 28/02/2014 16:08

I used to love Secret deodorant. I stock up when I go to US. Bit pricey on eBay

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 27/02/2014 23:09

Bee-it was a fiver but it seemed like if you bought 4 at a time it worked out less. I don't care if it works! I shall let you knowSmile

ArtexMonkey · 27/02/2014 20:53

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Breezy1985 · 27/02/2014 20:49

Either Vaseline double invisible or the black & white nivea, usually one of them on offer somewhere

Lilly20again · 27/02/2014 20:23

I use perspirex, I only use it once a week and then a quick spray of dove.
It stopped my excessive sweating dead.

Beeyump · 27/02/2014 20:05

You will not be disappointed!! Think I might go down the eBay/Amazon route myself. At least then I won't be embarrassed in front of the Americans.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 27/02/2014 19:58

I've just ordered some lady speed stick from Ebay!

Chloerose75 · 27/02/2014 17:08

I tend to use whatever is on offer but I often go back to either sure or dove. Have found Nivea, Vaseline, soft and gentle, simple etc all fine too. I find they all do the job!

Beeyump · 27/02/2014 16:08

Lady Speed Stick. Whenever I go to the US, I buy arm fulls in Target and get ever so slightly funny looks. It's the best deodrant I have ever used.

EugeneKrabs · 27/02/2014 15:05

Dove stick (looks like soap). The original blue lid one. Have done for years

CMOTDibbler · 27/02/2014 15:04

Mitchum unperfumed roll on

princessalbert · 27/02/2014 14:54

Cheapo men's antiperspirants from Lidl for me.

they seem to work as well as any other.

kotinka · 27/02/2014 14:50

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TravelinColour · 27/02/2014 14:47

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DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 27/02/2014 12:48

I looked in 4 shops for un perfumed Mitchum yesterday-nothing!Sad

MorrisZapp · 27/02/2014 08:52

The Mitchum sticks are two for four quid in Boots just now, this is v cheap compared to what I was paying for 'clinical' ones. I've stocked up!

MorrisZapp · 27/02/2014 08:50

I was using Sure or Dove 'clinical strength' for ages but was annoyed at how little product you get, and they are never on special offer.

So I've switched to (Robert) Mitchum solid sticks, I have all three fragrances and like them all. And most importantly, they work.

My Boots has them in non perfumed btw.


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buttercrumble · 27/02/2014 08:45

I use Whatever is on offer Grin

treaclesoda · 27/02/2014 08:15

I've used pitrok in the past and it's fantastic, really works but my problem was that after a while the 'rock' itself started to smell of stale sweat. I always made sure I was putting it onto freshly washed skin.

My sister used it and found the same. Does that happen to anyone else or do my family just have a really weird effect on crystal deodorants?

WhereIsMyHat · 27/02/2014 07:43

Sorry, I should expand, you melt the coconut oil and mix everything together. Pour it into a container, I used an old tommee tippee weaning pot x 2 and then put in the fridge to set. In the summer I kept it in the fridge but in the winter it stayed solid at room temperature. The solid block pips out of the container, you rub on your underarms and you body temp melts it enough to slide on.

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