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Have you tried on your wedding dress since your big day?

61 replies

Jammee · 30/08/2013 07:47

Did it still fit? Did you like it just as much or did it make you think, "what was I wearing?". Or worse, "Look at the state of me now!"

I have just moved house and my wedding dress hasn't gone back up in the loft yet. I can see the box and really want go get the dress out and try it on, but I know I will be disappointed.

Would you recommend it or should I resist the urge?

OP posts:
amessagetoyouYoni · 30/08/2013 13:58

I've lost a stone since my wedding day, yay Grin, so no it wouldnt fit

BumpAndGrind · 30/08/2013 14:02

I've not been married but my Mum let me try on her dress the day of the royal fitted me but I'm 5ft5 and my mum is 4ft11 so it looked a bit odd.

BikeRunSki · 30/08/2013 14:03

It' s an evening dress, long, fish tail, lavender.

We have been married 13 years. I wore it to a black tie do about 10 years ago, and tried it on about 6 weeks ago. It was a little loose..... Grin

SirChenjin · 30/08/2013 14:03

Mine appears to have shrunk Grin

Got married 18 years ago when I was a size 8. Mid forties now, 3 kids later, and now a size 10/12

bunnymother · 30/08/2013 16:58

I haven't tried mine on, but I've put on a few kilos since we married and the dress is VERY unforgiving so I would need to get shredding and low carbing before trying. It's a fabulous wisp of a dress though.

buildingmycorestrength · 30/08/2013 17:30

Wore it while watching the Royal Wedding. Grin. Wot larks.

carrie74 · 30/08/2013 20:27

We got married 10 years ago, and after coming home a bit tipsy from a wedding on Saturday night, I dug it out while H was in the loo and threw it on (it's a bias cut affair from Amanda Wakeley, so just slips on). Still fits, I still adore it, and felt amazing. I should really have it dyed and adjusted to an evening dress (not that I have anywhere to wear that kind of dress to either, mind...).

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 30/08/2013 20:36

Mine is a long crinkle fabric with lace overlay (long and heavy enough to be flowy )

I wore it a couple of years ago with the addition of some torn dirty cream lace as a Corpse Bride.
I looked better than I did on my wedding day Blush

thewhitequeen · 30/08/2013 20:58

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thenightsky · 30/08/2013 21:19

33 years ago and the dress is a bit big. Looks so dated it's back in fashion... lace sleeves in the style of Kate Middleton.

bonzo77 · 30/08/2013 21:29

No. It's all cleaned and packaged away nicely and I don't want to disturb it. I hope one day to have a daughter who'd want to wear it. It's very simple, no beads or lace, and was made for me. I'm sure I'd get into it, but it would fit differently, I'm about 4lb lighter, but boobs a bit bigger after 2 babies.

joanofarchitrave · 30/08/2013 21:50

Yes - a kind friend had a 10th wedding anniversary party and asked us all to wear them. It was fun :)

MaureenDaly · 31/08/2013 09:18

The thread title actually made me LOL, because sadly my answer is 'no'.

Married in 1988, 23 inch waist, 35 inch hips. I think the dress size was a 10. I'm sure that clothing measurements are different now and my measurements back then would make me a current size 6/8 ?

Now 2013, I'm a size 18/20.

Jammee · 01/09/2013 07:46

Haha, Maureen you're funny!

DH just remarked on my "slimness." (I think because I put on a pair of jeans rather than the grotty parachute trousers I normally live). I think tonight's the night.

Really don't know why I'm going to try as I was so much smaller then Cake

OP posts:
VashtaNerada · 01/09/2013 07:49

Hahahahaha. The thought of me fitting back into my wedding dress is hilarious Grin.

cloutiedumpling · 01/09/2013 08:54

I'd love to be able to wear mine again. 3DCs and two and a half stones of flab makes this impossible though.

HotelTangoFoxtrotUniform · 01/09/2013 09:26

I wore a high street dress in a size fourteen on our wedding day and have since slimmed to an 8. I found my dress on eBay in an 8 recently so bought it and plan on wearing it to a few things in the future as its not weddingy at all. So I fit into my new wedding dress Smile

OPeaches · 01/09/2013 09:30

Mine would fit. Been married 8 years and had two kids. Am probably a different shape, but weigh roughly the same as I did then and am reasonably fit and toned (ish).

Jammee · 01/09/2013 20:25

My wedding dress didn't fit! Sad

Just tried it on; it fit in the hips and waist, but the zip could no way meet as I went higher up my back. My boobs were too big and possibly my back is too fat?? I think my stomach didn't help either Shock

Someone please tell me that it's because I am still breastfeeding?

I feel sad about this, which is ridiculous because it is a very fitted bodice style dress and I was a tiny size 6 (DH described me as "anorexic") so there was NO CHANCE of it fitting but before tonight I could dream...

Please can someone make me feel better?

OP posts:
Shlurpbop · 01/09/2013 20:27

I put mine on every anniversary and float around the house for a bit Blush
Been married 5 years - didn't fit last year after having my DO but it fitted this year.

OPeaches · 01/09/2013 20:28

It half fit! Its a suze SIX and it half Fit. That's brilliant! As soon as you stop breastfeeding you'll shrink down a bit.

amothersplaceisinthewrong · 01/09/2013 20:31

Mine is too big, 26 years down the line. And a truly hideous 1990s meringue. I was over influenced by my Mother.


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MyBoysAreFab · 01/09/2013 20:37

Mine is languishing in a chest at my mums - think I will dig it out next time I am there, but I know it won't fit as I am about a stone heavier now. Would be lovely to look at it again and reminisce as we've just had our 16th anniversary this weekend. (maybe the shoes will still fit!)

Jammee · 01/09/2013 20:38

Hehe. I didn't take my mum with me when I chose my wedding dress so no meringue for me!

OPeaches, won't I just get father when I stop breastfeeding?

OP posts:
Jammee · 01/09/2013 20:39

Fatter. Not father.

Hope I won't turn into a man!

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