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What is the verdict on tankinis?

33 replies

suebfg · 18/06/2013 21:33

I've never had one before. My tummy area is a bit wobbly so maybe I should wear one.

Does the tankini top roll up even when it's not supposed to?

OP posts:
sudointellectual · 19/06/2013 21:31

I like them. Swimsuits don't fit me, even "long" ones, even long ones from long shops. They just don't make swimsuits for my epic proportions. Hmm

I'd rather have a swimsuit but there aren't any! I would never wear a bikini in a million years. Makes me feel like I'm being made to do PE in my undies. So: tankini it is!

Branleuse · 19/06/2013 21:20

i like them

LifeofPo · 19/06/2013 21:18

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LifeofPo · 19/06/2013 21:17

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CMOTDibbler · 19/06/2013 21:16

I like tankinis - mine have been from Lands End and the tops are a decent length and they do a good range of bottoms so you can have shorts or high waist and ensure coverage.

I'm tall, and so a tankini is much more comfortable

HomeEcoGnomist · 19/06/2013 20:33

@shoe - where do you get yours from? I do consider bikinis every now and again, but then get fed up trying to find one that isn't padded/garish/patterned/hideously expensive...

Hullygully · 19/06/2013 15:04

where can I get a nice plain one for a short fat person?

Hullygully · 19/06/2013 14:59

I like them, less hot than swimsuits in the sun.

mercibucket · 19/06/2013 14:56

great for tall people with big boobs

mejon · 19/06/2013 14:43

I'm on the lookout for a new one (but then I'm not very stylish). I've only had a problem with them riding up when they've been too big - which the ones I have now are. I've had loads from Lands End over the years but they've gone ridiculously expensive so I'm not keen on spending £££ on something I won't wear very often. Bikini is a no-no - I have a lovely CS pouch despite never having one (but I had it before DC in any case) and I'm not too keen on one-pieces due to loo-difficulties and a two piece makes changing much easier.

HappyAsEyeAm · 19/06/2013 13:20

The only tankini I have ever had where the top doesn't ride up, is from monsoon. I bought it about 3 years ago, and as I only wear it for holidays, its still going strong. I bought the top and bottoms as separates (big bottom, flat chest) and it fits really well.

I've tried to buy Monsoon swimwear since then, and it always seems to sell out quickly. Accessorize swimwear is nowhere near the same.

SoTiredAgain · 19/06/2013 10:30

I like tankinis. I never wear a bikini and as I am short of body, swimsuits are always too long for me and they never sit right. A tankini fits the bill.

GobblersKnob · 19/06/2013 10:15

I have never found a swimsuit long enough in the body for me, so I love tankinis, have Freya and Curvy Kate ones (prefer the later) and have never had any problems with rolling or riding up, look like a one piece but with the convienience of a two.

I wear bikinis too, but sometimes prefer the coverage of a tankini.

Kewcumber · 18/06/2013 23:08

Ooh I could put plastic poppers on instead

BackforGood · 18/06/2013 23:05

They aren't popular on MN, but are the best of both worlds IMe.
You have the comfort of a 2 piece - for wearing around all day / being able to go to the toilet
You have the option to tan your tum / back if you want
But you don't feel so exposed when walking about.

I've never had one 'roll up' or 'ride up' and I've been wearing them for years and don't spend a lot on buying expensive clothes.

Kewcumber · 18/06/2013 23:02

I am tall and large and struggle to find longer length suits big enough and supportive enough around the bust. Have bought a tankini with supportive bra top and have the cunning plan of sewing it back to together - is this totally bloody nuts?

UniS · 18/06/2013 22:59

Perfect under a wet suit.
Much easier to change into out of at the beach/ in a car park/ other random place one might change after wild swim..

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 18/06/2013 22:56

Never found a tankini that didn't ride up here either. One piece and hoick to one side to go to the loo here too.

AnyFucker · 18/06/2013 22:53

I don't have big knockers and I always wear proper support cup bikinis in the correct bra size

am saggy ole woman

thenightsky · 18/06/2013 22:52

Surprised at all the people taking cozzies off to go for a pee. I've always just hoiked a leg hole to one side.

ShoeWhore · 18/06/2013 22:50

Not very keen on tankinis. If you really feel the need to cover up your tummy then a swimming costume is much more streamlined imho.

HomeEco I think you perhaps need a more ahem sturdy bikini like the ones I wear - they are almost as supportive as a bra.

Startail · 18/06/2013 22:50

Horrid, but useful. I burn and am too fat for a bikini.

Happiest in a proper speedo swimsuit (small boobs and like diving, so fashion costumes drive me nuts).

However, you can go to the loo in a tanki even if you throw a rash vest over it and you can get changed easily.


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HomeEcoGnomist · 18/06/2013 22:47

I'm going to go against the grain here and say I like tankinis.

I don't' like bikinis really - not so much tummy issues (although it is hardly what you would call washboard) but because I have an ample bosom, so I just feel like I am walking round in my underwear...and since my bras are properly cantilevered affairs, bikinis always feel flimsy in comparison.

And going to the toilet is indeed much easier

Never really suffered the rolling up problem.

AnyFucker · 18/06/2013 22:46

Horrid things.

A bikini is better, IMO

dexter73 · 18/06/2013 22:42

I am on holiday at the moment and everyone is wearing a bikini regardless of size, shape, stretchmarks, scars, veins and age. (and that is just me!).

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