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Spotty arms????

23 replies

Ledkr · 01/05/2013 20:21

Hi I wondered if any if you guys have experienced this. Since I had dd 2.5 yrs ago my arms have been really spotty. It's little bumps under the skin which I'm ashamed to say I do sometimes pick at Blush
Now it's getting warmer and I've got horrible dry spotty arms. Any suggestions?

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Ledkr · 03/05/2013 18:25

Ill be all greasy when Ive tried all the suggestions. I never once thought there was any difference between body lotions tbh.
I used that palmers one on my whole body it's lovely and my legs are shiney still and not reptilian.

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HappyAsEyeAm · 03/05/2013 13:37

Any body moisturiser with urea in it will work. It is the urea in flexitol that makes that work. Garnier hydralock body moisturiser is 5% urea, and I really rate that for getting rid of my bumpy upper arm spots. I takes some rubbing in, and it doesn't properly sink in like a more milky moisturiser would, but it does a fab job of getting rid of the spots.

Laquila · 03/05/2013 09:57

It's a body lotion, Shotgun, in a sort of metallic bluey-green bottle - I get through gallons of the stuff. I sometimes mix it with a bit of normal Palmers, for a more chocolatey/cakey smell :)

ShotgunNotDoingThePans · 03/05/2013 08:43

Actually, that Palmers stuff sounds worth a punt, as a general moisturiser and any kp effect would be a bonus! Is it the concentrated formula or the body lotion, Laquila.

Ledkr · 02/05/2013 22:31

In bed all creamed up. It smells nice too.
I might try the flexitol too ( scared not too now Grin )

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cathpip · 02/05/2013 21:39

I suffer with this problem, for me I have found that using sanex zero shower gel followed by a light (nonperfumed) moisturiser has worked. Sun also helps too.

ShotgunNotDoingThePans · 02/05/2013 21:32

Flexitol, Flexitol, Flexitol.
If you do an advanced search you'll find this recommended umpteen times - and yes, it works for me.

Laquila · 02/05/2013 21:30

Gaaah now I feel like I'll be letting you down if it doesn't work!!

I hope it does though - and honestly, after years of trying everything out there on my chicken-skin thighs and upper arms, it's definitely been the most effective (although much more so when combined with exfoliation).

Keep us posted :)

Ledkr · 02/05/2013 13:10

Ok I've started with the palmers green stuff (as la quilla was so insistent Grin )
I shall work my way through your suggestions if that doesn't work.
A but like a mn product test without the freebies.

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Tweet2tweet · 02/05/2013 09:07

Clarins Tonic oil and exfoliating sorted it for me. Sun is also great, however there isn't enough of it to make much difference where I live!

HoneyStAngelo · 02/05/2013 06:48

Quinoderm which is for spots on the face rubbed in the tops of your arms then wait a few minutes and apply a body moisturiser.

Quinoderm may bleach bedding and clothes so make sure you rub it in well.

DIddled · 01/05/2013 23:00

That's me getting the flexitol tomorrow then- have rank feet as well as spotty arms :)

chickydoo · 01/05/2013 22:47

I used the flexitol foot cream on the backs of my arms.....Miraculous!!!
100% spot free now, God knows what's in it, but it's amazing. I thought if it got rid of dry grotty heels, then maybe it would work on dry spotty arms, and it did.

DIddled · 01/05/2013 22:43

Tried Kp duty £££ but did not work for me :(

busyboysmum · 01/05/2013 22:39

I had this for 20 years, bought some stuff off Amazon which sorted it in 2 weeks, this was last year and it hasn't come back. I now have lovely smooth arms for the first time in my life. KP duty was the stuff I used.

Ledkr · 01/05/2013 22:30

Oh how exciting! To think there might have been a cute all along and I'm not a freak either!!
Will go shopping tomorrow yay.

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Springforward · 01/05/2013 22:20

I have these, moisturiser helps a lot. I did get them entirely clear after using a steroid cream prescribed by my GP, though they did come back when I let my skin get a bit dry again.

DIddled · 01/05/2013 22:12

I am trying Aveeno ( the cream in the small tube not the lotion) on recommendation of someone on here. I will have a look at the Palmers- I didn't know there was one with Ahas, thanks.

Laquila · 01/05/2013 21:07

I've said it before (not on this thread, just to clarify!) and I'll say it again - get yerself a gentle scrub/exfoliation, apply it with a mitt and then moisturise like buggery with the Palmers Cocoa Butter in the green bottle (the one with AHAs in it) - it's miraculous, I tell you ;)

Ledkr · 01/05/2013 21:05

Yes the sun does help lots. I wil try that cream too.
I knew it wasn't just me. Thankyou

OP posts:
maybemyrtle · 01/05/2013 20:38

What cocoplops said. Try exfoliating and moisturising now, the sun will sort it out though.

cocoplops · 01/05/2013 20:34

Could be pilaris keritosis - very common - small red raised pimples often on backs of arms. Mine gets better with getting the sun on it. My dc has it too (cheeks) and a dermatologist said that Eucerin with urea was the best thing for it. Not much clears it though, just one of those things.


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babblington · 01/05/2013 20:30

It's a kind of excema, my sister gets it- lots and lots of moisturiser usually sorts it out.

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