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I have a very important question for you - how old do my hands look? Pic on profile

32 replies

HandsofaCrone · 19/04/2013 15:05


OP posts:
HandsofaCrone · 19/04/2013 18:18

MrsBungle I'm sure you've found it by now but I just realised I told you the polish name wrong - it's Essie Lacquered Up, not All Lacquered Up (that's a nail blog!)

OP posts:
HandsofaCrone · 19/04/2013 16:14

Thanks Moms :)

So in conclusion, my hands do look a bit older than the rest of me but I have nothing to worry about Grin That's assuming the rest of me looks 30 of course, it's hard to tell!

OP posts:
MomsNetCurtains · 19/04/2013 16:06

About 30-35 I'm guessing? LOVE the polish!

HandsofaCrone · 19/04/2013 16:02

(Profile made private again)

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HandsofaCrone · 19/04/2013 15:52

Thanks valium Grin I notice people's hands - but not to make age judgements about them usually! I especially notice men's hands...mmm...can't beat a big rugged male hand.

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valiumredhead · 19/04/2013 15:48

They look like hands Confused Grin

Dear God, are we supposed to be worrying about our hands now as well as everything else? I don't think I have ever even LOOKED at someone's hands and thought they look like anything else but hands!

Nails I notice and yours are pretty OP Grin

HandsofaCrone · 19/04/2013 15:37

Boots stock it MrsBungle :)

OP posts:
IAmJacksRagingBileDuct · 19/04/2013 15:36

I'm late 20s and they look better than mine!

MrsBungle · 19/04/2013 15:36

Nothing wrong with your hands!

HandsofaCrone · 19/04/2013 15:35

Is that because you have scissors for hands Jedward??

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HandsofaCrone · 19/04/2013 15:35

To be fair Vivienne I would choose new hair or a new face over new hands!

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ArtemisatBrauron · 19/04/2013 15:34

I'm 27 and they look very like mine!

JedwardScissorhands · 19/04/2013 15:34

I've just tried to take a picture of my hands; it's surprisingly difficult to get a decent shot!

Viviennemary · 19/04/2013 15:33

There's nothing wrong with your hands. And you're right not many people have an obsession with hands. But I only meant I think it's not very important. I'd rather have lovely hair or face but not that bothered about hands.

newpup · 19/04/2013 15:32

Ha ha. They look like mine and I am 38. Smile

HandsofaCrone · 19/04/2013 15:25

Btw, my name is not meant to indicate that I think people in their mid 40s are or look like crones Grin

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HandsofaCrone · 19/04/2013 15:22

Vivienne I hadn't noticed many other people have an obsession with hands? I do though, prob because I'm obsessed with nail varnish and I would like beautiful hands to go with it.

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Viviennemary · 19/04/2013 15:18

I'd say mid 30's. but it's difficult to tell. I can't understand this obsession with hands. Though Madonna's are totally awful. Good excuse not to exercise!

HandsofaCrone · 19/04/2013 15:18

Anyway, I think they look mid-40s too but I'm only 30 Angry

I'm guessing they're going to look like this by the time I'm 50?

When I was 15 my charming godmother told me I had the hands of a 30 year old :(

OP posts:
MooneyRara · 19/04/2013 15:16

I knew it Smile

HandsofaCrone · 19/04/2013 15:16

Thanks MrsBungle I'm halfway through painting them and it occurred to me my hands look somewhat older than the rest of me. It's Essie All Lacquered Up, the bestest red ever. That's only one coat!

OP posts:
HandsofaCrone · 19/04/2013 15:14

Mooney you're psychic!

Ok so far they look between 25 and 45... Hmm

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Bunbaker · 19/04/2013 15:14

Younger than mine Sad

fuzzywuzzy · 19/04/2013 15:13


MooneyRara · 19/04/2013 15:11

and you work in retail banking, or actually a shop, and you like beouf bourgignon.

and you have a small dog. Smile

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