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You know the Vicks in your toenails thing.....?

69 replies

Gales · 12/04/2013 09:50

Was recomended on here for thick yellow nails. Mine have been awful for years and the proper stuff for dealing with it us v expensive.

Anyway, as I have Vicks, nothing to lose and 3 weeks later my nails are like new!

How/why on earth does that work? And why is no-one marketing it for nails!!

OP posts:
Justinepants · 20/06/2014 12:03

Hmm, I see that I have now been putting Vicks on my infected nail pretty much twice a day for over a year now. I guess it's not working Confused.

I did take some time out last summer as I really couldn't get through the summer without painting my nails but otherwise I've been pretty consistent.

What am I doing wrong?

bedmonster · 21/05/2013 11:56

Herbaceous my 2 nails have white patches in the top corners of the nails. I can see they have spread from being like tiny dots to what they are now. The vicks really did brighten and smooth the nail at the edge, but I really don't believe it's strong enough to kill the infection completely. I went to the doctor who wouldn't prescribe me the tablets (terbasomething or other?!) but suggested the curanail. I am using it now but am dreading it getting worse. I can imagine how quickly it will get worse and reading threads like these, it seems really hard to shift once it's taken hold :(
Good luck :)

herbaceous · 21/05/2013 09:04

All those for whom Vicks has worked, did you have normal-depth nails with just a bit of white fungus, or foul, thick claw-like horrors? Mine are the latter, and while I have seen a small improvement over the past month since I've been doing the Vicks, I'm starting to lose the faith.

Any words of encouragement?

valiumredhead · 20/05/2013 15:39

Try Golden seal tincture - works a treat. I used it on my ds when he was tiny, his nail was nearly gone completely and this sorted it out.

Charliefox · 20/05/2013 15:23

I'm another sheep experimenter who it hasn't worked for. I think mine are just beyond all hope though.

EuroShaggleton · 20/05/2013 13:36

I'm going to give this a go.

I tried the Curanail thing years ago. It didn't help. My nails are following exactly the same pattern as my mum's - same nails affected and everything. I'm not sure if I caught an infection from her, or if it's genetic (we both also have Raynaud's which affects the blood supply to our extremeties, which can apparently cause nail issues).

bedmonster · 20/05/2013 13:10

I had this on my 2 little nails, the vicks seemed to brighten and condition the nails but didn't actually clear the infection. Did it for about 2 months religiously twice a day but even though the nails looked nicer, the infection was definitely still there. And once I gave up on it, pretty much the next day they started to look rubbish again. Am now on Curanail and have been using it for a couple of weeks. You're only supposed to use it once a week but I am considering giving it another coat mid-week.

MrsLettuce · 20/05/2013 13:00

Ach, sorry!

valiumredhead · 20/05/2013 12:58

No not me, don't know anything about Henna Grin

yani · 20/05/2013 12:57


MrsLettuce · 20/05/2013 12:56

Valium - was it you who has all the info on henna and that other natural dye?

No idea about tiger balm. Does need to be on naked, nails whith the surface filed though.

valiumredhead · 20/05/2013 12:54

The ad at the top of this page a moment ago was for nail fungus treatment Grin

DuvetHog · 20/05/2013 12:09

Can you put it over polish or does it have to be a bare nail?

Quenelle · 20/05/2013 10:00

I haven't got any Vicks, would Tiger Balm work? It has the same eye-watering whiff and cold feeling when you rub it on.

randgirl · 20/05/2013 09:59

This is a new one, thanks for the heads up. I do use vicks on the dc feet at night when they coughing.

IHeartKingThistle · 20/05/2013 09:49

Didn't work for me. Someone on here said try cillit bang but I'm too scared!

Justinepants · 20/05/2013 09:25

Jan - I did just the same but now have shiny new pot to use.
Fingers crossed then...

BramblyHedge · 19/05/2013 17:17

It worked for my nasty nails as well

janmoomoo · 19/05/2013 17:13

I persuaded DH to try this on his manky toenails. After three weeks he noticed that the Vicks he was using had an expiry date of 2006!!!

Anyway, he still reckons that it is starting to make a difference and has bought a new pot now.

Justinepants · 19/05/2013 12:53

Just to get back to this, as I've finally bought a pot of Vicks and I really have to sort my manky nail, how do you stop the Vicks rubbing off and over everything else? Socks to bed and not worry too much in the day time?

lupo · 27/04/2013 23:04

god yes Vicks really works. I was so fed up that I started to save for laser treatment and thought I would have one last try with Vicks - didnt work last time but was only doing it once a day. This time use it twice daily with tea tree and literally smother the nails. I have also been takin graefruit oil capsules and within three weeks it has improved so much that I can wear sandals again - literally no trace but still a small amouunt under nail that you cant see when barefoot unless you peer down the nail. Soo pleased but am too scared to paint nails with varnish incase it comes back. Will wait til next summer and make sure its gone.

HintofBream · 25/04/2013 07:57

Thanks MrsL, I think you've nailed it with that unvarniished info. Vicktory will be mine - eventually.


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MrsLettuce · 24/04/2013 20:21

Yeah, that (but no tunneling under the nail) and the infected, thickened skin around the nail/

HintofBream · 24/04/2013 20:10

Yes, MrsLettuce, I have gloomily concluded that I need to wait until they can be concealed in autumnal socks, but will have a go meanwhile at the surrouding areas. A bit TMIish, but when you say 'excavated' do you mean that dry powdery stuff that lurks under the nail?

HopeForTheBest · 24/04/2013 19:23

Yes yes yes, it works!
I read it on here a couple of months ago, and decided to try it while it was still socks-on-winter-weather. I did it every morning.

Surface of nail improved within v. short time - a week or so, and has been getting better and better since.
Something has also been going on underneath the nail, as it not longer looks quite as yucky and disgusting.

I am continuing in the hope that it will at some point completely clear up. It's a miracle!

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