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Is it best to "surprise" DH and come home with short hair?

87 replies

Watfordsue · 04/02/2013 14:07

Hi Girls, I am in a dilema about what to do about cutting my hair. Like most men DH likes it long but I am so desperate to cut it I am scared he will talk me out of it. I am very petite and I always had Pixie cuts till I was about 19 and then grew it as boys liked long hair. Since having DS1 six years ago I started wearing it simply all scraped back in a band permanently off my face, This was great and easy especially when DS2 and DD1 came along! When we manage to get out together I try to make the effort with the heated rollers and wear it loose and curly, DH thinks its sexy. When DD was two last year I felt I needed a job as after spending years with babies I was short of adult conversation and when DH came home it was always baby talk. I managed to get a perfect Part Time job in a local cafe, I absolutely LOVE it, I have gained confidence, got my slim figure back, I feel I am contributing to the family and most importantly I feel so much better about myself. The only problem with working in a cafe is the smell........I come home and stink of food all over me. I tend to shower every morning and again quickly when I get home but the problem is that I just don't have the time to wash my hair daily after work and it stinks of fried food all the time. Even though its scraped back I can smell it round my face and my bedding and pillows stink also. I feel going back to a simple Pixie cut would be perfect, 30 seconds blowing and I will feel great, the problem is DH, if I mention that I would like to cut my hair short, he will probably say how much he likes me long and I will feel guilty cutting it, the other option is to just have it done after work, he then comes home to a sassy new wife and I just surprise him. My friends are undecided on what is best to do, they also have husbands who like long hair! My Mum who went through the same thing with my Dad said it was 10 years before she finally cut hers, I can't put up with this that long. Mum came out with a good line and said, " You are nearly 30, a big mortgage and 3 kids, what can he do!!"

I would appreciate advice on what to do.......

I have posted this on two boards as I am unsure which is best.


OP posts:
seeker · 08/02/2013 14:53

I keep coming back to this thread to depress myself further. I have forgotten the use of the word "sassy"- thank you soooooo much for reminding me. Not.

KristinaM · 08/02/2013 16:57

I blame johnnie Boden

PickledInAPearTree · 08/02/2013 19:07

Waaaaaa! This thread is hilarious.

I only read it to see why it broke seeker.

Now I see. Grin

ledkr · 08/02/2013 19:14

It's shocking isn't it? I particularly like "boys like long hair" do they indeed?

PickledInAPearTree · 08/02/2013 19:21

My favourite was get a new job! Waaaaa!

ledkr · 08/02/2013 19:24

Oh yes if course. Far easier.than washing your sodding hair eh?

PickledInAPearTree · 08/02/2013 19:36

I would quite like my hair to smell like bacon n egg! Grin

ledkr · 08/02/2013 19:47

Yeah make a nice change from fags and beer ha ha

Heifer · 08/02/2013 20:18

Lol at a visual relationship.
I sometimes look like a sack of sh*t but am pretty sure DH still loves me. I can't imagine him saying "no sorry I can't possible shag you with short hair"!!

ledkr · 08/02/2013 20:53

My dh would just be glad of a shag to be honest!

Fanjounchained · 09/02/2013 08:53

Grin ledkr !

Eliza22 · 11/02/2013 09:27

OP, is it done? Smile

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