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Fashion blogs, if I like WIT what else would I like?

25 replies

SunshineOutdoors · 04/02/2013 13:36

I think she's taking a break because of her baby?

I'm bored at home and looking for some inspiration for spring/summer.

Although I will be heavily pregnant so maybe I should just look back at her last years...


OP posts:
Annianni · 08/02/2013 12:15

This one's new, but very good.

monkeysmama · 07/02/2013 08:20

WIT still tweets under her real name (Laura Fantacci)

ThisLittleP · 06/02/2013 20:54

Oh, I'm in total agreement, I miss WIT. I can't wait for her to come back on the scene in full fashionista force!

I really love Atlantic Pacific blog just because she looks so fabulous, and even though she's American, and alot of her gear is higher-end, it's still inspirational (I think) to help dig out stuff from the back of your wardrobe and reinterpret it with new combos.

Check out as well, um, (taps keyboard whilst brain re-engages) (oh-what's-it-called-again-now), um, um Not Dressed As Lamb blog. Blush I thought I'd never get that remembered!

Also, I like Fashion Foie Gras - check it out, you might like it, just for a browse around.

I do blog too (although I gather I'm not allowed to link to it on here, don't want a spanked bottie!). Alot of very budget-conscious stuff in my wardrobe, but I treat myself when I can manage it.

FreePeaceSweet - There was a thread that I saw previously about Mulberry bags, and I recommended Bicester Outlet Village to that lady. For a blowout treat, but with a budget in mind, you can't beat it!

Drywhiteplease · 06/02/2013 20:50

"Worn out blog" damn predictive text!!

Drywhiteplease · 06/02/2013 20:49

I love the Ron out blog.....was wondering which MNetters they were.
Love Susie soso

AmberNectarine · 06/02/2013 19:27

That's twice I've agreed with you this week Hanne

HanneHolm · 06/02/2013 19:01

i hate that zara thing! looks like a quilt from your GRandmas

monkeysmama · 06/02/2013 18:59

I haven't read Susy for a while. Now I have and I really want that beautiful Zara quilted jacket.

browneyedpixie · 06/02/2013 09:56

Love that so susie blog!

bunnymother · 06/02/2013 09:31

You may like to see what some of the original Avid & Wise ladies are wearing at // If you look back about a year ago, one of the ladies was pregnant.

Drywhiteplease · 05/02/2013 22:12
Drywhiteplease · 05/02/2013 22:11

School gates style

Susie soso


All great

browneyedpixie · 05/02/2013 20:21

Ooh will check it out. I blog a bit but I it's been neglected! I do love a fashion blog!

SunshineOutdoors · 05/02/2013 19:58

Thanks for these. I've had a little browse and also found one called 'forever amber' where there is some very reasonably priced nice things.

OP posts:
browneyedpixie · 05/02/2013 19:49

Oh just seen a recent ish tweet that she will be back soon Smile

browneyedpixie · 05/02/2013 19:47

A good maternity one is coco mama style... She does pg and not pg but has disappeared Sad!
Plenty to read back on though!

FaffTastic · 05/02/2013 14:15

Sorry, it's called Kendi Everyday - not Today.

FaffTastic · 05/02/2013 14:12

Does my bum look 40 in this

Kendi today

Wendy's look book

The last 2 are both American but are good for inspirational ideas.

Am sure there's more I look at but can't think of their names at the moment!

TrampyPants · 05/02/2013 14:08

It it would have to be special to spend £50 on it!

TrampyPants · 05/02/2013 14:04

Exactly, I've set mine a limit, £20 make up/skincare (although usually under a fiver and £50 clothes/shoes. Its got to be realistic, ffs!

FreePeaceSweet · 05/02/2013 13:56

Yes Trampy Pants. I've said it before. There is one where the tagline is 'Fashion for the skint yet stylish' and there she is posing in Barbour, Hunters, Mulberry, Michael Kors etc etc. Of course you can be skint yet stylish if these companies are sending you stuff but what about us part time minimum wage earners? :o

TrampyPants · 05/02/2013 07:53

There are some v good blogs around, but I can't bear the ones that talk about being affordable then show chanel stoles...

And mme, thank you


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SunshineOutdoors · 04/02/2013 16:22

Thank you, I will check these out.

OP posts:
Hopefully · 04/02/2013 14:50

I've noticed that most bloggers disappear when pregnant! V hard to take pleasing photos and/or summon the energy to take pleasing photos. I love Casey (currently pregnant), but her style is very vintage. Nice to get some different ideas to Isabella Oliver/JoJo Maman type style though.

MmeLindor · 04/02/2013 13:38
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