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who has shorter than shoulder length hair? whats it cut like!?

23 replies

HeartShapedSaw · 01/02/2013 16:19

My hair is rubbish. Years of bleaching and dying it stupid colours. I have been growing it for four years and have recently henna'd it so colour is finally sorted.

I have a hair appointment tomorrow to get it cut, but no ideas! Its about 5 inches longer than shoulder length at the moment, with layers and a side fringe thing.

Im open to all ideas, I fancy an actual style instead of longish layered hair coz this it what I always have (have booked the expensive salon owner to cut my hair so think I need a re-style to make it worth my while!).

What's your hair like? Nice?

OP posts:
notjustamummythankyou · 03/02/2013 19:51

Oh. Bit late with my reply, but congrats on your new hairdo! Smile

notjustamummythankyou · 03/02/2013 19:50

Another one with straight fine hair but lots of it, and I also have a bob. It's cut into the nape of neck and is jaw length at the front.

I've had it this length for several years now (boring, I know), but have played around with layers, no layers, bit choppy at the front, etc etc. I've got a few long layers cut into it at the moment and its cut so it falls forward onto my jawline.

I love it - it's very easy to look after: drys in three minutes flat with a hairdryer, and looks good even if I just tuck it behind my ears and let it dry naturally. Couldn't cope with anything more taxing in the morning!

polyhymnia · 03/02/2013 19:02

Noticed in church this morning that the graduated bob appears to have become THE cut for the more stylish of the 30-40 something mums (church is in afluent leafy London suburb). Thought they all looked very nice - much more interesting than those who had long hair just sitting there boringly.

My own cut is like the pic Hecate posted, but dark blonde, with highlights . Really like it - and it's easy to do, wth a bit of product. Needs a good cut every 7 weeks, though.

HeartShapedSaw · 03/02/2013 09:40

I did it! Have a lovely sleek graduated bob :) Thanks everyone for your replies!

OP posts:
gregssausageroll · 02/02/2013 09:11

another graduated bob here. I have a brilliant hairdresser though which makes it easier. I am trying to grow it down a bit more at the moment.

HeartShapedSaw · 02/02/2013 08:35

Almost time for the chop! I'm thinking ill probably go for a longish graduated bob like most of you!

OP posts:
Spookey80 · 01/02/2013 21:01

I agree with previous posters,, always thought long hair was the 'thing', but have recently had it cut to shoulder length. Although not much a change in style, it just looks better, and I feel better than ever.

lalalonglegs · 01/02/2013 21:01

I have very thick brown hair which is shortest it has been for years (it's too thick to wear long, it just grows out rather than down Hmm). It's a bit mussed up at front, short over ears and at back. I suppose it could be called a pixie cut but I don't think I have a very pixie-ish face so I shall call it a choppy crop. It takes approximately 75 seconds to blow dry but about 4 minutes of intense scowling in the mirror applying tiny amounts of wax to try and get it right (when I'm due a cut, I start looking like George Michael c. Careless Whisper...).

ouryve · 01/02/2013 20:23

Mine is thick, wavy and wiry and cut a bit like Nick Clegg's [unhelpful]

Seriously, I have it very short. It just grows outwards and looks frumpy any longer. And no wispy bits cut into it. They don't make it more feminine, they just stick out.

MrsRogerSterling · 01/02/2013 20:17

Just had my hair cut last week from long layered bra strap length to this and love it.

Fanjounchained · 01/02/2013 20:09

Oh and used to have hair down past my shoulders. Got it all chopped off and wouldn't go back to it. More time to put my face on in the morning !

Fanjounchained · 01/02/2013 20:08

I have cropped blonde hair...think they call it a pixie cut Grin

Pictish - love the colour of your hair (just started a thread about dying my hair red) what colour do you use ?

scarlet76 · 01/02/2013 19:28

I have a bob that is cut into my neck line at the back, is very slightly graduated and jaw length at the front. I have fine hair but lots of it. I can wear it with my natural wave or straighten it for a sleeker look. I don't think I'll ever bother growing my hair again!!
Agree with others that this style requires a good stylist.

HeartShapedSaw · 01/02/2013 16:55

i do think long hair is overrated. it is very... like draining for the face shape!

OP posts:
VestaCurry · 01/02/2013 16:54

Do take in pictures of styles you like.

VestaCurry · 01/02/2013 16:53

The actress who plays the pathologist in 'Lewis'. My hairstyle is similar to hers but 'funkier' if that makes sense! Maybe because of the products I use on it to finish the style. It's very low maintenance, I can either use a blow dry product before drying it with hair dryer, but I don't need to, it looks great even if I just swish the hair dryer around it (low heat setting). I then use a 'rough' hair paste - tiny bit rubbed between hands and I just scrunch it in. Gives it definition and the funkier look.

My hair has changed as I have aged (am in late 40's now), it has become much more porous and it has thinned out (it has always been fine but I used to have a lot more of it).

I used to wear it in various styles of a bob, which looked great, but doesn't anymore due to the way my hair had changed. I love my new style, realise I suit my hair short and it makes me look much younger (so I'm told). Hurrah!

Peggotty · 01/02/2013 16:52

I have a graduated bob (but not too graduated iykwim) after a few years of wishy washy longish/wavyish layered hair and I haven't regretted it either. Looks good from the back as it sits nicely on the nape of my neck and good from front as it frames my face. Easy to style etc as well.

HecateWhoopass · 01/02/2013 16:52

sort of like this

Or it was. It's grown out now and looks a mess. I need it doing again.

HeartShapedSaw · 01/02/2013 16:49

ooh pictish my hair is almost the same colour as yours :)

i was thinking a bob, a longish one like this

is it not much maintenance then? my hair is pretty straight.

OP posts:
chicaguapa · 01/02/2013 16:40

I have a bob, but it's layered with a bit of body. My hairdresser tried for ages to get me to agree to a bob as the sleek cuts are really in at the moment. He said it's hard to get a well-cut bob as I told him I'd been put off by other people's. If you've got the top stylist you should be ok.

pictish · 01/02/2013 16:35

I have short dyed red hair there's a pic on my profile. That's it when it's quite grown out really - I would be considering a hair cut at that stage...but you get the general idea.

notMarlene · 01/02/2013 16:33

Sorry.'s in line with my hair line at the back...


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notMarlene · 01/02/2013 16:32

I have a razor sharp bob its with my hairline at the back and a bit longer than jaw length at the front.

It's amazing and hardly any work - needs a damn good hairdresser though and my hair is dead straight, fine but thick. Would probably be much more work if my hair type was different.

I really, really love it! Was halfway down my back before I had it chopped and I've not regretted it for a second.

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