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What is your clothes budget?

135 replies

crosstraineraddict · 09/10/2012 12:57

Mine isn't very big; I'd say maybe £50 per month, most of which is spent in Primark, or very occasionally TopShop.

So many people seem to have such big clothing budgets and it makes me wonder how they can afford it. I follow several style and clothing blogs each week and all the writers seem to have vast amounts of money to spend on clothes.

How much do you spend per month?

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Bumblequeen · 10/10/2012 23:18

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Imlostwithoutahope · 11/10/2012 00:04

I struggle to find anything I like in primark or h and m. They look lovely on everyone else but like shite on me and I think i Lack imagination to put an outfit together. That's why I like oasis, it's all there together and I can buy the outfit already matching iykwim.
I don't tend to buy much december to march as I hate the sales and the weathers too depressing for shopping. I'm also quite tight so won't pay boden prices for clothes. I honestly feel that £100 a month doesn't actually buy you much these days. I would struggle with £100 a year budget.

I guess as long as you don't get into debt for it and all the bills are paid etc its all relative. I like clothes and shopping and there's always something I need. Even now whilst thinking i should cut down and save the money I'm debating a new winter/waterproof coat at £150 !

Bumblequeen · 11/10/2012 00:21

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Hopefully · 11/10/2012 06:31

True that £100 a month doesn't buy much any more. A pair of Clarks boots with a discount code cost me £80, and I bought four tops in H&M yesterday for £50-odd. Throw in the odd extra pair of trousers, some workwear and a complete wedding/party outfit at £150-200 once a year and you're easily up to that. Clothing is just expensive now.

I am also astonished at how hard it is to get cotton/wool etc on the high st now. I went out specifically to buy high cotton content tops yesterday as a blog experiment and in an effort to buy cheaper ones than my usual ridiculously expensive go-to brand, and H&M was literally the only place to offer cotton, decent length (in only a couple of styles) and something other than black or white. I remember buying an 80% wool coat from Topshop when I was at school. It was a big investment at £90 or something, but you can't even get 80% wool on the high street any more.

Hopefully · 11/10/2012 06:32

Bumble I find expensive clothing a real incentive to stay the same weight! No way can I afford to replace the Hobbs/Brora/expensive suiting in my wardrobe!

Bumblequeen · 11/10/2012 08:01

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crosstraineraddict · 11/10/2012 09:10

Bumble, Primark have got a gorgeous black lace dress in stock for £13! Definitely a bargain if you're wanting a lace dress

OP posts:
ShotgunNotDoingThePans · 11/10/2012 09:11

Ooh if we're doing wish lists, here's mine:
Ankle boots (ditto re. non-mumsy)
Dark red ballets
Couple of dresses, probably knitted
Fitted shortish cardi with long sleeves
Couple of non-slouchy lightweight jumpers
Fitted feminine coat in decent fabric (non-boxy/manly/long).

Realistically, will probably manage the ballets, plus one dress and maybe a couple of bits of knitwear.

Alibabaandthe40nappies · 11/10/2012 09:36

Hopefully - I have found that FatFace have got a high cotton content in a lot of their clothes this season - whether they are your style I don't know. I have got a really lovely mulberry coloured jumper dress that is mostly wool and cotton with a bit of stretch and the styling is quite nice - zip up the back and a tulip shape to the bottom of the dress.
John Rocha have some organic cotton long sleeved tops but they were vile with horrid frilly bits around the neckline.
Seasalt online have 100% cotton clothes.

Shotgun - look in Monsoon for dresses. They have got lots of knitted ones, many at under £60 which is pretty good IMO. Minimal polyester involved as well.

shineonucrazydiamond · 11/10/2012 10:12

Ali - oh I don't worry about starving the children! As long as I have nice clothes then I'm happy and that's the main thing, right? Grin

I recently lost some weight and have reached the holy grail of size 8-10. I am amazed to find myself liking some of the stuff in Primark. I have always been vocal about how much I hate it but I decided to have a look in there the other day and ended up spending a fair bit. They have some great slouch tops and i bought two lovely jackets. Also really liked some other tops and a couple of the dresses.

I mainly buy from New Look, TopShop and Fat Face though

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