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So those who read WIT's blog

86 replies

MrsCampbellBlack · 26/08/2012 18:26

Now I love her blog and think she seems lovely. But I am such a meanie as follow her on twitter and am just smiling to myself at her hunt for a coming home dress - I'm assuming from hospital post-birth.

She has just linked to a cream silk dress.

So is the coming home dress from hospital a new thing? God knows I love an oppertunity to shop but that really never occurred to me.

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IShallPracticeMyCurtsey · 30/08/2012 10:27

Right, I just went on to her Twitter specifically to have a look at this dress.

It rather made me weep for loveliness.


AmberNectarine · 29/08/2012 19:56

Apart from the bleeding, when the baby is first born is probably her best opportunity to wear cream for the next five years. At least a newborn won't be coming at you covered in chocolate/paint/tomato/mud.

I just cannot imagine wanting to get my gladrags on post my 30hr labour, episotomy and forceps delivery. Even after DD who was a six hour cinch with only 20 stitches I wouldn't have fancied it. Yoga pants are your friend, WIT.

lurkingaround · 29/08/2012 19:53

Didn't know about the all white honeymoon stuff either. Oh dear.

And I agree with another poster, why on earth would you smother your delicious, edible baby smell with perfume?!!!! It's a little sad she might miss that. Hopefully reality will bite.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 29/08/2012 19:43

'Playing mother' sounds spot on actually. Cream dresses and baby perfume and buying zillions of outfits are the playing - reality is the leaky boobs and muslin squares, and baby living in babygrows for months because everything else needs ironing etc.

I didn't know about the all-white honeymoon wardrobe. Now that really IS bonkers!

MrsCampbellBlack · 29/08/2012 19:38

The thing is now that so many people have said cream is mad to her on twitter that she's backed into a corner. I suspect she is channelling Sophia Loren playing new mother in the 1950's.

And she'll probably do it Smile

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notyummy · 29/08/2012 19:15

I am torn here. Yes laughing at people isn't nice, and doubtless she will look a LOT better leaving hospital than I did (I still have the photo that DH insisted on taking....luckily DD looked cute, but my moon faced kaftan wearing look was NOT!) However - WIT, Get A Grip, Woman. Cream?! Are you mad....?

lurkingaround · 29/08/2012 18:34

Now that I've kids (and even before I had children) I feel so sorry for princess Di after her babies. Rem her photo shoot on day 2 or 3 or something completely unreasonable like that? All dressed, hair done, make-up on, looking lovely, boobs bursting, bruised bum, episiotomy/section scar, sweating, knackered, still fat, wondering will you make it to the car, and the wonderful day 3 blues.

What an absolute nightmare.

cashmere · 29/08/2012 18:10

You never know she might pull it off. She could stay in a nice private hospital for a week, have a maternity nurse to do night feeds and choose to bottle feed.
The worst of the bleeding/leaking might be over then.

Prob not though, I was sweating for weeks! Also not much you can do about baby sick!

kensingtonkat · 29/08/2012 18:04

I am being mean, I know, but all these "Ooh look at me!" blogs do so invite a collective rolling of the eyes.

I do like WIT's style and I love Red but it is irksome that she's endlessly plugging fugly Smythson £200 notebooks and £60 Bliss Spa manicures that she's getting for free on the sly. At least Atlantic Pacific and the Jessica Quirke blog are honest about their 'courtesy of' items.

MrsCampbellBlack · 29/08/2012 17:52

Remus I so know you are sat there right now in your studded leopard print louboutins Wink

I think some bloggers are honest when they get free stuff but a lot aren't. But as a fashion editor she's presumbably going to get a discount everywhere Envy

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RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 29/08/2012 17:14

Most fashion blogs acknowldege if something is a freebie though - does WIT?

I think she is a bit bonkers - she'd have to be to wear those godawful shoes she's so fond of. :)

SeventhEverything · 29/08/2012 17:11

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MrsCampbellBlack · 29/08/2012 17:04

Oh kensington don't be mean - she's sweet. And of course she gets freebies she's a fashion/shopping editor.

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dexter73 · 29/08/2012 16:56

I think it is just naivety kensingtonkat.

kensingtonkat · 29/08/2012 15:45

If you don't think buying an all-new honeymoon wardrobe of exclusively white items isn't narcissism, I'm struggling to think what is. I laughed at the cream silk dress and I don't even have kids. It'll be September, she'll freeze her no doubt perfect little titties off in her Portland hospital photoshoot, never mind in the taxi home.

I've gone right off WIT since a brand consultant told me her wardrobe and especially her accessories are almost all freebies and trade price buys which she plugs on the blog and on her twitter feed in order to get more free stuff.

We've all got to make a living somehow, but at least be honest about it on your blog. It does explain her gopping style choices now and then.

blue2711 · 29/08/2012 14:56

I like WIT too and can relate to her excitement and naivety. I thought carefully about what to wear home too (nothing super stylish, just black maternity leggings, long black vest, nice loose non-maternity jumper, great scarf and boots. I looked OK-ish I think, considering). But bless her, her going home dress options are just silly: cream and also they have WAISTS. How on earth would that work with your big jelly tummy?? I'm dying to see what happens...

Emo76 · 29/08/2012 14:40

Yes yes mrscb re iron. She needs a new bag for it too! But where to fit it what with the whale music CDs, aromatherapy burner and designer stretch mark cream. Should take a small ironing board too and linen spray. Perhaps I should tweet these unsolicited gems of advice along with my top tip? Packet of biscuits and Ribena cartons ;-)

MrsCampbellBlack · 29/08/2012 14:34

I was wondering about her discount Emo.

I'm still worrying about how crumpled her cream silk dress will get in a hospital bag - she needs to take her travel iron with her.

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Emo76 · 29/08/2012 14:31

Oh and I came home from first one in leggings, t shirt and Dh coat which made me look like a football manager! How chic!

Emo76 · 29/08/2012 14:30

I don't think the message re cream not being a good idea got through as she's asking on twitter for opinions on two cream dresses! She must get fantastic discounts through her work, lucky thing!

QueenMaeve · 27/08/2012 16:18

I have to admit for my pfb coming home I bought new jeans and top. Of course I ridiculously imagined I would fit into them, cue tearful call to dh to bring maternity clothes over to hospital.
With the subsequent dc I knew better Grin

lurkingaround · 27/08/2012 15:35

Isn't it a wonder tho, that her friends/sisters/mother whoever, hasn't quietly suggested to her that cream silk may not be the wisest choice?


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MrsCampbellBlack · 27/08/2012 15:09

I actually came home in a maternity wrap dress as the jeans I'd packed rubbed my c-section scar. And birkenstocks and seriously I am as far away as possible from being a birkenstock wearer but they were the only things that went over my incredibly swollen feet.

OP posts:
Jcee · 27/08/2012 15:07

I look back fondly on my excitement/mad planning for DD - god knows what planet I was on. As it turned out all my planning and careful packing of the hospital bag was in vain.

Went into labour during a massive snowstorm and it was freezing on the trip to hospital and as my coat didn't do up around me, I went wearing huge wrap thing over the coat bundled up like the mitchellin man.

Ended up with an EMCS and for some inexplicable reason DP took my bag home whilst I was being moved to the post natal ward and despite careful and detailed instructions, each day brought in random and unnecessary items in a selection of carrier bags. On the day i was being discharged he brought me a pair of jeans i couldnt do up and a top i hadnt worn in years that he must have dug out of the back of the wardrobe, coupled with the coat, wrap and carrier bags I looked like a tramp....not my most stylish moment....

Meggles76 · 27/08/2012 14:55

So I love WIT and her style. But I did smile when I read on twitter about the cream silk coming home outfit.
Like her, I had no idea just how much my life was about to change. I packed all kinds of lovely things in my lovely maternity bag.
The reality was my waters broke suddenly at midnight in bed and my husband rushed me through A&E, shouting 'my wife's having a baby.' I was trickling fluid everywhere so not my finest look.
After the birth, which was very straight forward, I was shattered and went home in black yoga pants and a white vest top with a scarf.

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