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80's Party outfit - advice please

28 replies

welshmum · 10/02/2006 11:20

This probably shouldn't be in style but....I've got an 80's party to attend and I'm keen to do it properly. Any ideas for a pop star I could go as and how I could do the outfit/make up hair?

OP posts:
welshmum · 20/02/2006 19:58

Ginerbear - thanks for all the advice.
I found a gold coloured dress in a vintage shop, have black plastic stilletos, wide belt, blonde wig and huge hoop earrings - outift looks very Debbie Harry.
My face makes if look more Diana Dors...but what the hell

OP posts:
Gingerbear · 19/02/2006 16:26

The red mni dress she wore singing 'Sunday Girl' was my fave.

Gingerbear · 19/02/2006 16:24
she looks like a drag queen here

Gingerbear · 19/02/2006 16:23 - she was gorgeous wasn't she?

Gingerbear · 19/02/2006 16:21

smudgy black eyeliner and short short dress.
They may think that you are Tina Turner though!

welshmum · 19/02/2006 16:08

I have bought a platinum wig and decided to go as Debbie Harry, long story but I sing with a covers band very occasionally. So...Debbie Harry tips anyone? tks for all suggestions so far.

OP posts:
frodo · 10/02/2006 20:33

leg warmers were in then, Iused to wear them and dont forget the human league style xx

Latz · 10/02/2006 20:28

and don't forget the blue eyeliner inside the eyes and the stripey blusher

ScummyMummy · 10/02/2006 20:28

The eighties are so back! You're going to have no probs. Go to topshop, definitely.

Cam · 10/02/2006 20:27

Go as the girl from Haysie Fantasie

noddyholder · 10/02/2006 20:27

lady diana blue eyeshadow flicky hair piecrust collars!

Tortington · 10/02/2006 20:26

omg, yes - blue mascara! deffo

back combed hair

big pink plastic earings

lace gloves - you can get lace gloves in charity shops and cut the fingers off

andything pastel or cerise
big belts

long pastel shirt, leggings big red belt red lipstick

orangina · 10/02/2006 19:36

don't forget the plastic jewellery (I'm sure you can get all of this stuff in top shop or new look right now....!)

alexsmum · 10/02/2006 19:35

blue mascara! and that coloured mascara stuff you could put in your hair- and don't forget to drench your hair in elnett and do lots of backcombing!!

orangina · 10/02/2006 19:34

quickly watch "Working Girl" for all the big hair and scary make up inspiration you need.....!

Whizzz · 10/02/2006 19:32

Don't forget BIG hair !

welshmum · 10/02/2006 19:09

It's not for two weeks but I've only got this weekend to get the bits and bobs I'll need. Don't know if I'm brave enough to post a photo....

OP posts:
RTKangaMummy · 10/02/2006 12:24

Is it tomorrow night?

please post a photo before you go

pixie boots

welshmum · 10/02/2006 12:23

I'm going to look a right fright
Thanks for the help all x

OP posts:
RTKangaMummy · 10/02/2006 12:23

bat wing sleeves

shoulder pads

RTKangaMummy · 10/02/2006 12:22

black eyeliner in east sussex

loads of eyeshadow

purple and silver highlighting up by the eyebrow

welshmum · 10/02/2006 12:20

Looks like leggings, baggy top, lace and necklaces might be the way to go.
Anyone remember much about the make up?
Was it pale face and red lips and loads of black eye shadow or was that just N Wales? I can't recall....

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RTKangaMummy · 10/02/2006 12:17

Jackie you beat me to it I just came back to the laptop to say BG

JackieNo · 10/02/2006 12:05

Boy George? (I know he's not a woman, but plenty copied his 'look' at the time). Or Bananarama ?

RTKangaMummy · 10/02/2006 12:00

here if you have long hair -- do the FLICK

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