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Been thinking about a one to one make up lesson for a while now, any recommendations please?

31 replies

BarryStar · 11/02/2012 17:33

I feel as if I've been wearing the same make up, day in and day out, for ever now. Well, actually, I have been wearing the same make up day in and day out, no 'feel' about it. My excuse is that I have fairly dark colouring, and so very few colours suit me, other than the ones I use religiously.

However, its got to the stage now where I feel like some sort of ageing hippy, and I feel like one of those batty old women school girls laugh at. I need updating. I need new ideas. I need inspiring. I need a complete overhaul.

I'd like a proper makeup lesson from someone who really knows their stuff. I'm a bit reluctant to use department store beauty counters because I feel that they must have an agenda to sell their own products? I live in the south east so can get into London fairly easily, or actually, I'm willing to travel (yes it's that bad!).

Does anyone have any ideas/recommendations please?

OP posts:
XingMing · 04/01/2019 18:06

Alyson Walsh, who blogs as That's Not My Age, uses a make up artist in South London who does lessons and makeovers in her home. If you look under the Beauty heading, it comes up.

ABridalArtist · 04/01/2019 17:00

Hey ladies. I am a professional makeup artist and I provide personal makeover lessons. Give me call or message on 07872482730 for more info.

RosinaAlmaviva · 23/08/2018 00:09

Another recommendation for Bobbi Brown (I went to the Covent Garden store) - they're really good and although of course they only use their own products, it's free, so you could do it as an add-on to lessons you pay for. BB are ideal if you want a "me but better" look.

Squ1ggle · 22/08/2018 19:26

This is something I've been thinking about too as I am hopeless at makeup. I was considering a Mac session but would welcome recommendations for an independent based in Manchester or the North West

Joonyballoony · 22/08/2018 18:21

Hi, I'm new here so bear with!! I want to treat my daughter and I to a make-up lesson for our milestone birthdays that are coming up. Any suggestions for London and the South East please?

gemma44 · 11/11/2015 12:00

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HattieG · 15/02/2012 22:58

I've had a Jemma Kidd masterclass at my home with friends and can defintely recommend it if you are looking for expert advice without the hard sell. You get a really interactive lesson so you leave really feeling like you really know what you are doing and feeling confident in using new techniques. You get to have the lesson with your friends too so you all get to spur each other on! (and the added benefit of not sitting bare faced at a make up counter!!) If you miss the LittleBird offer you can book direct here too, which is what I did, and it's still only £20 each.

Maraki · 12/02/2012 23:08

Second Bobbi Brown. If you book in advance, they will give you a full makeup lesson for free. Their makeup is gorgeous and not 'drag queen' style and hey if it's good enough for the future queen of England....(kate)

TerraNotSoFirma · 12/02/2012 20:23

They use all different brands at JK school.

fluffylegs · 12/02/2012 20:07

Does the Jemma Kidd school only use JK products though? You'd want a makeup artist who is not affiliated with a particular brand wouldn't you?

GeetTallBird · 12/02/2012 19:29

I really like Pixiwoo and Lauren Luke on YouTube.

pluckingupcourage · 12/02/2012 14:17

I think that youtube is your friend here. Lisa Eldridge has great videos with suggestions on products/techniques for looking your best, not too theatrical (and suggestions for different age groups). Or you could find (out of the many youtube makeup artists) one that matches your colouring?

Clytaemnestra · 12/02/2012 13:46

I get a lot out of Temptalia, she's a bit ad heavy nowadays, but if you look in tutorials then you should find some really useful things for base as well as for more going out style looks.

violetbunny · 12/02/2012 09:36

Bobbi Brown offer makeup lessons at their counters - just phone the counter and book in advance. I had one and it was really great - they went through all the steps of applying everything (skincare as well as makeup).

mumzy · 12/02/2012 08:52

My colleague had a make up session at Selfridges just before her wedding and she looked amazing definetly recommend it

BarryStar · 11/02/2012 18:50

Have pm'd you Havingkittens.

OP posts:
BarryStar · 11/02/2012 18:35

Not heard of Littlebird Roxie, thanks for the info.

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mrsmartin · 11/02/2012 18:34

Oh my word roxie that is a great deal - I've just bought it and will have a couple of friends over to do it at home - no time to go to london. Never heard of little bird but will use again (use groupon all of the time).

Barry why not get the offer and just have them come round to your house - it is basically a private consultation for £60 - bargain.

ItsRoxie · 11/02/2012 18:25

LittleBird are currently doing a deal on the JK school for £60 instead of £200. Seems to be only the Perfecting Skin course or a bespoke course at home options though, not 1:1.

Have used Littlebird for their offers before and they're fine, similar deals to Groupon etc.

BarryStar · 11/02/2012 18:12

Ooh, Havingkittens, just seen your post, off to read your pm. Thanks.

OP posts:
BarryStar · 11/02/2012 18:08

I'm very taken with the Jemma Kidd idea, I want someone to actually look at me and say "this will look ok on you" etc. If I try and learn myself from a YouTube tutorial, I forecast disaster - but thank you for the suggestion anyway Hopefully.

ruby, I will pm you if that's ok.

OP posts:
Havingkittens · 11/02/2012 18:07

I could probably help you. Have PMd you some info.


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mrsmartin · 11/02/2012 18:03

Ms eldridge is good - I'm think you could learn a fair bit but if you only have old claggy make up at home you would need to fork out to get the product to practice with.

mrsmartin · 11/02/2012 18:00

barryy - no I'm plain old (or rather young) Steph martin - sorry :o

I have no idea who this lisa eldridge woman is - off to google as people seem to look to her as some beauty guru - hope it isn't another lauren luke!!

Anyway - Jemma Kidd = professional make up artists, great make up to learn with, lovely environment (take the train as apparently there is bubbly Wink) and zero pressure to buy.

Hopefully · 11/02/2012 17:53

The Lisa Eldridge site has lots of good tutorial videos.

If you want to throw money at it in a big way, getting your colours and make up done with House of Colour/Colour me Beautiful/an independent stylist could be an option?

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