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how do you fit in time for exercise?

13 replies

csemum · 29/05/2011 22:03

Before getting pregnant, I was super fit and loved going for long cardio workouts, pilates classes, bikram yoga etc! However during my pregnancy I got really bad anemia which meant that I had to take it easy re exercise. My DD is now 16 weeks old and I am dying to get back into working out. I'm not bothered about losing weight but really want to feel toned and strong again. Apart from doing DVDs in your living room (tried that), how do you lovely mums fit exercise into your life?

OP posts:
bettysbeauty · 29/05/2011 22:17

Walking, but there are sometimes groups in local parks where you can take baby out in buggy and local one is called bums, mum's and tums..or something like that :) google for your area :)

snowmummy · 29/05/2011 22:32

I run a couple of evenings a week after the kids are in bed.

KristinaM · 29/05/2011 23:52

I go to a gym with a creche

JanetPlanet · 29/05/2011 23:55

Run with the pram. Also joined a buggy fit class or I used to put him in his bumbo or surround him with toys and do an exercise DVD.

BeerTricksPotter · 30/05/2011 00:02

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CliffTumble · 30/05/2011 00:03

I cycle to work, walk to all the toddler activities and
Go to the gym once a week.

notyummy · 30/05/2011 07:55

DVDs as you mentioned- although if you are used to working out then it hs worth investing in 2/3 that will really push you. Most are in no way a proper workout. Get some weights and you can also circuit train at home - Matt Roberts has a couple of books with good home workout weights circuits in.

Walking with pushchair as much as possible, ideally with extra shopping in!

Running 2/3 times a week as well as soon as DH is back. Started as soon as pelvic floor felt up to it!

MavisG · 30/05/2011 08:37

Getting a sling and using instead if buggy as much as poss. (mei tei best for me). DVDs, too.

BelieveInLife · 30/05/2011 13:17

Get up at 6am and go to the gym before hubby starts work, do the shred dvd with toddler underfoot during the day and run with the dogs in the evening. Hard to get motivated sometimes but you've got to do what you can, when you can imo and walking just doesn't cut it for me :-)

ManicAnnie · 30/05/2011 13:19

I have tried 9and failed) all sorts of routines.

Now I do the 30 Day Shred DVD 5 x evenings a week (as soon as kids are in bed, before I eat dinner). It's only 25 mins and keeps me reasonably fit.

I also do a pilates DVD at least once over the weekend, whenever I can fit it in.

AnnieLobeseder · 30/05/2011 13:21

I leave the DDs with their dad
I get up early and work out while they're all in bed
I got a running buggy when DD1 was small and took her out running with me

Those buggy exercise classes might be ideal for you now, just to get back into exercise

willybreeder · 30/05/2011 14:08

I'm with MavisG, put your baby in a sling - then once they're strong enough a backpack and walk everywhere!!

willybreeder · 30/05/2011 14:09

I'm with MavisG, put your baby in a sling - then once they're strong enough a backpack and walk everywhere!!

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