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Create your own Christmas Decoration Moodboard and share with Homebase for a chance to win a £1,000 Homebase Voucher. NOW CLOSED

26 replies

ZaneMumsnet · 27/11/2015 12:32

With only a few short weeks left until Christmas, Homebase wants to know how Mumsnetters decorate their homes this holiday season.

Here’s what Homebase say: “Homebase has everything you need to host the perfect Christmas. With over 250 stores packed full of Christmas goodies and thousands more products online, you’ll be sure to find that little something that makes Christmas feel extra special. If you need decorative inspiration look no further than your local store for beautiful seasonal displays to help make your home spectacular inside and out”.

Homebase are asking you to create your own Christmas decoration moodboard on Pinterest with inspiration for decorating your home for Christmas. From the Christmas stockings hanging over your fireplace, to the sparkly tinsel and multi-coloured lights spicing up your Christmas tree, and everything in between – pin all your decorative experiences on your moodboard and share with Homebase.

To share your delightful decorations, carefully follow the guidelines below.

  1. Create a moodboard on Pinterest full of Christmas decorating inspiration - think decorations, table arrangements, dressing the Christmas tree and beautiful homeware.

  2. You can pin content from Homebase and anywhere else that’s inspires you. For inspiration, take a look at our own board here.

  3. Tag your moodboard with #HomebaseMumsnetXmas

  4. Then submit your board URL in the form here to enter.

    Everyone who creates and sends us a link to their moodboard will be entered into a prize draw where one lucky Mumsnetter will win a £1,000 Homebase voucher.

    Thanks and best of luck,
Create your own Christmas Decoration Moodboard and share with Homebase for a chance to win a £1,000 Homebase Voucher. NOW CLOSED
Create your own Christmas Decoration Moodboard and share with Homebase for a chance to win a £1,000 Homebase Voucher. NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
ZaneMumsnet · 22/03/2016 17:44

Hi all, the winner of the competition is AimeeLeeeee

Apologies, we posted on Winners' Corner 2016, but forgot to here. Thank you all so much for your entries, they were fantastic and it was a tough one to choose from!

OP posts:
AngelieMumsnet · 25/01/2016 09:47

Hi everyone, this competition is now closed and we will be announcing the winner soon :)

Queenbean · 24/01/2016 22:08

Has this deadline passed?

purplepandas · 04/01/2016 20:28

And importantly, who won! Any news MN?

duckbilled · 04/01/2016 18:10

Also wondering when the deadline was? Smile

Hygge · 29/12/2015 05:56

I don't know the deadline, but I've really been enjoying updating my mood board throughout December.

I might start a new one for next Christmas Xmas Grin

purplepandas · 27/12/2015 15:57

Does anyone know when the deadline is for this? Thanks.

DingleberryFinn · 22/12/2015 20:04

I just tried to upload my URL but it won't let me??

SpangleDragon · 11/12/2015 08:46


Doilooklikeatourist · 10/12/2015 21:41

Well , I think I've entered ( clueless )

Hopezibah · 10/12/2015 12:55

when is the deadline please?

KathyCantDoInteriors · 06/12/2015 14:27

Done but no idea if I've done it correctly.....

Cheesecakefactory · 04/12/2015 01:43

Done I have enjoyed making my board. I also hope I have tagged correctly. Xmas Smile

Hygge · 02/12/2015 19:37

Done. For now anyway, I'm sure I'll add more.

That was so much fun I forgot about the competition and just wanted to get the Christmas Tree out and put the Christmas music on (and move to Finland, own a reindeer, learn to knit, and cook something fabulous and covered in cranberries).

regularbutpanickingabit · 02/12/2015 18:05


TelephoneIgnoringMachine · 01/12/2015 01:24

Done. Although I will almost certainly add some more...

insan1tyscartching · 29/11/2015 18:38

Ooh that's pretty much dd's DT homework, will get her to wander over to Pinterest for ideas, maybe she will want to share hers.

Theimpossiblegirl · 29/11/2015 11:51

How do we know if we've tagged it correctly?

BathshebaDarkstone · 29/11/2015 08:58

Great, how do I join Pinterest? Blush

Reastie · 29/11/2015 07:43

How do I do the tagging on Pinterest?

Cocacolaandchocolate · 28/11/2015 16:09

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

AGrinWithoutACat · 28/11/2015 08:58

Done, already had one started but this has inspired me to add some more pins Xmas Grin

Hope I have tagged it correctly I have added the hashtag to the board description - does anyone know if that's right?


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duckbilled · 28/11/2015 07:48

Done! That was fun, feel very festive [santa]

Theimpossiblegirl · 28/11/2015 00:09

I have just created my first moodboard! I see why people get so hooked on Pinterest now.

JasperDamerel · 27/11/2015 23:42

When is the deadline?

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