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NOW CLOSED Talk to Stork about your favourite things to bake, and discuss 'Bake Brave' for World Baking Day 2013. £100 Baking hamper to be won

133 replies

KatieBMumsnet · 13/05/2013 09:57

World Baking Day is on Sunday 19th of May and to coincide with this Stork would love to hear what you think of this year's theme "Bake Brave".

Stork say: "World Baking Day is a global event sponsored by Stork and the theme for 2013 is to 'Bake Brave'. From novice to master baker, food blogger to food celebrity, World Baking Day has been introduced to inspire people to step out of their baking comfort zone and master a cake they've never baked before."

For this year's theme, 100 recipes of varying difficulty have been developed and can be found here

Please take a look at the recipes and come back to this thread to let us know what you think. Which recipe would you try to 'Bake Brave' with? Are there any that you've already mastered?

Please also share your favourite treats to bake as well as any top baking tips you may have for other MNers or for getting kids into baking.

Everyone who shares their thoughts on this thread will be entered into a prize draw, where one MNer will win a £100 Baking hamper filled with sweet treats and baking goodies.

Thanks and good luck,


OP posts:
prakattack · 19/05/2013 17:54

I bake with my 3 yr old a lot - it turned into our one-on-one time after his little brother was born and we'd bake when baby brother slept in the afternoons.
We're never massively adventurous though and tend to stick to cakes, flapjacks, scones etc.
He loves it and it's really good to encourage him to start reading/ counting/ measuring etc.
Looking at the website, all the cakes look amazing! I think I'd rate myself about halfway up the ladder and I would try the Chocolate Cake with Greek Yoghurt (number 54) - looks gorgeous!

Kbear · 19/05/2013 18:02

I love to bake and have my old faithfuls - cherry and almond cake, apple and blueberry cake and banana bread, but today's bake was inspired by someone in my office going to Sicily on holiday and bringing back Pasta di Mandorla - amazing almond cookies.... I am addicted to almond and I thought I'd give them a go. They are just out of the oven ....

stealthsquiggle · 19/05/2013 20:05

10yo DS baked a cake, a quiche, some mars bar krispie cake and a chocolate cream pie today Grin 6yo DD made big chocolate cake and mini almond cakes yesterday, so I think we did baking day justice.

CMOTDibbler · 19/05/2013 20:27

It was last night, but I made a 4 layer choc cake with raspberry and chocolate swiss meringue buttercream and 24 raspberry and white choc muffins.
Though a new recipe, the choc cake didn't require bravery but I did have a traumatic moment when the raspberry buttercream split when I added the raspberry coulis. But I beat it like buggery and it came good. And tasted amazing

KatieBMumsnet · 20/05/2013 10:03

Thank you for all your comments. The winner of the prize draw is...


Congratulations, I'll PM you to get your details.

OP posts:
Glitterfairys · 20/05/2013 10:36

Thank you Katie , I've replied to your pm . I'm so pleased I won , I never win anything Smile

SarahAndFuck · 20/05/2013 12:00

Well done Glitterfairys Smile

Glitterfairys · 21/05/2013 16:40

Thank you Sarah Smile

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